My problems with PvP
Yeah, I am still hoping that ANET will announce a new matchmaking system for the expansion. The current one is horrible. If they implement a good system, you’d be able to queue into ranked and have teammates and opponents around your same skill level.
The guild group issue is also a problem with matchmaking. You should NEVER face a full premade as a solo queue player.
As for skyhammer, yeah it sucks. It is good for trolling, but that is about it.
For the maps my only issue is there’s conquest only & stronghold will not hold my interest. Match making would not be an issue is it was not for the fact that in spvp, there’s really no room for mistakes. Ranging from having pugs & newbs in the group to having badly keystroked ur burst roation or Just having one DC. 90% of the time, game is done. there just no room for mistakes in this game. WoW had the same issue 7 years ago. & they did find a solution. All classes had a major Life point increase. But that asked a major skill overhall. what it did is give you a chance to recoup if any mistakes are made & just get back into the saddle no matter what. In my book this is the solution.