Hi, I havn’t been playing GW2 long but let me start this post by telling you abit about myself in terms of gaming. First off, i’m a huge pvper. I love pvp, it’s all I do. I’m ok with pve to kill time, but mainly pvp. Now then to the topic at hand.
Like the title says, pvp is a friggin joke in this game. Of course this is just MY opinion but who cares. So then, why do I think pvp is a joke in this game? Simple…First off, theres no feel to it. It’s all too fast paced and theres really no need to actually do a rotation or set yourself up for a decent strategic kill in pvp. Why I think that is simple. Out of all the pvp i’ve done in this game it’s been the same thing…Attack someone, they break out of all your cc, dispel all your dots, and pretty much be immune to damage/or unable to be targeted. Then, get gang kitten d by the targets teamates. This is what I have been experiencing all day everyday for as long as I been doing pvp. It’s total bs. For example, Mesmers. How do you guys expect someone to beat a mesmer when they constantly go invisible. And ontop of that, you have illusions that do damage and half the time you can’t find the real player. Going invisible like every 3sec is bs. How could you even let that slide or even add something like that into the game I mean seriously? Same goes for theifs, constantly invisible, or stealth, whichever you prefer, and just like mesmers, do tons of damage. How can you beat that? All the constant health regenerations, all the cc breakers, all the things that prevent damage being taken, for example retaliation…B…S…Simply…BS! Everytime I go up to a target and actually begin my rotation the same ol BS happens. They break out of my cc and I end up having to pop all my defences and healing and still die in 10 seconds. It’s unbelievable. When I play pvp all I see is me getting crunched and facestomped by abunch of mesmers and thiefs. If not them, then i’m getting facestomped by the entire team. I’m alway’s dieing, and i’m alway’s getting jumped, never getting kills. Not fun at all.
I play Elementalist, i’ve been told Elementalist sucks right now but what? Am I suppose to reroll? No, that’s not fair…So then what am I suppose to do…Quit? Well, that’s my plan because you know what? Like I said, all I do is pvp, the pvp is not fun on this game to me for the reasons I listed above. So basically, I wasted 40 something bucks on a game, that I don’t even enjoy. Now I understand theres some kind of huge patch coming up on April 15th. Well hello and welcome to that patch, that’s my last stand right there. Hopefully, you guys actually do something about this BS that i’m experiencing and I don’t have to explain to my wallet why I took 40 bucks out of it for no reason at all. HOPEFULLY, things get better and more balanced in terms of pvp. But hey, that’s you guys job, not mine. All I know is, is that i’m a noob, playing a supposedly hard class, getting destroyed in pvp. As far as i’m concerned, buying this game was a waste of time and money.
I tryed everything, switching up weapons, switching up armor runes, switching up traits, weapon skills, slot skills. Still the same result. I’m done, I don’t care anymore. I’m willing to give it one more shot, i’m not playing this game until that patch arrives. And if the same crap happens, then i’m done. You guys probably don’t give 2 craps about that, but oh well, i’m speaking my mind and that’s it.
Now to wrap this long post of ragemode up, I have suggestions, turn down the ability to dispel, the ability to heal, and the ability to break cc. In my opinion, those are what’s ruining the game pvp wise. Those who can utilize and strategize there FEW abilities, not MANY, FEW abilities, are the true pros. That’s all i’m saying. But anyways, thanks for reading and hearing me out. Goodday to you all.
My opinion about sPvP
Wall of text + ragequit post… not sure if trolling or just trying to punish everyone else out of anger…
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
“All I know is, is that i’m a noob, playing a supposedly hard class, getting destroyed in pvp.” —- that right there is why you find it frustrating and think the games crap. You already identified the problem so learn the class better, proper builds, tactics, etc rather than post useless rage threads. If you’d rather not put effort into learning ele, reroll to something easier or quit. Simple as that…
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/cmm5bx
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_UD_X2dBqSul3NhKWNwRBQ
Hi, I havn’t been playing GW2 long but let me start this post by telling you abit about myself in terms of gaming. First off, i’m a huge pvper. I love pvp, it’s all I do. I’m ok with pve to kill time, but mainly pvp. Now then to the topic at hand.
Like the title says, pvp is a friggin joke in this game. Of course this is just MY opinion but who cares. So then, why do I think pvp is a joke in this game? Simple…First off, theres no feel to it. It’s all too fast paced and theres really no need to actually do a rotation or set yourself up for a decent strategic kill in pvp. Why I think that is simple. Out of all the pvp i’ve done in this game it’s been the same thing…Attack someone, they break out of all your cc, dispel all your dots, and pretty much be immune to damage/or unable to be targeted. Then, get gang kitten d by the targets teamates. This is what I have been experiencing all day everyday for as long as I been doing pvp. It’s total bs. For example, Mesmers. How do you guys expect someone to beat a mesmer when they constantly go invisible.And ontop of that, you have illusions that do damage and half the time you can’t find the real player. Going invisible like every 3sec is bs. How could you even let that slide or even add something like that into the game I mean seriously? Same goes for theifs, constantly invisible, or stealth, whichever you prefer, and just like mesmers, do tons of damage. How can you beat that? All the constant health regenerations, all the cc breakers, all the things that prevent damage being taken, for example retaliation…B…S…Simply…BS! Everytime I go up to a target and actually begin my rotation the same ol BS happens. They break out of my cc and I end up having to pop all my defences and healing and still die in 10 seconds. It’s unbelievable. When I play pvp all I see is me getting crunched and facestomped by abunch of mesmers and thiefs. If not them, then i’m getting facestomped by the entire team. I’m alway’s dieing, and i’m alway’s getting jumped, never getting kills. Not fun at all.
I play Elementalist, i’ve been told Elementalist sucks right now but what? Am I suppose to reroll? No, that’s not fair…So then what am I suppose to do…Quit? Well, that’s my plan because you know what? Like I said, all I do is pvp, the pvp is not fun on this game to me for the reasons I listed above. So basically, I wasted 40 something bucks on a game, that I don’t even enjoy. Now I understand theres some kind of huge patch coming up on April 15th. Well hello and welcome to that patch, that’s my last stand right there. Hopefully, you guys actually do something about this BS that i’m experiencing and I don’t have to explain to my wallet why I took 40 bucks out of it for no reason at all. HOPEFULLY, things get better and more balanced in terms of pvp. But hey, that’s you guys job, not mine. All I know is, is that i’m a noob, playing a supposedly hard class, getting destroyed in pvp. As far as i’m concerned, buying this game was a waste of time and money.
I tryed everything, switching up weapons, switching up armor runes, switching up traits, weapon skills, slot skills. Still the same result. I’m done, I don’t care anymore. I’m willing to give it one more shot, i’m not playing this game until that patch arrives. And if the same crap happens, then i’m done. You guys probably don’t give 2 craps about that, but oh well, i’m speaking my mind and that’s it.
Now to wrap this long post of ragemode up, I have suggestions, turn down the ability to dispel, the ability to heal, and the ability to break cc. In my opinion, those are what’s ruining the game pvp wise. Those who can utilize and strategize there FEW abilities, not MANY, FEW abilities, are the true pros. That’s all i’m saying. But anyways, thanks for reading and hearing me out. Goodday to you all.
Evilapprentice used CarriageReturn-LineFeed!
It’s super effective!
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
For example, Mesmers. How do you guys expect someone to beat a mesmer when they constantly go invisible. And ontop of that, you have illusions that do damage and half the time you can’t find the real player. Going invisible like every 3sec is bs. How could you even let that slide or even add something like that into the game I mean seriously? Same goes for theifs, constantly invisible, or stealth, whichever you prefer, and just like mesmers, do tons of damage. How can you beat that? All the constant health regenerations, all the cc breakers, all the things that prevent damage being taken, for example retaliation…B…S…Simply…BS! Everytime I go up to a target and actually begin my rotation the same ol BS happens. They break out of my cc and I end up having to pop all my defences and healing and still die in 10 seconds. It’s unbelievable. When I play pvp all I see is me getting crunched and facestomped by abunch of mesmers and thiefs. If not them, then i’m getting facestomped by the entire team. I’m alway’s dieing, and i’m alway’s getting jumped, never getting kills. Not fun at all.
I play Elementalist, i’ve been told Elementalist sucks right now but what? Am I suppose to reroll? No, that’s not fair…So then what am I suppose to do…Quit? Well, that’s my plan because you know what? Like I said, all I do is pvp, the pvp is not fun on this game to me for the reasons I listed above. So basically, I wasted 40 something bucks on a game, that I don’t even enjoy. Now I understand theres some kind of huge patch coming up on April 15th. Well hello and welcome to that patch, that’s my last stand right there. Hopefully, you guys actually do something about this BS that i’m experiencing and I don’t have to explain to my wallet why I took 40 bucks out of it for no reason at all.
I’m going to take a gander and guess you’ve played in spvp for may be a week or so.
This post is just crying, Everything that you mentioned about pvp is what makes gw2 pvp so much fun, this isn’t the game for you.
I’m going to take a gander and guess you’ve played in spvp for may be a week or so.
This post is just crying, Everything that you mentioned about pvp is what makes gw2 pvp so much fun, this isn’t the game for you.
And ironically for only playing “may be” a week or so he seems to understand the basic horrible design of Guild Wars 2 sPvP more so than you.
Stealth in this game is absolutely horrid and not to mention far too abundant.
Go take a look at other advertised pvp games. Their stealth looks nothing like the atrocity that is the Guild Wars 2 stealth system.
This is just one of the things that makes Guild Wars 2 fail at pvp. Heavy reliance on AI is another big hitter (or passive play). Another, no true timing of skills. It is just spam, spam, spam, spammy, spam all day long. It does not make the combat “action paced”. It makes it mindless and unskillful. Anyone can push a button once he sees it “light up” or come off cooldown.
The only argument that holds water against the horrible design of stealth is, “well you can’t cap a point in stealth”. That is the one reason you see more aoe spamming than stealthing in this game’s “sPvP”. Create a Death Match style pvp and it would be a Mesmer/Thief fest with a light dusting of the other professions.
You’re right the Ele class isn’t good at taking Mesmers on one to one and they are an incredibly frustrating class to fight. I hope Anet one day tones down the amount of invis in the game. They usually have bad mobility – run away, wait for them to engage someone else and whack them. Roll one and play a few games to get a better understanding of how to identify the real one. Don’t let the phantasms live, they do too much damage.
If a good thief catches you first you will most likely die. They love Ele and will target you first every time. If you are setup right and you see them first or manage to survive their initial burst you have a good chance to kill them. Don’t run, they are faster than you. Keep attacking when they turn invis – they still take damage.
Ele play style is great fun but can be really frustrating as we die so easy. Post your build, maybe someone can point out some improvements. It’s not a good 1v1 class so don’t bang your head against the wall trying to 1v1 everyone. Pick your battles, you’ll have more fun.
You need some practice is all.Make sure you understand every little aspect about the class youre playing,make sure you do A Hell of a lot of 1on1’s in an empty pvp server with some friends.Make sure to try every possible build out there so you have a feel on what every class is capable off,learning to see through telegraphic attacks trying to anticipate what theyre gonna use or do next,and when the best time is to evade certain skills and how to counter every 1on1 class best with certain trait set ups or perhaps a entirely different build all together.
Aww OP, you reminded of myself when i first pvp in this game xD.
I felt exactly the same.
GW2 is never balance in 1v1 here (off target lock from invi is OP for new players xD), bear that in mind, that is why till now ARENA never support dueling =)
Whether you like it or not, GW2 is about how to maneuver yourself against impossible odds, teamwork, setting traps, luring, baiting, etc etc etc. and not ramming your head on to a supreme dueling class such as Mesmer and Thieve.
Sadly, at the current stage, Ele is in the bad light to fight with Mesmer and Thieve =/
Try Necro vs Mesmer, Guard vs Thieve instead xD
Level 54 Bear Rank
I was going to call u a noob for not being able to kill Mesmers but then I read yr playing a Ele…so instead I will say fair enough…
Play warrior, see how “balanced” they are and realise how “bad” you were five minutes ago while playing an elementalist but suddenly got extremly “good”…
Certain proffs’ essentially define what can or cant be played, thieves are one those that define the meta, along with bunker toons (guardians); while others (like mesmers) have just enough abilities (invis and ai) to be really annoying and excellent duelists. If you want to win 1v1’s against these toons, then you need to build a certain way. I would add that depending on proff chosen (outside of an insta gib fresh air combo, ele is sadly 1 of those atm), you may still not be able to win . I started playing this game 1yr ago on a power ranger, quickly realized they were free kills for most builds and went regen BM; even with the nerfed pets its the only build that works well as a duelist. Ignore the play as you want/build as you want marketing; everything in this game is very narrowly defined and if you play outside of specific role and build , its not going to go well.
OP you can get a refund.
I would have to agree with a few points, despite the nature of the post:
- the pvp does not have a good rhythm or flow
- the invisibility classes are insanely frustrating
- its very hard to have engaging encounters when the fights are so zergy
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Wall of text + ragequit post… not sure if trolling or just trying to punish everyone else out of anger…
i think your missing the trick.
if you look at it for the right amount of time and cross your eyes a cool image appears.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
nice troll post, i know a solution go buy those stealth traps in WvW problem solve :P
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
Usually a build would always trump other builds and be trumped by others, but in the current meta people bring all sorts of builds that will trump all builds you can do with an elementalist. Try to go after direct damage dealers, they’ll take all damage and conditions you can put on them and laugh them off. Go for condition dealers, they’ll hit you once with a glancing autoattack, and that’ll be enough to go past your diamond skin.
Put everything on defense, and you’ll die fast and deal no damage. Put everything in offense and you’ll die even faster and deal little damage. Try to get something more balanced, you will still die fast and deal no damage.
Most other professions have weapons that allow them to hit you while running around a lot, while elementalists attacks are slow and canceled when the enemy moves behind you.
Most of the time I end up using dagger air 1 because it’s the only decent cleave attack elementalsits have that will allow them to hit things around while moving.
So you will have to resign yourself to always follow someone else and run around/away when they try to attack you, so they switch targets to that other one. If enough enemies focus their attention on you, you will die if you stay around.
Elementalists need several fundamental changes to make them more in line with the other professions. And also a better cleave weapon, like a sword or a main hand torch used like the handle of a lightsaber-like weapon that has the flame imbued with the attuned element to make a blade.
please rage within fewer words. clauses are also something useful.
" I play elementalist " you probably shouldn’t…
Rotations? This ain’t Playa vs Dragons.
GW2 Structured PvP is far from ideal but it’s by far the most enjoyable PvP in any game I’ve played before.
Looking at your post is making my eyes spin.
Pro tip on how to write properly on a game forum:
1. Keep it short. IF that is not possible go to 2.
2. Keep it short. If that is not possible to go 3.
3. Use spacing. Spacing gives a nice mental break which is why they exist. They don’t exist to spice things up, they exist to make it easier to read.
4. If you are going to make a long QQ post, avoid writing it like you are talking to someone, it doesn’t work well.
5. Keep it short and include key phrases or words like “slap to the face” and “esportz”.
6. Always include a tl;dr
Anyways, if you bought the game directly for Anet you can always ask for a refund if it is within a few weeks old.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
I would have to agree with a few points, despite the nature of the post:
- the pvp does not have a good rhythm or flow
- the invisibility classes are insanely frustrating
- its very hard to have engaging encounters when the fights are so zergy
this list is about right, I really love the community of Gw2, its the best of any mmo I have found…but the spvp feels like its missing something major, and it goes beyond the ‘twitchyness’ of it. I randomly win/lose fights and have no idea why.
Often players are able to heal 100% their health for no apparent reason, yet using the same class with full healing I can do maybe 20% using a long CD. The opposite happens as well, for no apparent reason the player I have targeted drops down dead despite only being hit with a minor attack.
It just feels like everything is hidden under layers of stats which tell you nothing, and abilities which do not do what they say/or are badly worded