My idea about Glory Reward

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: MKL.1375


This is my first post on this forum, although I read it every day. I currently have r40 and 60QPs and maining Guardian and only play paid Tpvp and I find that the glory distribution is very unfair. I play every evening with my team and it results every match in the same situation. The roamers get 150+points and I get around 30. That means I started with a higher rank than my teammates, but now they all surpassed me. You find the same in all top teams. See Jumper, he is thief and gets around 250+ points a game and is already r51, where point deffers get way less points.

1. I know it’s the fault of the conquest system, therefore you need pointdeffers.
2. I know that the Glory rank is unimportant (but I also want my flame legion armor for the same effort(time, attention, concentration) my teammates put into the game)
3. I know that when the guardian is lucky and participates in teamfights he also gets some points, but if you did your job right, the enemy team will ignore your point and will not visit you again for the whole round. That means I can only help by calling enemy movements, call low allies and what conditions they have on and fight some 1 vs 1 with their roamers, where the thief or whatever gives up after 1-2 minutes and just leaves.

As conclusion this means: Although I participate fully in the games, theorycrafting and try to support my team at all cost I get no glory reward in comparison to a thief walking around and even having more action and fun.

I played monk in Gw1, botlane support in LoL, and medic in battlefield titles and everywhere I get rewarded for my effort and support.

My idea: In paid: Give all teammembers the same glory amount(and rank points ofc), in hotjoin and free tpvp I dont care because it’s just a noobish zerging and farming fest I do not want to participate in. Ppl said to me, guardian then have to play hot join during queue up times in paid to keep up with the team. However, I dont want to play these zerging (5vs5 isnt any better as ppl always leave in the losing team).

And finally for the ppl saying: I dont deserve more points as I only stand on the point and deff it whereas my teammates do all the work at other points: I love support and would be more than happy to participate in teamfights as full support Guardian, but the current meta and this kitten conquest mode needs heavy tanks, especially with this useless update of making individual respawn timers, destroying split builds and buffing teamfight focused builds. (My team had to change it’s 2-1-2 roaming strategy for a teamfight based strategy to be in line with CN,Onibawan etc. which all now run heavy condi, teamfight builds—> whoever wins the first teamfight has a huge even gamebreaking advantage., but this is another topic)—>Further it takes all the tactic variations out of the game, but again not the topic here.

So please anet change the glory reward system in paids. All point deffers, off-position players want fairness in their rewards.

Thank You and sorry I not a native English speaker.

Edited by moderator: removed Code of Conduct infraction from the thread title

(edited by Moderator)

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Raytek.6193


Great idea, I remember awhile back I was talking to some people and we basically came up with that. I think it would be nice in Free/Paid tournies since there’s much more organization and team play in them.

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


I have the same problem and an easy fix would be to have defenders get 2 points every 10 seconds your on a point (with a personal timer so people cant just run by and grab it) and increase defender kills to 15 points and decrease skirmisher points to 5.
Set the glory cap to 300(currently at 350 I think) and increase the winning bonus to 100 points.

This would help 8v8s as well as in makes holding and defending points more profitable points wise and the win bonus is actually noticable.

(edited by Immo.9217)

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Unfortunately, this simple but absolutely needed change will be implemented…in a few months. The speed at which changes (even basic and fundamental ones) roll out in this game are the worst I have ever seen in an MMO. So, take solace in the fact that, one day, it will come. But if you believe the Mayans, then you’ll never see this change.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


This is my first post on this forum, although I read it every day. I currently have r40 and 60QPs and maining Guardian and only play paid Tpvp and I find that the glory distribution is very unfair. I play every evening with my team and it results every match in the same situation. The roamers get 150+points and I get around 30. That means I started with a higher rank than my teammates, but now they all surpassed me. You find the same in all top teams. See Jumper, he is thief and gets around 250+ points a game and is already r51, where point deffers get way less points.

1. I know it’s the fault of the conquest system, therefore you need pointdeffers.
2. I know that the Glory rank is unimportant (but I also want my flame legion armor for the same effort(time, attention, concentration) my teammates put into the game)
3. I know that when the guardian is lucky and participates in teamfights he also gets some points, but if you did your job right, the enemy team will ignore your point and will not visit you again for the whole round. That means I can only help by calling enemy movements, call low allies and what conditions they have on and fight some 1 vs 1 with their roamers, where the thief or whatever gives up after 1-2 minutes and just leaves.

As conclusion this means: Although I participate fully in the games, theorycrafting and try to support my team at all cost I get no glory reward in comparison to a thief walking around and even having more action and fun.

I played monk in Gw1, botlane support in LoL, and medic in battlefield titles and everywhere I get rewarded for my effort and support.

My idea: In paid: Give all teammembers the same glory amount(and rank points ofc), in hotjoin and free tpvp I dont care because it’s just a noobish zerging and farming fest I do not want to participate in. Ppl said to me, guardian then have to play hot join during queue up times in paid to keep up with the team. However, I dont want to play these zerging (5vs5 isnt any better as ppl always leave in the losing team).

And finally for the ppl saying: I dont deserve more points as I only stand on the point and deff it whereas my teammates do all the work at other points: I love support and would be more than happy to participate in teamfights as full support Guardian, but the current meta and this kitten conquest mode needs heavy tanks, especially with this useless update of making individual respawn timers, destroying split builds and buffing teamfight focused builds. (My team had to change it’s 2-1-2 roaming strategy for a teamfight based strategy to be in line with CN,Onibawan etc. which all now run heavy condi, teamfight builds—> whoever wins the first teamfight has a huge even gamebreaking advantage., but this is another topic)—>Further it takes all the tactic variations out of the game, but again not the topic here.

So please anet change the glory reward system in paids. All point deffers, off-position players want fairness in their rewards.

Thank You and sorry I not a native English speaker.

That’s why people don’t like to play bunkers…really poor rewards, maybe some defender but nothing comparable to roamers….

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Rythgar.2896


As a point-defender I know exactly the feeling, and we usually joke about it in my team, with a bit of sadness involved at the same time.
I was quite much lower in the ranks than the rest of my team, but even though they are in their end 30’s or early 40’s they have gotten more ranks than me since we started playing. And I am a mid 20 ranker.. Had I gotten the same amount of glory rank points as my dear roamers I’d most likely be in the mid 30’s+. Especially since 99% of my game time is spent in tournaments (where I don’t earn rank points at all).

Sure the 300+ points you get from placements in tournaments is nice, and probably make up about 75%++ of my overall points gained, but it is not enough. Especially since they receive them as well.

New system needed ArenaNet!

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Socram.6587


I agree, and this has been brought up a lot of times already.

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Wonder if is a deliberate way the devs are trying to keep players from bunkering down and point gaurding wanting the meta to be something more dynamic. Then on that note, making it so points are held by the larger population might do a better job at that.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Rythgar.2896


Wonder if is a deliberate way the devs are trying to keep players from bunkering down and point gaurding wanting the meta to be something more dynamic. Then on that note, making it so points are held by the larger population might do a better job at that.

If they did not want point-defenders or people to defend the points, then they really did pick the worst possible game mode available…

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


I have been surprised so far by arenanet. When they started rolling out glory-based rewards, I was certain they would have a second metric coming shortly that would be like “rank” from gw1. Why would you lump player rewards + time spent playing together with what you judge other’s skill level with? It’s a mess, really. They will need to introduce a second “rank” title now to fix this, that can only be gained by actually winning matches. Before they made the change where the scoreboard showed the player glory rank I was pretty confident that arenanet knew how to handle these rewards: There can certainly be a reward system that rewards time spent (kind of like pve) because after all the rewards are only cosmetic, but then there should be a secondary mechanic that measures skill (or as close as is possible). Then they added ranks to scoreboards and I suddenly had to question if they knew what they were doing in a-net HQ.