Musings on Turret Engi

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

I play primarily soloQ and I play all classes and mess around with all meta and off the wall builds. I like to have fun and try new things. Sometimes I do well. Sometimes not so much as my current leaderboard ranking will show. I cannot play Ele, or Thief worth a kitten .

My first love is the engineer. My current build is a flamethrowing mightstacking nades throwing condition/power hybrid build that I have a blast with. But most of my success with my engineer has come from playing turret builds. I know there is so much stigma that comes with playing these types of build. I have received hate mail, PMs, trash talk in game. All because I play something that I find fun. Yes I know there are players out there that set up their turrets and pew pew with auto attack and are a pain in the kitten but….

This is not me.

I am constantly moving. I am always managing my cooldowns on my actives and on my toolbelt.

I am a nightmare for any single attacker that comes to the point I have nested on. It usually takes 2 to uproot me and if crate is off cd I will probably kill them both or force them off MY point.

I do have some obvious and serious limitations. I am the most immobile build in the game.(That I am aware of) I am dependent on my turrets for much of my damage though I am still a CC beast even if you break them.

I try to make up for my imitation by causing as much disruption to the enemy as possible. Most times I do this by ending up on the far node and nesting up. Usually I cap home first and kill whomever comes then I go far but eventually very early in the game I end up on the far node. Once I have nested up it takes 2 or 3 to kill or uproot me and that means that mid is going my color and a lot of times this means a 3 cap.
The fun part is when the enemy respawns one at a time and comes to die at their home while we hold sides and have mid decapped for half the match. I know this doesn’t work in high or even mid level team queue but in soloqueue I do well with this setup.

I am no conquest expert obviously. My playstyle might only be working because its stupid and no one expects it haha. But so far so good. My engi has over 70% soloQ win ratio when playing turrets.

tl;dr Not all turret engies are brain dead “Set up turrets on home point, go afk” or “Set up turrets on(whatever point) and auto attack afk” When cooldowns are managed well and the class/build is played to its fullest potential the turret engi is a tough cookie. In solo queue.

My 3 turret builds
In b4 Hello Frands Vee Wee Here…. yadda yadda

(edited by Epidemix Revenge.4862)

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


i respect you for taking pride in playing turret engi but i disapprove of your choice anyway.

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Narkodx.1472


Anyone who says the spec is “braindead” is obviously exagerating you still have to press buttons/dodge/heal etc etc like any other build or class

The situation is how effective the build is for the amount of effort – which is significanly lower on the effort side compared to most builds – All that needs to be tweaked about the build is how effective it is – which may be a symptom of the conquest game mode and not necessarily the build

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

No respect for turret engis , I trash talk them even if they are on my team and I dont think its “fun” unless you’re bad and can’t playing anything else.
Standing still and pressing 1111 can’t be fun.

I don’t do that. I don’t do much auto attacking at all matter of fact.. Trust me guys I WISH I could do more. Some of you may remember my thread months and months ago pushing for NON-KIT engineers to be able to utilize their second weapon set. I would LOVE to be able to switch between weapons and be a little less “brain dead” but again, did you read my post ATSE. I do a lot more than 111111. I have even been thinking about going a little more offensive and dropping thumper turret for flamethrower and dropping rifle barrel turrets and accelerant packed turrets to get Juggernaut. Then I can mightstack to 25 while I am between fights and be able to utilize on swap sigils and another weapon set.

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

Gonna try that now as a matter of fact

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

I don´t care whatever you play, but you seriously tell us your build is quite skillfull because you´re moving? Hahaha!

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Faux.1937


No respect for turret engis , I trash talk them even if they are on my team and I dont think its “fun” unless you’re bad and can’t playing anything else.
Standing still and pressing 1111 can’t be fun.

Its comical Fun. Its funny watching haters hate, I play it just for players response to turret engis.

Run to a point, Place turrets, use rifle/thumper/heal to knock ppl off point and LMAO at their comments. MAN do ppl have so much to say.


Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

I don´t care whatever you play, but you seriously tell us your build is quite skillfull because you´re moving? Hahaha!

Well if you were to read the thread…

I talk about moving because I was told that as a turret engineer I would just stand still and 11111.

Soooooo -1 for reading comprehension. More time in resource room needed.

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: ghost.3208


Please we need more people using turret builds, they’re hella fun specially if you are using a thief:

1. Slot “Scorpion Wire” in your build, doesn’t matters if you’re traited for it.
2. Wait until the engie spams the turrets.
3. Use SW on the engineer.
4. Watch as he goes running like a madman to the turrets.
5. …
6. Profit!!!

It’s just too funny that they can’t fight if they’re not near their turrets xD

Gliradda – The Lil Death – Too Drunk to Aim
Guerreros de la Ultima Alianza [GDUA]
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Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


There are a lot of ways to counter a turret engi, but they are a little strong atm. Once you work out how to use your heal turret effectively you become really tanky.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I have no problems with turret engy’s. Playing them or playing against them. They are very strong against certain builds and there are some builds that can easily destroy them, but that’s true for many builds.

However, I tend to play a turret engy more like it’s a mesmer. I pop my turrets frequently for their effects. So I tend to only carry the healing, rifle, and fire turrets. This allows me to move around a lot. But it also means that I have to be in the middle of the fights to be the most effective.

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: gartz.7013


all i learned from this post is that it take skill to play turret engi? Ok, sure! It might…pre turret set up. I’ve yet to see a turret engi 1v1 (me personally) and on some youtube video. Please post one so i can see and convince me that turrets aren’t “cheese”.

solo cheese engi/ex teef

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Volcomen.2963


@Epidemix n Rest: no offense to anyone, but i could learn my dog how to play turret-engi cause there is no skill needed, no skillcap ever seen.

“Moving” while the turrets blast your enemies away isnt skill and its absolutely irrelevant to your enemie what you are doing. Cause in a turret build, you as the engineer are totally a waste of pixels.
Also the turrets are so tanky, a mesmer needs 2 shatters with a full focus on them lol, wtf.

I played turret engi on myself, just to find out why brainless people are so strong with it, and i wrecked 9/10 enemies coming to my point. But did i feel well? No. I hated myself for playing such a cruel lameduck-build.

So if its fun to you playing it, nobody can hold u, but never feel like you were better than an enemie and thank your turrets.


(edited by Volcomen.2963)

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

@Epidemix n Rest: no offense to anyone, but i could learn my dog how to play turret-engi cause there is no skill needed, no skillcap ever seen.

“Moving” while the turrets blast your enemies away isnt skill and its absolutely irrelevant to your enemie what you are doing. Cause in a turret build, you as the engineer are totally a waste of pixels.
Also the turrets are so tanky, a mesmer needs 2 shatters with a full focus on them lol, wtf.

I played turret engi on myself, just to find out why brainless people are so strong with it, and i wrecked 9/10 enemies coming to my point. But did i feel well? No. I hated myself for playing such a cruel lameduck-build.

So if its fun to you playing it, nobody can hold u, but never feel like you were better than an enemie and thank your turrets.


“all i learned from this post is that it take skill to play turret engi? Ok, sure! It might…pre turret set up. I’ve yet to see a turret engi 1v1 (me personally) and on some youtube video. Please post one so i can see and convince me that turrets aren’t “cheese”.”

You are all missing the point. I am not saying it takes skill to play a turret engineer. I am not saying you can’t take a bad player give him the build and have them be successful. You are all right about that.

I am saying that if you take a good player, or someone who is good at this particular build then it takes the turret engineer to another level. More than just, turret turret turret turret 111111111.

Basically I am saying YES I agree the skill floor is very very low, but the skill ceiling is higher than what most people give credit for.

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

Dude, play whatever you want, thats what skills/traits are made for. But we all know turret engi, so don´t tell us about high skill ceiling. Of course a good player does better on turret engi than a bad one, but thats primarily because of better dodges/rotations(we heared youre able to move!^^).

Where does the “high skill ceiling” come from? By planting your turrets with gaps between? By managing your cc´s for most uptime? By picking up your turrets before they get crushed from distance to “micromanage” your cd´s? Thats all a kitten compared to any other non AI build! Low skill floor and low skill ceiling, thats what it is. I mean, you dont even have a weapon swap, this alone lowers the skill floor into the dumbest. There hardly are any discissions you have to take while playing, neither in fight or OOC. Its simply brainless…

But turret engi also brings huge disadvantages with non existing mobility and team fight capability, so im personally hardly ok with turret engi. I just hate to get matched vs. 2 of them.
But anyway, i agree that something should be done with them, because its just no fun to 1on1 against and its simply way too effective in 1on1 for the very low skill floor.

BTW: While writing this post, i just got a genius idea where anet could patch turrets to :
Lower their life hardly and buff the capability of repairing your turrets with toolkit, i.e. a better repair aa, a “turret repairfield” with box of nails, a short time immunity on active skills to resist aoe and something like that. Thats how turrets could be a blast to play, where you constantly need to micromanage your turrets to keep them alive. Of course cd´s/dmg would need to be adjusted till its balanced, so dont tell me this would be op and stuff, its just a random idea how turrets could work in my opinion. Good one?

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

Dude, play whatever you want, thats what skills/traits are made for. But we all know turret engi, so don´t tell us about high skill ceiling. Of course a good player does better on turret engi than a bad one, but thats primarily because of better dodges/rotations(we heared youre able to move!^^).

Where does the “high skill ceiling” come from? By planting your turrets with gaps between? By managing your cc´s for most uptime? By picking up your turrets before they get crushed from distance to “micromanage” your cd´s? Thats all a kitten compared to any other non AI build! Low skill floor and low skill ceiling, thats what it is. I mean, you dont even have a weapon swap, this alone lowers the skill floor into the dumbest. There hardly are any discissions you have to take while playing, neither in fight or OOC. Its simply brainless…

But turret engi also brings huge disadvantages with non existing mobility and team fight capability, so im personally hardly ok with turret engi. I just hate to get matched vs. 2 of them.
But anyway, i agree that something should be done with them, because its just no fun to 1on1 against and its simply way too effective in 1on1 for the very low skill floor.

BTW: While writing this post, i just got a genius idea where anet could patch turrets to :
Lower their life hardly and buff the capability of repairing your turrets with toolkit, i.e. a better repair aa, a “turret repairfield” with box of nails, a short time immunity on active skills to resist aoe and something like that. Thats how turrets could be a blast to play, where you constantly need to micromanage your turrets to keep them alive. Of course cd´s/dmg would need to be adjusted till its balanced, so dont tell me this would be op and stuff, its just a random idea how turrets could work in my opinion. Good one?

Haha… geez

First of all I said “I am constantly moving” one time in my original post, which was pretty long and full of other probably laughable kitten and you zero in on it like that is all I talked about. Not to mention that it is in direct response to critics who say that ALL turret engineers do the same thing; spam turrets and sit around AAing .

Secondly, I never said that turrets have a high skill ceiling… Of course they don’t compared to other much more intricate builds out there with 3 kits and 4 attunements and such. I said “…the skill ceiling is higher than what most people give credit for..” And considering they are given no credit at all this isn’t that big of a statement.

I understand you want to be Mr Cool and Snarky forum guy but come on now.

All this is just my musings on my experience vs the image of turret engineers.

Musings on Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I haven’t encountered a lot of Turret Engis, so I gave them a quick try. Not enough to master it or anything, but just enough to get a feel of what they are capable and how they played. So this isn’t me pretending I know everything, just sharing what I noticed.

First observation: I personally find it pretty boring to play. Part of it is probably because I didn’t play very in-depth and didn’t have time to learn all the intricacies that are going on, but another part is definitely because once your turrets are down, you don’t have to do all that much.

Second observation: You exaggerated having the worst mobility in the game. I normally play a Bunker Guardian and my mobility is definitely worse. The trade-off is that while playing Engi I needed to manage my health and dodges a lot better. It is true that if you move away from a fight, you can’t do a whole lot because it means leaving your turrets behind. But you have some options for closing in on an enemy or putting some distance between them.

Third observation: I didn’t deserve to win that fight. I promise I went in with an open mind. As I said, I hardly had any experiences with Turret Engi’s so I didn’t know what to expect. Still, I won a couple of fights that I definitely didn’t deserve. Where I messed up completely because I don’t know all the skills yet. And still I won. The other player probably also didn’t know what they were doing, I guess.

Fourth Observation: So this is what a decent Elite skill looks like :-D

I do agree with Epidemix Revenge that there’s more to it than just plopping down your turrets and auto-attacking. I’m convinced that there’s skills to learn, such as knowing when to use a turret and when to keep the utility, knowing where to best place each turret (although I’m not sure how much this matters), getting a feel for the location of each turret so you can time their explosion, some degree of crowd control…

That being said, it did definitely feel like I had to put in less effort to come to similar results as on my Guardian. It’s a lot less active and you have more options for keeping an enemy of a point and discouraging them to come back. And you mentioned being able to reliably kill both people when fighting 1v2. I don’t think that the proper reward compared to how well you can hold a point. Again, I’m coming at this from a Guardian perspective, where I’m generally unable to kill someone if I properly want to control a point.

“Come on, hit me!”