My Team of 4 Bots...

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: TonkyP.3075


Just got out of a Khylo match with a team of bots. The past 5 games that I’ve been in tonight have been seeded with bots as well.
How do I know this? I was having a chat with the other team as they farmed my bot team for kills. They pointed out other names they had seen that followed the exact same behavior tonight.

All 4 stood at spawn (not gate). All 4 ran together at the exact same time to home. They then all left home uncapped to chase one person halfway across the map.
Eventually they killed the guy and all went back to stand at home on the exact same spot
From here they all paraded on to mid. This is about the time I alerted the other team to my bots. They gathered up and killed the bots in one spot. They then continued to do this every time the lot of them spawned.
One of them got stuck in a wall at one point.
They quite often ignored players who weren’t in their direct path.
They would never try to evade a fight, always running right into it no matter where it was.
They would always follow a player relentlessly until the player died (or they were killed)
I was in communication with the entire enemy team for the whole game, and didn’t hear a single word from my team.

Naturally we agreed to report them all, and they apologized for my bad luck. We swapped names of other bots that we’d seen tonight so that we could check and report them when we saw them.

I’m NA servers in mid silver. It’s currently 7am EST.
What is the situation on this? It’s clearly profitable for bots to run 24/7 to earn the participation awards. Is there anything we can do to push Anet for more focus on this issue, or do we just have to wait for the season to end before we can be guaranteed to be playing with actual players?

As a side note, the bots seem to be more common from about 3am to 8am EST. I wasn’t ever 100% certain of bots in sPvP until this last game when it became painfully obvious.

Much sadness

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: Tyrfing.9482


I also experienced this last week. Almost every match there’s 2 to 3 bots in my team.

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: CrashTheGrey.1492


Oh Wow, this was in ranked? Been trying to always have running in case I run into this so there’s 100 percent transparency. I’m sure as more complaints are made citing time and specifics, and especially footage, Anet will genuinely try to root it out.

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

are you sure those are not official bots to make up for the lack of players ?

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: SaltyDogs.9073


It sounds like the sashimir, fresh shark, bombninja and sadao max gang have found you!

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: TonkyP.3075


I don’t believe that Anet would generate bots to populate sPvP during low population times. I find it much easier to believe that people are greedy and making use of the flawed system to easily farm up the new rewards from sPvP.

Occasionally the players will disable their bots and play a game for themselves for whatever reason. They will vehemently deny that they are botting, and try to stir up aggression against anyone who calls them out.
It’s obvious when they do this, as their entire playstyle changes – they play like humans.

As far as I’m concerned the people who deny that botting is happening in PvP are either too high in the rankings to see it, are botters, or are naive. It’s happening, and it’s rampant. I see at least one bot almost every game.
The same ones pop up so often that I’ve started recording their names so that I can alert players on both sides. The fact that botters like Fresh Shark and Sashimir are so well known is ridiculous.

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: Grravy.1945


I see Fresh Shark in most of my games, this is becoming a real problem bit asking Anet to deal with it is like asking Ajit Pai to stop the roll back on Net neutrality.

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: TonkyP.3075


This is so stupid x.x

My Team of 4 Bots...

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Today, anohter bot in my match (opposite team) got into a bit of a problem, first this bot warrior went invisible before attacking, then my ranger pet chase them into a corner and they couldn’t get out. The bot just keep on running facing the wall, suddenly they disappear and then reappear in the middle cap point. This is the khylo map. and theres stairs and ram up the middle point, there is no way this player just magically jump up into the middle cap point. BOT! picture 1 (salty sea dog title player)

picture 2 another suspicious player (slayer title)
the warrior just keep running into the wall for a lengthy amount of time, at least as long as it took to cap a point because my enemy was capping the point and we were looking at this player’s weird behaviour, they reported them for botting LOL it didn’t even occur to me then.


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