Most Engis Wins

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: Sylanna.1947


Just curious, is this how spvp was meant to be?

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Are you talking about hotjoins>?

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263



Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
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Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: Dawntree.7246


Deja vu. No wait, it was “Most Rangers win”.

Emanuel Dawntree – Nord Guardian of [TasH] – 9×80
Whiteside Ridge

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



You have to be more specific, Engi itself isn’t broken. It just has 2 specs that are broken. Those are:

1. Turret Engi
2. Celestial nade engi

Those are 2 of the 3 most broken specs in the game. Of course the most broken spec in the game is D/D celestial bunker ele.

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490



You have to be more specific, Engi itself isn’t broken. It just has 2 specs that are broken. Those are:

1. Turret Engi
2. Celestial nade engi

Those are 2 of the 3 most broken specs in the game. Of course the most broken spec in the game is D/D celestial bunker ele.

this . . . . . . . . totally

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


To be fair, I Duo-qued a couple of days ago, got three Engineers, and we lost…

In all respect to those players, but two Turret Engineers had not enough offense to get rid of one Condition Warrior…



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Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


“Broken class/spec” and “op” is tossed around so freely these days. If you have issues beating a class at this point, it’s 90% a learn to play issue. Everyone is so eager to believe that if they lose it must be because the other guy is using some op/broken/cheese/insta win build.

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Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: Vieteriukko.6075


Engies still struggle to fit into comp teams in EU. This wouldn’t be the case if it was remarkably strong, not mentioning OP.

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: Nitesky.6427


“Broken class/spec” and “op” is tossed around so freely these days. If you have issues beating a class at this point, it’s 90% a learn to play issue.

Agreed 100%. That’s why I think ranger and cele nade engi are fine. These builds also require some skill to play them to their max potential.

Turret engi and d/d ele, however, are a totally different story. Turret means free win in 1v1 90% of the time. The only way to beat Turret engis is to either roll condi necro or try to outmaneuver them through well-organized teamplay. On top of that, the turret AI does all the killing for you, so it’s ridiculously easy to play. Turret engi lets people win games who fail at the dodge intro quest in Queensdale. That’s a clear balance issue right there.

D/d ele is a bit different. In fact, it requires a little bit of practice to get the rotations right, if you haven’t played it before. First problem is that when facing d/d ele, it doesn’t even matter what you dodge. Keep in mind that dodging damage spikes is one of the key abilities that separates skilled players from mediocre ones. But dodging vs a d/d ele doesn’t matter really. If you dodge fire and air, you get hit by earth. If you dodge earth and air, you get hit by fire. On top of that, the damage is more or less constantly the same, so you can’t win duels by dodging the right stuff. Also, his condi cleanse abilities are way overpowered. Let’s say you land your dps spike on the ele and he’s about to switch to water. Even if you keep poison ready and hit him exactly at the right timing before he switches to water, he just cleanses it by switching attunements. It’s just absurd.

All in all, I find the current matter is suprisingly balanced. Balancing 8 professions with different kinds of viable builds isn’t easy. If they fix turret engi and d/d ele, we can all enjoy nearly perfectly balanced pvp.

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


“Broken class/spec” and “op” is tossed around so freely these days. If you have issues beating a class at this point, it’s 90% a learn to play issue.

Agreed 100%. That’s why I think ranger and cele nade engi are fine. These builds also require some skill to play them to their max potential.

Turret engi and d/d ele, however, are a totally different story. Turret means free win in 1v1 90% of the time. The only way to beat Turret engis is to either roll condi necro or try to outmaneuver them through well-organized teamplay. On top of that, the turret AI does all the killing for you, so it’s ridiculously easy to play. Turret engi lets people win games who fail at the dodge intro quest in Queensdale. That’s a clear balance issue right there.

D/d ele is a bit different. In fact, it requires a little bit of practice to get the rotations right, if you haven’t played it before. First problem is that when facing d/d ele, it doesn’t even matter what you dodge. Keep in mind that dodging damage spikes is one of the key abilities that separates skilled players from mediocre ones. But dodging vs a d/d ele doesn’t matter really. If you dodge fire and air, you get hit by earth. If you dodge earth and air, you get hit by fire. On top of that, the damage is more or less constantly the same, so you can’t win duels by dodging the right stuff. Also, his condi cleanse abilities are way overpowered. Let’s say you land your dps spike on the ele and he’s about to switch to water. Even if you keep poison ready and hit him exactly at the right timing before he switches to water, he just cleanses it by switching attunements. It’s just absurd.

All in all, I find the current matter is suprisingly balanced. Balancing 8 professions with different kinds of viable builds isn’t easy. If they fix turret engi and d/d ele, we can all enjoy nearly perfectly balanced pvp.

Ranger is definitely fine. A lot of people complained about them after the last balance update, but it was just because they weren’t used to fighting against them.

I also agree with you about turret engi and celestial d/d ele. Both of those need toned down.

I disagree with you about cele nade engi. That also needs to be toned down. I’d like to see some of the nades do less damage.

Beyond that, I am pretty happy with the the meta right now.

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: Nitesky.6427


I disagree with you about cele nade engi. That also needs to be toned down. I’d like to see some of the nades do less damage.

I am interested in why you think cele nade engis are imba. Can you expand on this? I have yet to meet a nade engi who can pull off the build in a skillful enough manner to consistently beat my hambow or condi ranger 1v1. It’s really not been a big issue so far. Keep in mind that I am not facing super top tier players tho.

(edited by Nitesky.6427)

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: ArthurDent.9538


Agreed 100%. That’s why I think ranger and cele nade engi are fine. These builds also require some skill to play them to their max potential.

D/d ele is a bit different. In fact, it requires a little bit of practice to get the rotations right, if you haven’t played it before. First problem is that when facing d/d ele, it doesn’t even matter what you dodge. Keep in mind that dodging damage spikes is one of the key abilities that separates skilled players from mediocre ones. But dodging vs a d/d ele doesn’t matter really. If you dodge fire and air, you get hit by earth. If you dodge earth and air, you get hit by fire. On top of that, the damage is more or less constantly the same, so you can’t win duels by dodging the right stuff. Also, his condi cleanse abilities are way overpowered. Let’s say you land your dps spike on the ele and he’s about to switch to water. Even if you keep poison ready and hit him exactly at the right timing before he switches to water, he just cleanses it by switching attunements. It’s just absurd.

This… I don’t even know. Why you would say it doesn’t matter what you dodge against a dd ele but not apply the same reasoning to Engi and Ranger, is pretty absurd to me. Ever heard of incendiary powder? Doesn’t matter what skill engi hits you with, it procs randomly for an extremely high percentage of the engi’s total damage with virtually no way to avoid it.

Ranger, depends on the weapon but short bow is nothing more than 11111111 spam for dps while long bow is the same now with press 2 off cool-down. The melee weapons are a bit more interesting though.

DD ele on the other hand has several hard hitting skills that are all well telegraphed and a skilled player can dodge each of them consistently. Burning speed, drakes breath, fire grab, earth quake, and (on the off chance that he actually uses it) churning earth, are the skills that should be dodged. Then there is lightning whip for the only decent auto attack on the set, but if he is camping air then there go all of his might stacks, and the damage becomes mediocre again.

Also lol at dodging earth. It is true that if he actually uses churning earth, and you do get hit by it then it will hurt. However with a three second rooted cast time, you not only easily avoid it, but also have 3 seconds to freely dps him down, heal your self, or /dance if you choose. As I have said in the past dd ele is a bit over-tuned at the moment, but statements such as yours are ridiculously hyperbolic and misleading.

14 Dungeon paths soloed
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: Nitesky.6427


DD ele on the other hand has several hard hitting skills that are all well telegraphed and a skilled player can dodge each of them consistently. Burning speed, drakes breath, fire grab, earth quake, and (on the off chance that he actually uses it) churning earth, are the skills that should be dodged. Then there is lightning whip for the only decent auto attack on the set, but if he is camping air then there go all of his might stacks, and the damage becomes mediocre again.

Also lol at dodging earth. It is true that if he actually uses churning earth, and you do get hit by it then it will hurt. However with a three second rooted cast time, you not only easily avoid it, but also have 3 seconds to freely dps him down, heal your self, or /dance if you choose. As I have said in the past dd ele is a bit over-tuned at the moment, but statements such as yours are ridiculously hyperbolic and misleading.

Thanks for your critical comment. My post was neither hyperbolic nor misleading. It’s nothing but the truth about d/d ele atm. But you’re free to have your opinion, of course.

You are saying, if I understood correctly, that d/d ele has several well-telegraphed hard-hitting skills that can be dodged. Well, true and false. Technically, you CAN dodge burning speed, drakes breath, fire grab, ring of earth and earth quake. You forgot to add ride the lightning + updraft, or blink + updraft which is often used as an opener and has to be dodged as well. By the way, have you ever tried to dodge blink + updraft? Try it once and tell me how it went

But back on topic, yes you can dodge each of the skills mentioned above individually. However, and this is the crucial point, if you count how many skills he uses in a very short amount of time and then count the amount of dodges you have, you might encounter a little problem there. And that’s exactly what I described above. The “hard hitting” ele skills hit more or less equally hard. It’s not like you are facing an axe bow warr or shatter mesmer, where you need to pay attention to not get hit by eviscerate and shatter respectively. Because if you dodge, you evaded their strongest burst and are in a good spot until it’s off cooldown again. Whereas d/d ele is constantly damaging you with equally hard-hitting skills throughout his rotation, while stacking might, cleansing condis and healing himself. This makes d/d stronger than other builds in the current state of the game.

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


If were being honest, if you cant beat a turrent engineer. Your not that good of a pvp player. I elarned that after after this 1 thief smashed my turrent engineer twice in a solo que. He used 2 different tactics too which i found super impressive. I alos lost to good staff eles and warrior/guardians who knew what they were doing.

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: messiah.1908


i think the problem with turret engi is the capacity to control an area while playing defensively
lets say if turret engi is out of the open its useless but inside a point its powerful.
so i can do 1v1 and kill them but they will control the point longer and maybe call for backup till i kill them. conditions will kill them just fine but if the fight turn to 2v1 you are dead

so i dont think the build is broken rather the concept in holding point by them

(remind me the pu mesmer build – you put out your clones and go stealth while they are doing dmg and you are playing defensively)