Moa-Morph Broken Ability

Moa-Morph Broken Ability

in PvP

Posted by: UptheIronz.6732


Hello ,

without much explaining i will go straight to the point , i only play tournament pvp 5v5, so this is based on my experience till now in general mesmer and guardians are both over the top with their ability but for now i will try to explain why moa-morph is broken and how it can be fixed …

so we just played against a premade on battle of kyhlo and as usual most of the team by now understand that mesmer and guardian are best class to go with ..

the opposite team had 3 mesmer , they had nice coordination , and they moa morphed 3 of us during the battle and whiped the group and that continue through the whole game and we couldn’t do anything , cause the ability doesnt break on the damage and it’s freaking 10 seconds ….

maybe there’s a way to counter but during the fight when there’s 2 many people and the mesmer spawning clone all over the place , it’s really hard to spot and evade in time , so either makes it break on damage and makes us immune to damage while morphed as the ability stand it’s tottaly overpowered and cant be countered

Moa-Morph Broken Ability

in PvP

Posted by: Qtin.6940


Staking mesmer is freaking OP
More Moa birds
More confusion stacks
More clones everywhere

Not to mention, 1v1 against a mesmer who has his elit up is a no match, you can not win. (yeah i know teamgame bla bla bla)

Moa-Morph Broken Ability

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


MOA is 180 seconds cooldown how come u get MOA’d 3x every fight ? No wonder u lose ur match if u dont attack for 3 mins

MOA can be dodged / los’d / interupted / etc etc, has a very long cast time and still u cant do anything ?

1/ aoe blast all clones in 1 cast
2/ /bye the 3 Mesmer
OR maybe the 3 mesmers outplayed your team then its no matter of class but player skill.

quote : “he opposite team had 3 mesmer , they had nice coordination” there we go … ur team was lacking tactic and organisation.

Moa-Morph Broken Ability

in PvP

Posted by: UptheIronz.6732


since u’re a mesmer abvious defending the I-Win Moa , if i were a mesmer i would stealth and cast it , here u go , u cant dodge it nor interrupted since u cant see it , need to explain further about ur op class ?

Moa-Morph Broken Ability

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


lol, enough said.