Resident Thief
My custom arena is BROKEN.
Resident Thief
PvP Server Programmer
I will look into this as soon as I get into work tomorrow.
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir
Well ours is still technically working, but no matter what settings we mess with there is zero progression now. We’ve tried different team sizes, adjusting timer, scores, ect ect. There is no password on it and everything is set according to the wiki to allow for progression (and it was working before patch as intended too). It seems like customs got real buggy after the patch
I bought a starter kit for a custom arena today to practise with guildies. It was working just fine for a while, until a few hours ago. I’ve messed with the settings as much as possible, but even with Starting Players: 1, no reserved slots, no restrictions of any kind, we CANNOT get a match to start with just the 2 of us.
I don’t particularly feel happy with my 1600 gems being wasted with every passing day until this get fixed.
Anyone else have a solution to this problem or did the patch just break the whole thing completely?
Oh dude! I had the same issue as you back in the day.
Try switching up the map and force restarting the match. It fixed the problem for me. You can switch it back immediately afterwords.