More game modes please, including duels.
Add the “Hunger Royale” as a gamemode.
I want some really open map without annoying trees and stuff(camera sometimes annoying and you want to zoom out more but you can’t). Then deathmatch and duels would be interesting. These would not need a nice looking map like the other game mode where you need to capture stuff. Only some arena like think where you just attack each other until one team completely died.
I can’t describe in words how much I would love For Anet to add a duelling system, i didn’t realise how important this simple mechanic is to pvp
I would like to get a “Last man Standing” gamemode with random queue. Everybody has 3 Lives and only the last one alive on the map gets exp/points.
I totally agree…. 2v2 and 3v3 pvp is greatly missing (personally I would like to see 2v2 more than the others).
Also the camera movement needs fixing ( but this deserves-should be a new thread). When an obstacle is behind your character the camera zooms in at your character (and also you can’t zoom out as long as the obstacle is still at your back) and as a consequence you loose perspective of the battle. Really annoying…