My PVP Experience in GW2

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: BLOODBIRD.9386


i quote linnes “There is no endgame content other than gearing up, and let’s face it, you can fully gear a character in exotics in about a week of casually (2-4 hours a day) playing. The “pvp” is lackluster at the moment, they should’ve stuck with the original Guild Wars formula (random arenas, team arenas, HA), this would at least offer some diversity to the format rather than just simply playing “King of the Hill” for ten minutes.”

You come and say that we will add contents, we will do and we will develop your last post and the only thing i see is shortcomings really

Am not really impressed, and please respect my view:

What was so special about Guild Wars 1 was that you can get famous and renowned, your guild can get famous, the playes are famous, here i dont feel the same, i dont even feel like playing pvp anymore. even if we have players in the guild there is nothing to play for, what is this thing about the paid tournaments, we get gems! big deal, i can swipe my credit card and buy the entire store.

why u didnt keep the pvp the same as it was in GW1, and you say we listen to us! no you dont, i knew the pvp is going to fail even before the release, you should have listend to the Beta players.

i dont even know what i keep coming back to forums and post, but because we loved GW1, i was pvp rank 13 in gw1 ans so many other players, we loved the pvp competion, the combos, the TEAM PLAY! the builds, the thinking involved in making builds..this game i cant feel it!

Here the rank does not mean anything, if you win a pvp no body cares, and most of ull all my guild members now are not playing pvp anymore, and me 2 i just want to stop pvping.

so please, this new paid tpvp is not really smoething nice, we need something like the “Hall of Heros” the 8 vs 8 game, ranger spike, ele spike, iway, derv way, build way, thumper way, etc … that was the CORE of GW1, the fame , the broadcast of the winner of halls, the favors , Korea VS America VS Europe, god pvp favors .. why did you give it all up!!!

i would be happy to pay you $500 for an excellent game and so many other players. just bring all the GW1 experience to GW2 pvp and its all “PERFECT”


(edited by BLOODBIRD.9386)

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Milennin.4825


What was so special about Guild Wars 1 was that you can get famous and renowned, your guild can get famous, the playes are famous, here i dont feel the same, i dont even feel like playing pvp anymore. even if we have players in the guild there is nothing to play for, what is this thing about the paid tournaments, we get gems! big deal, i can swipe my credit card and buy the entire store.

What? There were famous people in Guild Wars 1? I played it for years and can’t recall ever hearing of a “famous” person in that game.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: BLOODBIRD.9386


maybe u played pve alot

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Kid Taylor.5479

Kid Taylor.5479

Basically, there appears to be a need for a way to allow people to show off that they are amazingly good at pvp to the entire world.

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: BLOODBIRD.9386


It’s called “Guild Wars” and there should be the best guild somewhere there.

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Niujin.7429



I feel butthurt ‘cause with this system I can’t show off my ekitten anymore to other people, ‘cause this is what gaming is all about, and I can’t actually manage to enjoy a game for what it is: a game.

Edit: ROFL, p**is gets replaced with kitten, I never noticed XD

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Eddie.9143


if you don’t know who war machine was just get out.

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Eddie.9143


and yes i agree that gw1 was a better game through and through than gw2. bring observer mode, bring 4v4 random. nerf everything back down to normal damage.

where’s gvg? where is all the fun of creating a build and having it become famous like my “boon prot” where rspike and iway and ele air spike bunny thumpers

i miss gw1 and i can’t play…because there’s no one to play with

My PVP Experience in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Eddie.9143



awesome flag stand battles that would last 10 minutes fighting for DP. monks that were just so epic one could hold a team long enough for the other to make it back to the stand.