Necro Balance Issues

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Janus.8690


So I have been playing as a guard on and off since the release of GW2. I’ve tried everything out WvW, PVE, PVP and what not. But lately in PVP I’m just done with it. I am using a meditation DH build that everyone recommends and it is worthless, I repeat worthless when facing Necros. The matchmaking is also a complete joke. I am going up against teams of 3 sometimes even 4 Necros and I’m losing my mind. They are more mobile, put out more AOE spam, can Death Shroud over and over and over, and hit like a truck. I have lost game after game after game and the only advice anyone gives me is, go make your own Necro. So this is all I’m saying at this point. If it doesn’t get fixed I’m done with this game in PvP. I haven’t seen so much lop sided class builds since WooooW. I’ve been patient but I’m done with losing over and over and not even being able to bring the fight unless I’m in a corner.


Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

Incoming balance patch: April 23rd.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Have you tried taking their advice? Playing a necro yourself will teach you a lot about what to look out for and what weaknesses you can exploit.

Necro is very strong right now, especially Reaper, but it is far from unbeatable. Every facet of Necros has good amounts of counterplay, but you have to understand how and when to do so.

Because if there is one thing Reapers are obscenely good at, it’s punishing mistakes.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

I’m inclined to disagree heavily. Reaper capitalizes on being overly tanky and putting out disgusting damage (I should know. I have my mace berserker skill on Warrior with a single skill ability that’s also aoe). Reaper is immune to making many mistakes- it has condi removal, absorption, redistrubtion, damage reduction, endurance reduction, armor reduction, cooldown murdering- all on obscenely low cooldowns and you will probably wish you were dead while fighting one. Think you can outrun one? Enjoy that chill/cripple. Think you can outfight one? Enjoy that weakness, vulnerability, and chill. Think maybe you can outsustain one and wait for help? Plenty of poison my friend.

The truth is, reaper isn’t overly powerful. Its broken. Not because the class is, but because conditions are far too overtuned (to put lightly). People say its all in the damage comparison, which is bullkitten.

Losing your endurance sucks. Losing your cooldowns sucks. Losing your tankiness sucks. Losing your damage sucks. Losing your godkitten movespeed sucks. And thankfully, all these things stay on you. From the time the start fights, to the time it ends.

Again, you’d have to be crazy to fight one. Reapers are why Scrappers, Druids, and Tempests cannot rise. The sole. Reason. But I’m not salty. Not even a tiny bit. I play Reaper too. Troll and legit builds.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Again, you’d have to be crazy to fight one. Reapers are why Scrappers, Druids, and Tempests cannot rise. The sole. Reason. But I’m not salty. Not even a tiny bit. I play Reaper too. Troll and legit builds.

Reaper and Revenant are the only builds in the game that can put enough pressure to get a kill, and have a shot at survival.

Scrapper, Druid, Tempest style builds necessitate crazy boon rip, chill, and damage.

It’s simply a matter if ArenaNet’s next balance patch will simultaneously dumpster Scrapper, Druid & Tempest healing, at the same time as Reaper and Revenant pressure..

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


I’ve been playing DH because it dominates necros. work on ya play bud.

if I’m on my A game there is no class I fear in the DH. sure scrapper is a small God, but it dies to condi overload. DH is no God, but it eats up condis without giving a care. hence why I’m playing it over scrapper in the current necro heavy meta.

sure I got more years and skill on the scrapper, but I want even chance vs everything so I’ll drop the OP class if it’s weak vs condi spam.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


I’ve been playing DH because it dominates necros. work on ya play bud.

if I’m on my A game there is no class I fear in the DH. sure scrapper is a small God, but it dies to condi overload. DH is no God, but it eats up condis without giving a care. hence why I’m playing it over scrapper in the current necro heavy meta.

sure I got more years and skill on the scrapper, but I want even chance vs everything so I’ll drop the OP class if it’s weak vs condi spam.

What build you running? I’ve been using a few builds on my DH and some work, some don’t. Mind if I have a looksie?

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Regon Phoenix.8215

Regon Phoenix.8215

Well, another “person” complains about average class/spec. Nobody cares if you leave.

When you fall, i will be right behind you and whisper: “Who will protect you now?”

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


I posted my build and a breakdown of one of a combo I use often. there is a lot more nuance in the build and play ofc. it’s the build I came to after weeks of testing. I’ve been beating the strongest necros I know in out 1v1 sparrs easily. if you catch me online whisper me and I’ll give you tips.

I’ve got a bunch of disgusting scrapper builds too.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Honestly, Necros counter all the boons that guards toss on themselves like a fat kid’s cupcakes in a sweets shop. It’s no wonder why you’re having a hard time. Also, use your light fields and projectile finishers to clear condi’s from yourself as well as meditations. I’ve played both DH and Necro and I do gotta say, DH is countered pretty hard by Necro.

Just as it’s been for a long time now. Marks for condi’s are unblockable, which counter all that Aegis. Poison counters your healing. Boon conversion counters all the boons guards rely on. Go play a Thief and rip Necro’s apart like I do. Ez pz.

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


How to kill a Reaper:
Find a good point when you can see him come and you’re able to hit him with LB. If you start good you have 50% more chances to win the fight.
Spam traps before he arrive, then attack him from afar, if you have a breakstun use it hen he fear you with the staff, then start again to shoot. The range is the best enemy of a reaper, simply why hes ranged attacks are bad and his true damage come from Reaper Shroud, that is totally Melee.
And first of all, don’t use boons still he’s with his signets.
When he’s in the range of your traps and active them he will lose 1/2 hp if he don’t active the RS, then he lose a lot of it and his stability just to don’t be shotted.
Now you have boons from traps and your traps can be reactivated (expecially if traited for lower recharge time). Reactive them and use your F2 to move Away from him. When he’s in RS he’s totally melee and can’t hit you if you stay away, run always, don’t be immobile, don’t let him reach you. If he reach you dodge his skill 5 (really easy to avoid or block) and active your F3 if come melee and you can’t flee.
Now you swap to GS or Swod/focus (depending on your build) and simply burst him out of RS (he don’t have any defensive skill while in rs) and then kill him easy why without rs lose 1/3 or more of his damage.

Stay away, spam traps, block Rs5 and burst him out of RS protecting you with F3.

I’m a necro and find really hard against DH in positions when they can see and hit me from range. And there’s a large amount of that places in the game.

A good way to hold a point as a DH and kill easy avery necro that come to you is that:
Place all your traps in the point and then hide, making the enemy think that the point is empty. Then he will go in mid and your traps will take away from him 50%hp fast. Then you come and end the work. Easy and fast.
I tried that and is really funny XD
If a thief come you barely kill him before the fight start. (I downed a thief only with traps and was really funny XD)

A good DH can kill a reaper with positioning and taking the distance from him. Lose the point if you need, active the F2 to move away from him and flee if you need, just take the distance and burst him from afar.

Necro Balance Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Again, you’d have to be crazy to fight one. Reapers are why Scrappers, Druids, and Tempests cannot rise. The sole. Reason. But I’m not salty. Not even a tiny bit. I play Reaper too. Troll and legit builds.

Reaper and Revenant are the only builds in the game that can put enough pressure to get a kill, and have a shot at survival.

Scrapper, Druid, Tempest style builds necessitate crazy boon rip, chill, and damage.

It’s simply a matter if ArenaNet’s next balance patch will simultaneously dumpster Scrapper, Druid & Tempest healing, at the same time as Reaper and Revenant pressure..
