My opinon on Balance Changes

My opinon on Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


This post will purely be opinionated and full of bias so be warned. :P

I want to start my post on a positive note. Anet did a great job on the Celestial-Meta. The game was probably the most balanced out of all the other metas. We started to see development in the NA/EU teams in terms of strategy even when there were a couple of necessary shaves that needed to be done (shoutwar, cele engi, etc.) the game was in a very good spot.

However, the game did not really receive a lot of balance patches in the past year. it took us almost a year to nerf turret engis, 6 months to shave d/d eles, and after all that we get this balance Patch.

A lot of people have been anticipating this patch. People imagined a more balanced and strategic game after the general improvement of the community and the skill level of the NA/EU teams ( NA was in a stone-age were full bunker comps were going undefeated in tournaments until abjured came and revolutionized the way we play and everyone on NA started to watch more streams and learn from their peers).
However, the game, in my opinion, was completely dumbed down into a power creep and I believe that this completely destroyed any reasoning I had to play this game and here is why:

- The balance patch introduced a lot of bugs, a clear-cut that these changes were not properly tested. The best example is engineer, the most widely used kit is grenade kit yet some how 100-nades bug managed to slip through the live patch and it is still not patched.

- The game almost definitely destroyed all the Hard work most PvPers put into improving their mechanics, dodging, team work because right now the meta is basically high damage low counter play and a lot of passives.

- The game introduced more passives instead of reducing them, the game did not work on fixing some RNG procs such as sigil of air and fire.

- The trait lines were not really well thought of for certain classes, where engi still has useless grandmaster traits, in comparison mesmers and eles have extremley powerful ones, while the others are kinda in the same boat.

- We have yet to see a proper leaderboard/ladder system in the game to provide a reason for us to actually queue. This game has removed every sense of reason to play it. First they destroy the balance the game had, they destroy the leaderboards, they destroyed strategy. What is left? Players, it is time to leave.

In Summary, Anet did a great job balancing on the cele meta, it had little issues to work on and maybe introduce some major changes such as makin celestial on equal ground as other amulets. However, they decided to completley change the meta by introducing more passives, less counter play, and dumbing down each class.

I would like to end this rant on a good note for some. I honestly am fed up with this game and will be logging on once in a while to play 100-nades to troll people and show them what broken tool this game is right now. (Good riddance? oh well..bye!)

P.S. If you guys are really looking into doing some E-Sports, no matter how good the game is you gotta look at its developers. If you see a company that is willing to fully invest into improving the game and has a very supportive and responsive Balance team that justifies its balances instead of making jokes on stream covering up all their half-kitten -ness? Then you got yourself a worthy game to put hours of ur time in, otherwise don’t bother..those are just empty promises and they usually come with a pack of salt and dissapointment.

Thank you Anet. I hope my post is considered an advice rather than paragraphs full of negativity. You need to understand where I am coming from. I used to play this game almost every day for long periods of time with the hope that this game is improving and the community only getting better. However, you guys really like to test your customer’s patience and tolerance. Take this as feedback from one of your ex-dedicated players and hopefully you will become a much better game in the near future.

Thank you for reading and Good bye.

~Paw Paw out.

(edited by Patchi.9061)

My opinon on Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


Wonderful, Honest and Truthful post

" The man who fears no truth has nothing to fear from lies "
Thomas Jefferson

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

My opinon on Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Capito.2046


I agree with all what you just said !
This is madness! I’m not a negative guy, it’s just something that we can’t take anymore!

My opinon on Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Funny how you never really see anyone speak up about things they like until they’re gone. It amazes me how people are so critical with the decisions devs make when they really get nothing but negative feedback on the current setting and then get blamed when they change it.

Blame the devs if you want…but it’s not far off from blaming a horse when you’re at the reigns.

My opinon on Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Yet everyone was complaining about the staleness off the game.
They balance, it’s kitten. They don’t do anything, it’s kitten. They can’t win.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

My opinon on Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Yet everyone was complaining about the staleness off the game.
They balance, it’s kitten. They don’t do anything, it’s kitten. They can’t win.

Because they did it wrong. We would love often (monthly) patches with small tweaks to underpowred/overpowered stuff (which is the best way to polish things imho) rather than rework of everything thats full of bugs…

My opinon on Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: JoelTang.3680


“The balance patch introduced a lot of bugs, a clear-cut that these changes were not properly tested. " Agreed, this alone is a pretty serious problem that makes me rethink buying the expansion. ( I will buy it, but tempted to wait and see rather than pre-purchase)