My final post
I have a creeping suspicion that this thread will be locked in the near future…
OP, you realize everyone has the same access to gear right?
Please air your grievances about thieves here:
this game is not like all the other games that you mentioned the gear difference is strictly your CHOICE, some would even say it is a freedom that you have. you can choose to be tougher or glassy. while i will agree that there are class imbalances the devs have slowly adjusted classes with minor tweaks to adjust things as opposed to game changing heavy handed nerfs .
to be fair those games havent died either, the servers are still active and they have a good fan base, while it is not huge like WoW i would wager that no MMO will ever have the same massive following that wow had. a game that is dead shuts its servers down. while i do do some free tourneys here and there i usually do SPVP and from what i see things are improving on a regular basis. thieves are pretty balanced right now and i hate all forms of stealth classes in every game. SPVP is bad right now because its 8v8 instead of 5v5 i would much prefer that all structured pvp weather its tourney or not be 5 v 5.
it seems you have an idea that for a game to be successful, it has to have 11 million accounts or whatever and that is simply not true. WoW was a genius at advertising and bringing in a huge player base to its game, it wasnt the first of its kind and it surely wasnt the best. what it did is take the MMO genre and advertise the hell out of it. Then they took alot of the good things from games that came before it and combined them. they blindly followed whatever the forums told them. setting a standard for all MMOs to come. so now game companies with delusions of creating the next world of warcraft insanity will try and mimic what they did only to fall short…because they are not WoW.
these game companies will never succeed not because the game isnt better or more balanced or even overall exactly the same as WoW it is because the moment is past. WoW popped alot of MMO cherries and after that nothing is ever going to be quite like it.
even WoW 2 wont garner the same level of numbers as the original.
and since you mentioned multiple times i will tell you this if you are talking about Spvp the gear is always the best …its your choice to build for survivability or glasscannon or mix in between its free you can change your build to suit your playstyle. while there are balance issues till most of them revolve around minor changes that they have so far and will in the future adjust moderately. if you are playing WvW i cant really comment since i dont do it, but i would imagine following a zerg doesnt really matter when it comes to gear.
any time to kill issue is more in the players hand than any game that i have played in GW2. my main is a Ranger, arguably the worst class in the game at competitive levels, but against a decently built thief i can beat them a good portion of the time. since i know my class really really well and i know thieves too since i have tried them out played with builds and learned there tricks.
i will tell you what i tell my friends who play when they get frustrated, whatever class is kicking your behind roll one up test out builds for them and see what hurts you as that class. then the next time you see a thief or whatever class it is you will know how to beat them and the limits of the profession.
there are good builds and bad builds and niche builds. hybrid set ups and glass cannon set ups. try them all see what fits your playstyle and see what does not. sure gear matters since it should always synergize with your build. but since you can get all the gear for free its not that big of a deal. its not like Rift where if you wanted 2 sets of gear you had to grind for months to get top tier gear for both sets, same with swtor. here you go to the vendor and “buy” it and you are done. test out insane builds if you want or whatever but it really does come down to playstyle+build+skill and knowledge. i can build a backstab thief and completely suck at it but sit me behind a tanky melee ranger and i can do wonders with it. i perfer the playstyle, i prefer the build.
class balance will come but they said in the very beginning, they are going to slowly take class balance for what it should be, logical, well thought out, tested, and tweaked. they are not going to so sweeping class changes like rift or swtor did. if you arent willing to wait for a good balance decision then go play world of warcraft since it is in your words “hanging in there”.
in a few months or even as long as next year when they have come really close to exact balance as they can get then you can come back bragging how you played this game from release and no one will know any better.
OP: they been nerfing thieves each patch now. They are moving slowly but steadily to balance the game. Check in every few weeks and read patch notes.
OP, noone says the game is balanced. The people who say that are ignorant.
Still i think the balance is already alot better then in alot of other MMOs and i really believe Arenanet wants to balance everything out (even more then they want to fix bugs in my opinion XD. nah, yust joking)
It took Blizzard more then 2 years to get close to the balance GW2 has within some months. Not every game can start off with 100% balanced stuff.
Beyond the invulnerability of Death Blossom and stupid burst of Backstab combos, the Thief is getting there balance wise. Pistol Whip is now exactly where it should be imo and I’m sure the other two will be soon as well. ArenaNet are making a real effort to balance Thieves with each patch.
I know Thieves are annoying but there are plenty of classes that can beat Backstab Thieves 1v1. For example Necromancer, Guardian, Mesmer, Elementalist and Engineer. Rangers and Warriors might have an issue. 6/8 (including Thief vs Thief) classes being able to beat Thief is not bad going. I know the issue is Thief burst when you’re not expecting it but once backstab combos are sorted it’ll be fine.
I notice people in hotjoin all build very glassy. I can melt through people in hotjoin on any class I play. People just need to start having more toughness and/or vitality in their hotjoin builds. Try playing with Soldier’s Amulet, Rabid Amulet, Cleric or Shaman Amulet instead of one of the glassier Amulets.
@krustydog the fact that your complaining about wvwvw invalidates a lot of the merit behind your claims just fyi.