Monthly or Weekly Flux

Monthly or Weekly Flux

in PvP

Posted by: josh.7390


Hey guys.

Since Anet doesn’t like to balance classes so that actual build variety exist, they could include a flux like in GW1. For those who didn’t play GW1 in the last 2 years:

And for those who don’t like to read the whole article a short explanation. Flux in GW1 is a PvP effect that changes every month and effect all players. Some examples for recent fluxes:

Take double DMG from enemies with the same class.

For each allied player in earshot, you deal 5% less damage. For each opposing player in earshot, you deal 5% more.

If you heal yourself, you receive 50% more healing. If you heal an ally, they receive 20% less healing.


Monthly or Weekly Flux

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I would absolutely LOVE for them to implement flux back into the game. I think it’s a great way to combat stale pvp. When they introduced it into gw1 it was very well received and got a ton of positive feedback from the pvp community.

I mean I can understand some drawbacks to fluxes, particularly if it made one facet of builds particularly overpowered but that’s a balance issue and can easily be avoided if the balance team is on the ball.

I only wish that they had implemented flux into gw1 much sooner than they did—it seemed as if they just got tired of balancing skills so they added flux to influence the meta. I would rather they implement it sooner than later in this game—it really spices up the meta and adds another layer of strategy to the game. It also pushes players out of their niche comfort zones which I think is healthy for the pvp community as a whole.

**edit: when I said I would love for them to add it back into the game, I just meant I’d love to see it actually implemented in this one like it was in gw1.


Monthly or Weekly Flux

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I didn’t play GW1, but that does sound fun. It would be a little tricky to make sure it didn’t create a total monster for a month. Maybe if once a month, there were a few days with a “flux,” as opposed to an entire week/month…