Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Pillow.3296


Currently, this skill will not do anything if the target is obstructed, or not in line-of-sight (ie, behind you). It will not work if the target evades/blocks. It will not work if you are blinded. I think there are too many accidental situations in spvp that causes this skill to be wasted.
I propose that this skill does not go on full CD and does not apply self-poison if this skill was not used properly.
PS, if you think it’s oped, let me just give you an idea. Corrupt boon is 45s cd, every class has a cond remove <45s. Every class has more boons than a necro. It’s only fair that necros have some compromise to their lack of boons and heals. If corrupt boon skill can fail, then why don’t self-applied boons fail?

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


I think it should stay the way it is. It is an immensely powerful skill, and the fragility of it is what makes using it such a timed maneuver.

Granted, it is so god kitten frustrating when you’re facing the person dead on, and there is a rock or something in the way, and you get the “Obstructed” message, which should come with its own personal troll face.

But again, this skill totally negates things like thieve’s mesmer steal package, and that guardian skill that gives them all the boons. Also hurts Eles in the heat of battle.

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Pillow.3296


but, the rate at which they apply boons and remove condition has a much shorter cd than corrupt boon. how is this fair?

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


you wait till all his CD’s are blown, u wait till all the boons are up, when hes standing still line it up and fire. when it hits, you burst him down. thats how it’s meant to be used.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


The same argument could be made that conditions cannot be removed at the same rate they are applied, it’s just the nature of the game.

If they only have 1 or 2 boons, save it, its not worth it, unless one of them is Stability, always get rid of stability.

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Pillow.3296


this is going off topic. what i wanted was so that the skill doesnt go on full CD when its effect was never applied. why should we risk a full CD on skill + self-poison for a skill that is so difficult to use?

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


You know you epidemic works well with corrupt boon, after its on him just spread it. Now whole his team needs to use a condition removal or be kittened. Isnt that awsome ?

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: carlos the dwarf.1038

carlos the dwarf.1038

All skills go on full CD even when they miss or get blocked, do they not? The self poison should probably not be applied if it misses, but applying self conditions can be beneficial anyway if you’re planning on transferring them or healing.

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Fynd.4890


As Corrupt Boon currently works, it’s perfect.
The only bug it had was that Aegis would block it completely rather than Corrupt Boon flipping that to Burning, and the skill would go on recharge without doing anything. That was fixed back on October 22nd (Halloween patch)

  • If you use it (it’s instant) and they evade out of it, you deserve to be punished by the skill going on cooldown, and you being stuck with the poison debuff.
  • If you use it and the target is out of your LoS (obstructed), you deserve to be punished…
  • If you use it and the target is out of 1200 range, …

Corrupt Boon is immensely powerful, and Necros that slot it are a huge boon to whomever they’re playing with due to it. It absolutely trashes people that run Lyssa runes[6-piece bonus] (many thieves running Basilisk venom elite and warriors running Signet of Rage elite), it completely stuffs Dagger Storm in one click AND fears the thief away, it destroys guardians that use Contemplation of Purity at the wrong time, mildly hinders a mesmer once their Chaos Storm ends and they’re all buffed up. If you see an opposing necro pop either elite transform (Lich or Plague ), it flips stability to fear and they can be easily CC’ed, kited, and bounced around while they have no ability to heal.

These are just some situations where having Corrupt Boon slotted as your utility pays back massive dividends – in its current form. Due to its immense power, it NEEDS to have the ability to fail. If the risk of failure with Corrupt Boon is removed(recharge refresh on player error), then the reward is cheapened.

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Aleth.9630


  • If you use it (it’s instant) and they evade out of it, you deserve to be punished by the skill going on cooldown, and you being stuck with the poison debuff.
  • If you use it and the target is out of your LoS (obstructed), you deserve to be punished…
  • If you use it and the target is out of 1200 range, …

The thing is, Blood is Power has the same mechanic but it doesn’t bleed you if you miss it. Oh and I think you know about random “Obstructed!” messages appearing as well. So yeah, you deserve to be punished for an annoying bug with their collision checks.

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: OneArmedBandit.7936


Working as intended, imho.

Durrrrr [EU]

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Fynd.4890


  • If you use it (it’s instant) and they evade out of it, you deserve to be punished by the skill going on cooldown, and you being stuck with the poison debuff.
  • If you use it and the target is out of your LoS (obstructed), you deserve to be punished…
  • If you use it and the target is out of 1200 range, …

The thing is, Blood is Power has the same mechanic but it doesn’t bleed you if you miss it. Oh and I think you know about random “Obstructed!” messages appearing as well. So yeah, you deserve to be punished for an annoying bug with their collision checks.

Which mechanic do you feel should work upon failure to land ?

  1. (+ & -) Corruption self-condition does not apply, but skill goes on recharge.
  2. (- & -) Corruption self-condition applies, and skill goes on recharge.
  3. (+ & +) Corruption self-condition does not apply, and skill is recharged for reuse.
  4. (- & +) Corruption self-condition applies, but skill is recharged for reuse.

Currently, all Corruptions (save for Blood is Power) behave like #2, however, Corrosive Poison Cloud should be excluded from the discussion due to its inability to miss. Meaning you choose where you wish to place the corruption field. Blood is Power currently behaves like #1. Pillow wishes for Corrupt Boon to behave like #3, which would break Corruption consistency.

The October 1st patch added the anomalous behavior for Blood is Power, and I personally feel that it’s a bug that it does not apply the self-bleed on failure, but instead rewards you with a 10-stack of might just for using the ability arbitrarily. I would be pleased if a middle-ground on Blood is Power were reached, i.e. it always applies the might, but on failure to land on an enemy, the self-bleed corruption is applied to keep all Corruption skills consistent with each other.

(edited by Fynd.4890)

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Revx.1497


i dont think it needs a buff but i do believe its needs to be fixed.

mine is missing 90% of the time again, ive been point blank on a guardian hitting him with all other spells and it misses.

it acts more like it was doing before they fixed it last time.

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Fynd.4890


i dont think it needs a buff but i do believe its needs to be fixed.

mine is missing 90% of the time again, ive been point blank on a guardian hitting him with all other spells and it misses.

it acts more like it was doing before they fixed it last time.

I use it daily and it’s working fine for me, only thing I can think of is that the trajectory window is 180 degrees and said guardian is either walking behind you or they’re evading.

Necro Corrupt Boon needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Embershard.7294


I agree with Fynd here.
I was having the same issue thinking it was bugged than I noticed to was because of impact to origin placement.
Testing it with a buddy it has a 180 degree targeting limit. you can use your yoon’s shoulder/arm as a reference. If he’s right at it or behind it on a straight line, you’ll probably fizzle.

Necromancer – Embershard
Guardian – Vindicator Azure
Thief – Labrat Thief