So today i was browsing through all the threads and found alot of people complaining about that we were underpowered (yes i play an ele). So i figured i would make a thread as to what i thought about the whole situation.
What makes Elementalits weak?
It comes down to one weapon, the STAFF. It is horrible in SPvP due the fact that it is so hard to land your AOEs while the enemies are moving around you and the damage of your aoes is mediocre at best.
How I would improve the staff:
I would either buff its AOE damage/ or completely rework the abilities to make less of them skill shots and lock them onto targets. Right now there isn’t enough justification for landing your AOEs because they don’t even do that much damage.
In the meantime I would try out other weapon combinations such as D/D, S/F and mess around with them. I personally play D/D and absolutely love it!
tl;dr elementalits don’t need a buff, they aren’t underpowered except for the staff side of things. Staff abilities need to be reworked or buffed.
Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
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