My opinion on OP skills

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Merciless.5349


100 Blades + Quickness = OP

Pistol Whip + Quickness = OP

Heartseeker spam = OP (only because of the gap closer, even when I dodge, they still catch up)

Guardian full heal AOE = OP

Mesmer teleport to repair trebuchet = OP

Please remove Quickness out of the game. Melee classes that already have fast attacks become nearly impossible to dodge or break out of stun combos.

Please stop saying “Learn 2 dodge/Learn 2 play”. If you do, you’ve obviously either not come across this kind of stuff yet, or you are abusing it. And people seem to forget you only get 2 dodges before your Endurance has to recharge.

For some reason, when I go in to Stealth as a Mesmer (I don’t have Teleport on skill bar), the targeting does not break and other players are still able to see me and get off their combos. This is when I either use the #4 skill with Torch or the elite skill Mass Invisibility. I was under the assumption that Stealthing cut off targeting. If I am wrong, please let me know.

Most of these things seem to be easy fixes. It is a big issue when a class or a team has to rely on 1-2 skills or another class in order to gain an advantage over the other team (as in the example of Teleport to Trebuchet).

On a side note, I am trying to learn to counter Rangers. They whoop my butt every time.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: keroksi.3076


if those were the biggest problems, i would jump up and down from joy.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Ashenz.6934


Dear Mesmer, you forgot to add:
Moa = OP
mesmer’s pets =OP
teleport = OP

Balance. Really, balance is pretty good.
-Jonathan Sharp, game designer

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


A mesmer complaining and getting “whooped by Rangers everytime”, is this a troll thread OP?

About the stealth- abilities can still hit even when there is no targeting; its one of the great things about the game. When someone goes stealth we aoe the area, or use an attack that “bounces” off several foes- we can target your pets and if you are close the attack will bounce to you.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


The first two are strong but don’t do much to defensive builds. They are one trick anti-glass build. HS and the Guardian tome have been nerfed, if you are still complaining it is a l2p issue. Mesmer portal repair is stupid and is really the only thing on your list I think needs to be addressed.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Gelrod.1295


Please stop saying “Learn 2 dodge/Learn 2 play”. If you do, you’ve obviously either not come across this kind of stuff yet, or you are abusing it. And people seem to forget you only get 2 dodges before your Endurance has to recharge.

I come across this kind of stuff all day and am really happy about it, since these are usually “freekills”… you should be afraid if someone that uses an effective build fights you and not of someone with such a gimicky build.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Merciless.5349


Yes, MOA is OP as well. It needs to be turned down to last only in between 3-5 seconds, not 10. 10 seconds in PvP is really long.

And I’m confused by your responses so far. I stated my class and stated what I have problems with. All you all are doing is saying “Not me/stop complaining/troll thread/freekills”.

None of you have stated your class, nor a solution to dealing with the above.

By this weekend, I’ll post up a Youtube video showing these problems. I am sure it will take me less than 2-3 hours of gameplay time to find these things again.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


Agree that Portal -> Treb Repair is OP. And Pistol Whip’s stun should probably be changed to a cripple or a daze. Everything else on that list is an L2P issue.

As for beating Rangers, because most Rangers don’t have much AoE, it’s very difficult for them to kill phantasms more quickly than you can recast them, while at the same time doing any meaningful damage to you. Just spam phantasms and use line of sight and defensive cooldowns to keep the Ranger from focusing you and you should completely wreck him.

(edited by mouse.1689)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


None of you have stated your class, nor a solution to dealing with the above.

Well your post isn’t about asking how you can counter these things you just call everything op. Well, you said you play a mesmer so ill assume its your main.

1. Blink,staff 2 or get more toughness + vitality
2.Blink ,staff 2 or get more toughness + vitality
3. Hs doesnt do much damage above 50% health. Blind and heal before going below 50% and he’ll be out of initiative. Easy kill from there. Or get more toughness + vitality
4. Daze the heal, if they get stability then hope you have null field or arcane thievery to remove/steal the stability then daze. If not, counter his elite with MOA!
5. Its op. I agree.

Oh btw, i play ele and engi as mains

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Please stop saying “Learn 2 dodge/Learn 2 play”. If you do, you’ve obviously either not come across this kind of stuff yet, or you are abusing it. And people seem to forget you only get 2 dodges before your Endurance has to recharge.

Learn to dodge.

No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness.

The typical fight for me fighting a 100B?

Signet of Rage -> Bull’s Rush -> Frenzy -> Hundred Blading air -> Dazed -> Dead because he took 50% more damage.

There’s no reason you should ever lose to a warrior with that build unless you have terrible latency. If they manage to immobilize you, bring a defensive cooldown. Use Shield Stance, use Protect Me, use Mist Form. Don’t complain about someone killing you because you didn’t bring a utility. It’s foolish to ever not bring some form of invulnerability or stun break.

You don’t even have to dodge. There’s tons of evasion or block abilities in the game. Every single profession has at least one.

I’ve personally played a 100B warrior in over 100 tournament wins, and played from the position of a ranger fighting 100B warriors in over 100 tournament wins. Yes, I have come across and abused this plenty of times. It’s not an issue at all. I’ve even encountered incredibly good warriors in tournaments against teams like Super Squad and Legacy and vVv. Want to know the outcome? They did slightly better than a random in Hot-join.

The only annoying build I can even potentially understand complaints from are Dagger/Dagger backstab thieves. But that has absolutely nothing to do with quickness.

Moa probably needs changes to make it more obvious, as right now it is incredibly difficult to avoid in the heat of battle with clones and particle effects going off everywhere. And nevermind if they STEALTH.

Portal needs changes, in my opinion. It’s making stacking Mesmers far too important, and this is especially so with Treb- > Repair. I can’t think of a single team I’ve lost to on Khylo that didn’t bring at least one mesmer.

(edited by Larynx.2453)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Thief stealthing when downing my warrior and ranger, especially when my hammer (warrior downed 2, knockdown) goes through where they are standing an doesn’t hit them. Moa is also a bit ridiculous. The rest I don’t mind too much, guardian full heal is an elite ability I believe, if they could do it all day long it would be overpowered, though I would like it to only affect them, not everyone around.

If you are dying to quickness + x then you are probably running a glass cannon build. Most warriors running quickness + bulls + hundred blades + whirl usually run off not even injuring me. Previously I ran a warrior axe + axe / axe + shield with 20 power, 20 pres, 30 crit damage trees and hit like a truck, but felt like a china doll when getting attacked. My new build hits like a feather but can hold off 3 people for a good 30 seconds, even a minute in some cases and can usually drop on of them in that time.

1 minute is 3 (almost 4) x 4k heals (heal signet with 16 sec cd) and 3 × 4k heals + 2 × 2k heals (shouts with 20 and 24 cd). I also have around 1k heal on weapon swap (life steal) every 10 seconds.

  • 3×4 + 10×1 self
  • 3×4 + 2×2 group and self heals

Which is a total of 22k self heal + 18k group heals over a minute.

I only have around 20k hp but a hell of a lot of armour + auto endure pain at 25%. When using banners over shouts I have a constant 300 to 700 hp per second regen with 12k over a minute heal if needed (that drops me to 300hp per second due to heal sig being on cd so I don’t use it unless absolutely necessary). There are many ways to combat hundred blades and heart seeker builds. Try building something other then pure damage.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

(edited by TGSlasher.1458)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Learn to dodge.

No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness..

Despite being right about how easy it is to destroy a 100b warrior. I really hate all the focus on dodging. It just doesn’t do justice to the game. You can blind so the charge misses, you can chill so his charge takes so long that you can strafe out of the way. There are defensive skills to be utilized like protection or invuls, stun breakers can be used, or teleports. You can gain distortion if you’re a mesmer without a dodge left. What more can be said.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Guardian full heal also has like, 5 a second cast time.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Learn to dodge.

No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness..

Despite being right about how easy it is to destroy a 100b warrior. I really hate all the focus on dodging. It just doesn’t do justice to the game. You can blind so the charge misses, you can chill so his charge takes so long that you can strafe out of the way. There are defensive skills to be utilized like protection or invuls, stun breakers can be used, or teleports. You can gain distortion if your a mesmer without a dodge left. What more can be said.

Didn’t I say that already?

“There’s no reason you should ever lose to a warrior with that build unless you have terrible latency. If they manage to immobilize you, bring a defensive cooldown. Use Shield Stance, use Protect Me, use Mist Form. Don’t complain about someone killing you because you didn’t bring a utility. It’s foolish to ever not bring some form of invulnerability or stun break.

You don’t even have to dodge. There’s tons of evasion or block abilities in the game. Every single profession has at least one."

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Didn’t I say that already?

My first lines were in regards to
“Learn to dodge.
No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness.”

Saying dodge as the counter for everything. Its too often the response people give on these forms. It’s not helpful for people who are actually interested in learning how to counter these specs. They will only get frustrated when they think that only a good dodge can save them. If you cut out those first two paragraphs I would have quoted you and just said “^this”.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Didn’t I say that already?

My first lines were in regards to
“Learn to dodge.
No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness.”

Saying dodge as the counter for everything. Its too often the response people give on these forms. It’s not helpful for people who are actually interested in learning how to counter these specs. They will only get frustrated when they think that only a good dodge can save them. If you cut out those first two paragraphs I would have quoted you and just said “^this”.

I didn’t say dodge was the counter for everything? I don’t even understand the point of this. Out of context, sure I said that? How does that matter?

I’m sorry you dislike the semantics and structure of my reply.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Repetition of dodge and capitalizing “DODGE THEM” set the tone quite clearly. It is the tone I dislike not the structure. Although that last reply confused me. Three questions marks but only one being an actual question.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


This discussion is almost as pointless as the original one. I seriously can not believe you really care.

Sorry, I’ll fix the tone for you. My bad.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


This discussion is almost as pointless as the original one. I seriously can not believe you really care.

Sorry, I’ll fix the tone for you. My bad.

I’m here to help. The op and you!

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Peter.8047


From what I have seen ( I am only rank 9 and a half ) Mesmer and Thief are the most annoying things, making the game nearly unplayable.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Quickness just doesn’t belong in pvp you already got classes that do huge burst dmg it just makes it worse

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Abra.5230


Pistol Whip + Haste is just lol

I quickly logged back onto my elementalist after I saw how easy it is to kill people just spamming 2 buttons.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Pets in general are OP. Each second you spend hitting one by mistake, is equivalent to a mez or stun on you. And if the pets do damage too then..

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


My first lines were in regards to
“Learn to dodge.
No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness.”

^Assuming your just standing there and you see the warrior comming at you from 5 miles away each and every single time.

comments like this just show how out of touch people are with the reality of the situation.

Yes dodge is important , if you dont use it or dont use it enough then your doing it wrong. But, ^that description would be fine if you run into a 1v1 with warrior constantly but aaahh thats not very realistic is it? Most of the time i get speed buffing 100B warrior in my back using charge is when im in a group fight and whataya know….i used my dodges already,*gasp *surprise.

Yes yes dodge all of their op skills its easy people !11 (sarcasm, more to follow) It works great even when your knocked down (free kill for 100b speed charging warr)

Fantastic theoretical advice ,amazing! lol

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


if you have problems with the mesmer seems you need to improve. because warriors and thieves are the last problem a mesmer has.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


Moa = OP

maybe l2p issue?

if i dont count greatsword stab which has really specific animation, moa is only mesmer skill which is casted while standing (if im not wrong) and then easily evaded… and even if you manage to get hit by moa, you can just run away and even use dodge… only necro is heavy punished by moa, on him its really OP :/

but sure, if you want reduced length, i would like to see some movement imparing effect on it, so it is real hex/polymorph and not just dodge+dodge+hide behind wall for few sec…

(edited by MaXi.3642)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


maxi maybe learn to understand that a good mesmer won’t show you his animation. he can decoy, or just sit in his aoe, than sometime when he wants he uses moa.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


then its his skill isnt it? combining skills to get a better result, like finishing in stealth, hundred blades with quickness etc now its OP combination of decoy + moa, not OP moa… + you can presume him doing something what needs to be dodged when he use decoy not for running away

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


it is playable even if necromancer 90 bugs. LOL.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


how can be quickness+hb the same of moa i dont understand, but w.e, sometimes i find some mesmer who know his class is a little over. this time i was unlucky

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: ManCaptain.3154


For some reason, when I go in to Stealth as a Mesmer (I don’t have Teleport on skill bar), the targeting does not break and other players are still able to see me

They can’t see you.
1. any projectiles in flight will hit you
2. if they spam abilities at your location (or throw a projectile which intersects with your hitbox) they can still hit you
3. any channeled abilties that are in progress when you invis will continue to track you while invisible.
This last point is why it seems like they can see you. Ranger’s rapid fire will continue to send arrows at your real location even if you stealth when he fires the first arrow out of 8 (or so?). This also gives away your location if you’re trying to run away.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


that explains a lot and makes stealth less usefull…

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


Dear Mesmer. You’re playing a Mesmer.

Nothing is going to give you any trouble.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


i bet you are the one who kill only illusions over and over and just get killed after some time

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


If only it was so.
If only it was.

Just don’t make a thread whining about “pvp being unplayable” when you’re playing the only profession capable of making his team teleport back and forth between 2 capture points instantly.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Merciless.5349


For some reason, when I go in to Stealth as a Mesmer (I don’t have Teleport on skill bar), the targeting does not break and other players are still able to see me

They can’t see you.
1. any projectiles in flight will hit you
2. if they spam abilities at your location (or throw a projectile which intersects with your hitbox) they can still hit you
3. any channeled abilties that are in progress when you invis will continue to track you while invisible.
This last point is why it seems like they can see you. Ranger’s rapid fire will continue to send arrows at your real location even if you stealth when he fires the first arrow out of 8 (or so?). This also gives away your location if you’re trying to run away.

Thank you for explaining that about stealth. That explains A LOT of things.

And just because I play a Mesmer doesn’t mean I faceroll everything in my path and/or abuse the crap out of skills (like Teleport. It’s a principle thing). I mentioned those skills because of their insane burst and speed at which they are done.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: labotimy.2439


My first lines were in regards to
“Learn to dodge.
No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness.”

^Assuming your just standing there and you see the warrior comming at you from 5 miles away each and every single time.

comments like this just show how out of touch people are with the reality of the situation.

Yes dodge is important , if you dont use it or dont use it enough then your doing it wrong. But, ^that description would be fine if you run into a 1v1 with warrior constantly but aaahh thats not very realistic is it? Most of the time i get speed buffing 100B warrior in my back using charge is when im in a group fight and whataya know….i used my dodges already,*gasp *surprise.

Yes yes dodge all of their op skills its easy people !11 (sarcasm, more to follow) It works great even when your knocked down (free kill for 100b speed charging warr)

Fantastic theoretical advice ,amazing! lol


as ive said before, derps that defend 2 second ttk are exactly that, derps.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Khronus.8370


I just wanted to create a thread that highlighted some of the amazing aspects of this game and it’s SPvP. I figured that most people wanted to read about issues so they can troll/flame.

Yeah, people don’t like to go into the water and take the ruins. Why not, I feel that it is an amazing map with some SWEET potential. You can simply take that map and turn it into a king of the hill using the central ship as the base.

So people are mad about tournaments and not finding the free tournaments fun. The game is still new and has presented us with some pretty kitten GOOD pvp compared to most games out there. Fun and innovative. Nearly perfect balance between classes/maps.

Dont forget about what they are working on. Spectator mode is going to be awesome. Esports is great. New maps will come in time but what we don’t want is too many maps that will throw off balance for Esports.

Give them time to work on perfecting something that is already pretty kitten close. Enjoy yourselves and get your tournament teams ready!

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: MistyMountains.3751


Nope just annoyed that 95% of spvp ends up being a match with 3 thief or mesmer + 2 guardian…kinda gets boring and im always pleased when i actually find another class in spvp…especially when theyre good…a good ele makes my day (dont even play the class myself but i know its a pain in the kitten in spvp to play)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: MistyMountains.3751


well 1 reason i dont have a issue with warrior 100B + “frenzy” is 1 it requires u to stand still and 2 50% dmg to a already glass cannon spec warrior? know how squikittenhat makes him? lol…dodge pew pew …dead warrior … (though i agree with thieves in general, they can easily do dmg similar to a warriors 100B combo frenzy without the negative side effects + having better escapes)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: MistyMountains.3751


squikittenhat? wth thats not what i typed lol >.>

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Drivelikebrazil.3279


My first lines were in regards to
“Learn to dodge.
No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness.”

^Assuming your just standing there and you see the warrior comming at you from 5 miles away each and every single time.

comments like this just show how out of touch people are with the reality of the situation.

Yes dodge is important , if you dont use it or dont use it enough then your doing it wrong. But, ^that description would be fine if you run into a 1v1 with warrior constantly but aaahh thats not very realistic is it? Most of the time i get speed buffing 100B warrior in my back using charge is when im in a group fight and whataya know….i used my dodges already,*gasp *surprise.

Yes yes dodge all of their op skills its easy people !11 (sarcasm, more to follow) It works great even when your knocked down (free kill for 100b speed charging warr)

Fantastic theoretical advice ,amazing! lol

And, after the 100b warr charges in and blows you up, he gets his glass cannon face ripped off by your allies because the one trick pony’s trick is now on CD? If you’ve already used up your dodges and defensives, then it wasn’t just the 100b warr that killed you; it was everyone that caused you to use up your defenses as well.

GW2 lets you get too far to the extremes of the damage/defense tradeoffs, leading to things that are frustrating on the individual level (getting insta-gibbed by quickness burst is pretty frustrating), so I feel your pain there, but it’s a bit ridiculous to tell just the one side of the group fight story where you die, but conveniently leave out the part where the glass cannon trades his life for yours or downplay the part where it was because of the whole opposing team that you went down and not the singular warrior.

Burst is definitely on the high side for my taste, so yes, please tone it down, but it’s hardly “unplayable” or unbearable.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Diage.6451


Just feel like mentioning. The only real problem with Capricorn is the underwater combat in pvp. It sucks that as I go underwater, my guardian has ridiculously less survivability. Most of the skills are damage oriented, and unless I stack power I am pretty much useless. They need to make sure that they can maintain that if you build a character to play a certain way on land, it should mimic that play style in the water.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Khronus.8370


Misty, I can understand that you are annoyed at having to play against guardians/mesmers. They are the easiest class to learn and understand in pvp. Players have not yet learned how to efficiently play their classes is all. However, I cannot agree with how often you fight teams of that makeup. The typical makeup you are going to see (As I have done hundreds of tournaments since release) Is Guardian, mesmer, thief, necromancer, and warrior. This setup is very sound across all 3 maps. you can mix up 1-2 of them for other classes or repeats. But yes, as for supporting/stability/interrupting, the guardian and mesmer do an exceptional job.

Diage, While underwater combat does bring less survivability, realize that it does this for all classes. It is more offensive but it is very balanced. I RARELY die when i go ruins and I play a vit/toughness/power guardian. You have to use your attacks wisely. Burst someone down, use your pull or sink to finish them off and for the love of god DODGE. I see too many players sitting still and attacking. Nothing changes in the water. The constant movement is still needed. Also having different utilities in water makes a big difference. Why not go for sword, hammer, shield utilities? Secure the ruins and then use your sharks to defend. Works out very well for me and anyone else I work with in game.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Elan.3167


Agree that Portal -> Treb Repair is OP. And Pistol Whip’s stun should probably be changed to a cripple or a daze. Everything else on that list is an L2P issue.

The stun on Pistol Whip is 0.5 seconds. By the time the damage starts coming, you can move again (unless quickness). Replacing the stun with a cripple would be an amazing buff.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213


Damage isn’t the problem with thieves. Stealth is. It’s basically the ultimate defense which allows them all to roll as glass cannons. Remove their stealth and you remove the viability of these builds entirely.

Stealth needs a major revamp if not outright removal.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Diage.6451


O no, it isn’t a balance issue about being less survivable. It is a play style issue. I play a guardian a certain way. I have my traits specced, amulet chosen, runes placed.. all to accomplish a certain play style. However, as soon as I touch the water, that play style is devastated. As a guardian, my choices are either ranged damage or melee damage. If I hadn’t specced for damage prior to entering the water, then I am practically useless under water. No control, no heals, no survivability. My entire play style is compromised. That, is absolutely no fun to me. It ought to be that when I enter the water, my choices about how I want my character to play should be preserved. It’s nice to have the potential to play along the z-axis and to have the complex fights that could develop, but since the downed mechanic in water is weak and my character is of 180 degrees different from on land, it makes the entire experience pretty crappy.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

mesmer lists all “OP” skills in the game

mesmer somehow misses MOA, the most absurdly broken beyond recognition skill in the history of MMOs

this thread is going places

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

wow dude play pve for a bit and go kill krait/bloodwitch lol. guardian trident underwater owns pretty hard, you just gotta know how to use it. ive always thought of it as one of the stronger sets of underwater skills.

Team Shanghai Alice

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


Just feel like mentioning. The only real problem with Capricorn is the underwater combat in pvp. It sucks that as I go underwater, my guardian has ridiculously less survivability.

u gotta be kidding. my guard is the only prof i love going under water with. i stay at ruins all game to guarantee a win, usually taking on up to 3 opponents at a time. the trident and spear were superbly designed. arguably better than some land weapons.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

(edited by nerva.7940)