(edited by Nilkemia.8507)
Misleading description.
that was a letdown. Was planning to do some PvP for the kodan armor…. If this is truly how it works, ill just grind it in PvE instead. That will surely be faster…
Anyone got any “intel” on how much Obsidian shards and dragonite you get form those boxes though?
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Our biggest mistake here is collectively we thought we would actually get awarded fairly in PvP
Our biggest mistake here is collectively we thought we would actually get awarded fairly in PvP
WvW aint getting any better rewards then you guys. Infact their rewards are slightly worse. They just have a quantity chance to get rewards, but the quality is horrible.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
I have nearly completed 3 reward tracks so far and have basically got nothing from it. Rewards are horrible.
I have nearly completed 3 reward tracks so far and have basically got nothing from it. Rewards are horrible.
The Balthazar track was okay but what makes me mad is the counterparts such as krytan are much worse.
I have no actual problem, that you get only one part of the armor. So you have to do the track more times. You also get dungeon tokens, so you can select the most expensive ones from the reward progression and get the cheaper ones with the tokens.
However, the description is very misleading and that is not an unpredictable bug. It is the result of a sloppy mistake and creates disappointment, where the actual reward is not that bad. (funny, a German guy told me, that in the German translation it is not misleading)
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!