This last season was awesome and fun, I have to admit that before this season I played pvp only once in a while, but this season I decided to actually play ranked and had a blast doing so.
Even so, there are some recomendations on how to improve it:
1- More information on combat log. About 50% of the matches I lost, I had no idea why, on a second I was defending a point, the next one I was dead, no stomping or anything, just dead. I would like to know who and how I died, so I can improve my strategy. Lot of games do this with a death cam, which I know, it is very hard to apply on this type of game, but a clear combat log would be great.
2- Improve matchmaking. Most matches I`ve played either a team stomp the other, or the other way. Very few matches have felt like a challenge, and those were the one I enjoyed more.
3- Keep the cumulative rewards. It is great that you keep rewarding people, even if they`re stuck on their league, this promotes people to play more, rather than making them stop playing just in case they go down a league.
4- At the end of season, give rewards based on highest league achieved. They don’t have to be huge rewards, but just an extra.(1g per shield + 1g per league maybe?)
Keep up the good job!!