Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Tarishian.9768


Please ArenaNet can you release a chart which shows the percentages of most played classes in tPvP and sPvP.

<witty and somewhat pretentious attempt to appear intelligent>

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: MrThebigcheese.2014


Thieves 50%
Mesmers 30%
Everything else 20%

There you go. (yes I pulled these numbers from a dark place)

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Krustydog.1043


I read somewhere that 56.8% of statistics are made up on the spot. So heres mine-war/guardian/thief/mesmer=95%. Apparently masochism claims 5%.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Has anyone else seen a rise in rangers lately? I was testing a new build on my warrior in hot joins last night and each team had at least 3-4. It was actually quite fun. As they would pop quickness, I would use shield stance with reflect and watch numbers fly all over my screen.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: UptheIronz.6732


Mesmer 60% nerf
Guardians 30% nerf
thief a good among Something needs to be done about them ( i’am a thief btw )
rest are somehow balanced ==> ( balanced Professions )

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Tarishian.9768


I’m mostly seeing a lot of thieves per team. Although, I’m tired of people assuming and think we need an actual chart to represent these statistics.

<witty and somewhat pretentious attempt to appear intelligent>

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: tom.7468


Mesmer 60% nerf
Guardians 30% nerf
thief a good among Something needs to be done about them ( i’am a thief btw )
rest are somehow balanced ==> ( balanced Professions )

so ignorant why don’t you play those professions yourself and see how good you do? then you realize their not some sort of godmode professions although there is more rangers than guardian after what I’ve seen.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Xhaiden.3891


Warriors, Mesmers and Thieves are what I see most. With some spikes in Guardian count here and there. But largely its the first three where you can easily get upwards of 5 in a single match.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Starting to see a lot more rangers and necros lately.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Starting to see a lot more rangers and necros lately.

Agree about Rangers, quickness shortbow builds are growing up popular, but Necros? I’m always the only one who play Necro in most the matches, I don’t know where you see them :/

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Xhaiden.3891


Rangers seem to eb and flow. But frankly the “Ranger” archtype is always popular in mmos regardless of whether or not the class itself is good or bad.

It’s the Drizzt Effect. It’s been around for years.

As for Necros, they’re like shooting stars. Whenever I actually see one I make a wish.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: BishopX.6453


here are the classes in FLAVOR OF THE MONTH rankings

2) Thief with Daggers (ZOMG WHY 4 DID dey nurf meh hartS3K0rZ!!!?
3) 2hand sword/staff mezmers
4)2h warriors

the above person saying the ranger types are ALWAYS popular in mmos?

if a class is not good people will not play it. people ONLY play the most powerful class. I point you to warhammer online. the ranger class was called Shadow warrior, it looked like STRIDER and nobody played it…why? because it was a horrid class.
did anyone play the thief in D&D? no they plaed warriors

they always claim healing classes are the least played, but in warhammer the best class was a Damage dealing dualweild melee healer, and it was the highest played class.

dark age of camelot, had a thief caster that could be an elf and a dual weilding archer that could be an elf… two least played classes for most of the game.

and everyone who CLAIMS they would have played a mezmer because they love the lore or loved them in the last game yadda yadda yadda.. this mezmer is only the same in name only its nothing similar to the last mezmer and theres no other class in any game like it… but… itsPOWERFUL so everyone plays it.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


Thieves 45%
Mesmers 30%
Everything else but engineer 20%
Engineer 5%

There you go. (yes I pulled these numbers from a dark place)

Fixed. (tPvP)

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Knyx.5926


Here is the pie chart you asked for.


Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: kagemitsu.3657


The most played classed definitely aren’t Thieves and Mesmers.

Oh, wait.


(class stronger than mine) is OP. (my class) is underpowered. (classes I beat easily) are fine.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: BishopX.6453


im waiting on the first mmo to create a thief/stealther class that is weak and watch everyone who claims “I ALWAYS PLAY THIEF CLASSES” would jump off the bandwagon.

warhammer had witch hunters which were HORRID in the beginning of the game… looked cool with a trenchcoat, witch hunter hat and a gun, but nobody wanted to play one because it couldnt kill a darn thing.

Serious shout outs to anyone who plays a elementalist engi necro or guardian.

(edited by BishopX.6453)

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Meh engis, necros and guardians can devastating if played well… Eles can do very nice dmg.. But well… Harder..

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Hilda Raven.8641

Hilda Raven.8641

I’m going to bed thieves and mesmers most played. So many thieves in every single game.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


The most played classed definitely aren’t Thieves and Mesmers.

Oh, wait.

3mesmers from 16 people isnt that bad what so ever, Thief’s on the other hand thats quite a few…

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Tenebrion.7815


I play an Engineer, and I faceroll every pug sPvP match I get into – usually with a score above 200. Frankly, I’m amazed I don’t see more engis.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

I prefer playing ranger the most, but have played mesmer more.

I think warrior in this game would be my favorite class all in all (it’s the class most like gw1 mesmer) with a hammer. I just never really get on him.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Koega.8653



Yeah, 3/16 isn’t bad. Maybe it looked like more with all the clones out? :-P

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


for some reason i barely see any Mesmers, maybe its luck or something even though i am a Mesmer myself i rarely see any and its annoying coz when i go 1vs1 against a Mesmer its just insanely fun

Ive won some, ive lost some to say the class is Overpowered i think is stupid, i agree somethings need a tweak but being overpowered i disagree overpowered is like beating EVERYONE which no one can do

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Xhaiden.3891



if a class is not good people will not play it. people ONLY play the most powerful class. I point you to warhammer online. the ranger class was called Shadow warrior, it looked like STRIDER and nobody played it…why? because it was a horrid class.
did anyone play the thief in D&D? no they plaed warriors

Shadow Warrior was essentially a scout skirmisher. It had no pet and it had to stance dance like a fighter class using both ranged and melee. Not exactly a classic “Ranger” class. The "Ranger"ish class was the Squig Herder and there were plenty of them around.


dark age of camelot, had a thief caster that could be an elf and a dual weilding archer that could be an elf… two least played classes for most of the game.

Nightshade’s “casting” was unspec’d damage and rather laughable. Little more than an annoyance used for interrupts or finishing off the occasional limper. The “classic” Thief in DaoC was Infiltrator. The “pet archer” in DaoC was the spear wielding Mid Hunter, not the “dual wielding elf” you speak of which had no pet. People looking for a dual wielding Elf went with Blademaster.

DaoC suffered from a lot of FOTM’n in its mid to late life. But originally it was incredibly prohibitive to level any stealthing class to 50. Regardless of pvp viability. Of which stealthers in DaoC had zilch outside of their own realm as they had absolutely no group utility to speak of to offer a visible group. When they finally eased up on the pve difficulty curve around New Frontiers there were plenty of Rangers and Hunters to go around.

Next question? -.-

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: slacker.9352


My guess: Thief>Warrior>Mesmer>Guardian>Ranger>Necromancer>Elementalist>Engineer

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


the above person saying the ranger types are ALWAYS popular in mmos?

if a class is not good people will not play it. people ONLY play the most powerful class.

Clearly a case of learn to speak for yourself not others…

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Xhaiden.3891


From what I’ve seen that’s pretty close. Thief > Warrior > Mesmer > Guardian or Ranger > Engineer > Ele > Necro in my experience. You get the rare match with only a few Mesmers, but there’s ALWAYS a farkton of Thieves and/or Warriors.