Musings on Metas
Because there will always be those that will play whatever class is ‘best’ purely because it is so easy to do so.
And this is one of the strongest parts of gw2. You always have the option to easily switch your profession. Due to this you can also experience the situation from a different perspective, and maybe that way learn the weakness of that spec.
Ofc this might also lead to a snowball effect in that particular direction, but in the end, people should play what they have the most fun with, and after the implementing of ‘cleansing ire’ and the rebalance of the burst masteries, for some this might be the hambow or a condition warrior. Other will stay on the elementalist or on the mesmer, practice more, and also get more opponents with a strong spec to practice against.
I think the main problem is the small community. It takes too long to adjust every profession to let them be viable again at the current meta. Not to mention, that for most players a personal skill improvement would solve most of their balance problems.
As long as ArenaNet does not do balance around the fact, that if your profession is too week, then you just have to switch yours, I don’t think this fact is a problem.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend