Mid Air Turrets still exploitable
Hm… I dunno, what to say…
Arena.net never really cared about fixing turrets. They just wanted this eyesore gone, so people can go back to being hyped for the HoT release.
I don’t know, whether their strategy will pay off in the long run, though.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
There are no melee classes.
Everyone has ranged weapons.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
You’d think they would at least look at this bug while they were re-working the turrets. I’m a Turreteer and have never once used this, because it’s ridiculously unfair. I also haven’t seen it in a game (yet), but maybe it’s just ‘cause I’ve been playing less lately.
Well I guess the nerf to engi is not as bad since you can place them pretty much in mid air…
choose one:
a) make turrets have no cast time
b) make turrets root you during casting time
c) interrupt turret cast if you jump while it is in progress
problem solved.
d) The position check takes place at the beginning of the channel instead of the end for turrets other than Healing Turret. I don’t know how ANet’s backend stuff works, but this really shouldn’t be that hard.
my options are just the super-lazy easy to code ones, i’m sure any anet dev could do that in 15 minutes top. yours might be more refined but “effort”.
if u kill turret with melee u would lose anyway noob tactic
if u kill turret with melee u would lose anyway noob tactic
Not at all correct. I can melee them down with multiple classes.
Cool down management and dodge rolls go a long way.