Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


It’s just ridiculous how it works right now. Thief apologists love to talk about risk vs reward but the risk is so low right now with this ability. Blinded? Doesn’t matter, just keep spamming 1 and you can still backstab them! Did they anticipate your backstab and dodge? Who cares! Just hit 1 again once they finish their dodge!

Regardless of what anyone thinks about backstab damage it is just indefensible the way a failed backstab doesn’t remove stealth.

(edited by Yukishiro.8792)

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


Yeah, other classes get punished when they miss their big attack by facing a CD, fortunately for thieves their big attack has no CD and they can spam it as many times as they need to until they hit while remaining in stealth.

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Though I fancy this idea, I’ve gotta point out one thing. The skill only deals massive damage from the back, akin to Spy’s Backstab in TF2 (minus the garunteed insta-kill), so in theory, one could spin to make it harder to line the skill up.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: rickshaw.5279


I can count on one hand how many times I’ve died to a backstab burst. Of course I play an Acro Shadow spec…

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.6841


Though I fancy this idea, I’ve gotta point out one thing. The skill only deals massive damage from the back, akin to Spy’s Backstab in TF2 (minus the garunteed insta-kill), so in theory, one could spin to make it harder to line the skill up.

It’s not really just “from the back”. It seems like they just made a circle, split it in two and called it “front” and “back”.

So, sure you can spin, but the odds are really 50/50 if they are half decent and go a bit to the side. Either you will turn INTO the backstab or away from it.

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Rhydian.5412


IT does get sort of old when you look at the ways that you die and most of the time it is one of 3 things, Backstab spam, HS spam, or Hundred blades spam. I mean I have a thief alt, its not hard, just keep pushing one when in doubt push two then push 3, when you run out push one for a few more seconds steal instagib push 5, instagib. A blind person could do it. You could probably get 200+ scores with a thief without even selecting your traits. Pick your weapon combo, dagger dagger, sword dagger, pistol with anything, doesnt matter, same rule applies.

(edited by Rhydian.5412)

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


“Yeah, other classes get punished when they miss their big attack by facing a CD”

Warrior burst attacks don’t. Neither does activated (or non activated) virtue of justice.

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: savage.3469


i think the way it works is, you have to do direct damage to unstealth you, for example. You can use shortbow and spam poison aoe while still stealthed. Same with caltrops.

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Heru.5427


“Yeah, other classes get punished when they miss their big attack by facing a CD”

Warrior burst attacks don’t. Neither does activated (or non activated) virtue of justice.

Warrior burst attacks get put on cooldown if they miss, but the adrenaline does not get drained.

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Livewire.4216


Umm it does remove stealth, the only thing’s that do not remove stealth when in combat are certain aoe spells like sbow 4 venom… Topic Closed

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


Umm it does remove stealth, the only thing’s that do not remove stealth when in combat are certain aoe spells like sbow 4 venom… Topic Closed

Missing a backstab doesn’t remove stealth. You can keep spamming it till you either hit or your stealth duration expires.

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Livewire.4216


If you are fighting a player who misses it, then you really shouldnt complain it should be SO easy to not get hit by it if he doesnt do it immediatly…hell its super easy to avoid the backstab combo when done perfectly let alone when someone screws it up …

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


@LIvewire they will always complain , they cant even turn around and “face” the thief. In my oppinion they shouldnt pvp or enter a player vs player encounter. Problem is they cry on the forums and give a bad rep to the class and that pretty much sums it up.

play hard , go pro.

Missing a backstab really needs to take the theif out of stealth

in PvP

Posted by: phoenixdown.8539


IT does get sort of old when you look at the ways that you die and most of the time it is one of 3 things, Backstab spam, HS spam, or Hundred blades spam. I mean I have a thief alt, its not hard, just keep pushing one when in doubt push two then push 3, when you run out push one for a few more seconds steal instagib push 5, instagib. A blind person could do it. You could probably get 200+ scores with a thief without even selecting your traits. Pick your weapon combo, dagger dagger, sword dagger, pistol with anything, doesnt matter, same rule applies.

I’ve played a thief since release. Mainly a dagger/dagger/shortbow condition/backstab build. I’ve never dropped someone flat out in one backstab. But that’s probably because I’m not specced as a glass cannon. I actually avoid using heartseeker because the “Just Spam 2” tells get annoying — even when I’m not using it. They’d probably do better if they’d stop taking the time to type that up and just fight. The only time I do use HS is when my target insists on running away from me and I have to catch up. But that’s usually only once in a row. Giving it a cooldown really wouldn’t effect my play style at all.

This weekend I decided to give the ranger a shot and I have to say that with a long bow, it’s pretty much just hitting 3 followed by 2, then 5 and win — wash, rinse, repeat. Helps that your range is so long that you’re able to shoot them while they are still in the Heart of the Mists queuing up. I tear through glass cannon thieves like they’re wet tissue paper. I’ve also played a mesmer, necro, elementalist and guardian. I can honestly say that I’ve not had a real problem with any thief. Maybe because I’ve played one quite a bit and know a lot of their weaknesses. I have more problems with a warrior that stuns me and Haste/Hundred Blades me to death while my Roll for Initiative is on cooldown. I mean sure, thieves can really screw you up when all of their abilities are off cooldown and they jump you in a dark ally while you’ve got your pants down. But the same can be said for just about any other stealth-based class in other MMOs.