My experience today with PvP

My experience today with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragorn Son of Arathorn.4015

Aragorn Son of Arathorn.4015

Hey friends!

Let me start by saying that I’m a gw2 PvE hero. I dabble in WvW and PvP, but usually only for dailies or to switch things up a bit. I am by no means a good PvP player, although I do find that I’ll often rank surprisingly high/do very well within a single match (high score, kills, objectives, damage that sort of thing). Before HoT my experience in PvP was solely as a bunker guardian (my old main), and I’d do fairly well just button mashing a meta bunker build lol. With HoT my Revenant has been my new main, and so naturally (and especially with PvP leagues going on) I’ll just hop in a PvP match to get my daily on Revenant. This slow ladder progression by only doing dailies means I just tiered up in Amber today lol. Now on to today’s experience.

So today I queue up and get a match on that snow map with the buffs like tranquility or whatever. No one talks at the start, fine lol I’ll just take a bad route toward far point so I can take home if no one decides to go. No one goes home, so I head home. A warrior then decides he wants to go home, which tells me that I’m better than him, so I let him and I resume heading far. By this point, two members of my team were at mid and a mesmer had also run to the far point. He was in a 2v1 against a ranger and a thief on far point, but not doing too poorly. I hop in with my Revenant running S/A and Staff. I use sword 3 on the ranger, get immob after while ranger dodges and moves away (lol) so I axe 4 to him, swap to staff and use staff 5. This combo in addition to the mesmer being there downs the enemy ranger pretty quick. We kill the ranger, finish off the thief, cap far and life is good. The ranger keeps throwing his body at the mesmer and I at far point, as well as other members of the enemy team (we had triple cap), and after killing this ranger two or three times, he starts messaging me calling me things like “lose hacker” and a stream of other not cool things. Like, what? Is this what PvP is right now? People purposely losing to get low mmr matches, and then babies using that as an excuse to suck? Like dude, press V or something, or 6, give yourself a fighting chance.

I’m finding PvP enjoyable right now, probably because I’m not too invested into it like some people, but I’m really not enjoying the PvP community. This is just my experience though, I mean no offense to other people here or toward ArenaNet (that’s right, I don’t even blame you for all the easily foreseen and preventable issues with PvP right now, I’m still enjoying it a little, kinda).

My experience today with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragorn Son of Arathorn.4015

Aragorn Son of Arathorn.4015

For the record, I haven’t experienced anyone “lose hacking” or whatever people are calling it in any of my games, only people calling other people “lose hacker” (or whatever) when they play incredibly poorly.

My experience today with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


Revenant is a touchy subject in PvP currently. Pay no mind and move on with your life.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

My experience today with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


It sounds like you’re below your MMR… If the enemy didn’t know how to dodge or use heals and class mechanics that would be my bet.

I think I’m in a similar situation, last night for example won a 4v5 and absolutely creamed it (pic below), next game was yolo q team against a 5 man premade and smashed it, the following 4 games after that were all wins by a margin of 200 and during that time an opponent made a comment about unfair MMR putting him against dragons.

There is a quite a bit of rage in PvP, but Anet has given us a “Vial of Salt” to link for moments like those.


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.