Necro devs listening to pink fluffy unicorn?

Necro devs listening to pink fluffy unicorn?

in PvP

Posted by: Nekres.1038


.. for too long?

Hi, so I saw the direction you want to go with necro and yeah well…. let me help or I fear there will be no necromancers anymore.

Most of the changes are pretty random and ok giving us Dhuumfire back is nice. (For people who don’t know, dhuumfire had no cooldown before they decided to nerf it.)
Changing spots between Path of Corruption with Terror. I can understand that change. Path of Corruption is too weak for being grandmaster, since every class can spam way more boons than a necro can handle and only 2 boons to cond? Too weak for grandmaster. And now with the engineer medi kit changes the engi has even more boons. lol. I think the biggest skill on necro now will be Epidemic with those turrets vulnerable to condition damage. But I am sure they will give engineer a skill to cure all turrets from conditions. haha Or they will change it back like dhuumfire, when they realize the turrets can’t be cured and are being destroyed too quickly xD

Those two changes I wrote about earlier are ok, but nothing special. They are just changes which should have been done before. Especially bringing dhuumfire back is: Just. Nothing. New.
I can tell that they have no idea what they should do with the necro, instead what I was reading in the blogpost, they want to give necro a skill which will be using the whole lifeforce bar at once. I assume this will be a burst, but since we can be sure that it will not ‘one shot’, it will just destroy the whole concept of the deathshroud. Everbody would fill there lifeforce just to give that skill a shot. shatter mesmer 2.0 hell yeah funneeeeeeeh not..
Also very dissapointed in the weak presentation in Rdy Up compared to the other classes. That shows how less you actually care about us necros.

You are wondering why this thread is a little toxic and makes a little fun of the devs around the necro? Because 2 years of feedback and nothing really changes as seen in Rdy Up!. I had to feel very deep pain the past 2 years and hoped we will get our overhaul, but trait lines still stay weak and some traits are still complete garbage. Every build you can play on necromancer (cond, power ..) is outperformed with a similar build on another class.
Shouldn’t be the necromancer THE MASTER OF CONDITIONS? I mean, shouldn’t be the user of necromantic wizardry embody Famine and Death of the four apocalyptic horsemen? No, but the green devilish concept of the necro really really wants to. It doesn’t get to it though.. Lich form doesn’t make up for the lack of supportive reliable dps. I mean, what?, power necro gets outperformed. well ok, we all know Lich is overpowered, but it feels like they just made this skill to cover the ‘lack of everything’ when it is on cooldown. oh and about the engineer: AoE – Moa Bird grenade – I was laughing and crying so loud: Uncreative. Overpowered. (Very Abusing in WvW). Now with that you can really throw Lich or deathshroud in the trashcan, because you have one more class to fear while Lich or in Deathshoud, oh no. better throw it in an incinerator, because their is a ‘use all lifeforce’ skill for the necro incoming.

BUT let me tell you another thing:
If the Rdy Up episode was just a filler for a period of time you would have nothing to show us just so we are ‘not getting bored’ (and that’s why one couldn’t even call those changes on necro ‘early alpha version.’) then DON’T DO A SIMILAR HEARTBREAKING TIME FILLER EPISODE EVER AGAIN WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE MUCH TOO SHOW.

…………………. Necro devs should listen to freaking metal or rock.

(edited by Nekres.1038)