(edited by Jelzouki.4128)
Necromancer Blood Magic BUTCHERED
Were there any major changes to necromancer? I missed it.
Anyways, I feel like they chose some specific classes to buff and didn’t really care about others. It’s like they don’t even know what to do with certain proffesions. (Necro, Mesmer, Ele)
Were there any major changes to necromancer? I missed it.
Anyways, I feel like they chose some specific classes to buff and didn’t really care about others. It’s like they don’t even know what to do with certain proffesions. (Necro, Mesmer, Ele)
Power necro received some decent buffs, as well as minion master.
Condi necro and the hopes and dreams of ever having a sustainable necro utilizing blood magic were crushed.
Were there any major changes to necromancer? I missed it.
Anyways, I feel like they chose some specific classes to buff and didn’t really care about others. It’s like they don’t even know what to do with certain proffesions. (Necro, Mesmer, Ele)
Power necro received some decent buffs, as well as minion master.
Condi necro and the hopes and dreams of ever having a sustainable necro utilizing blood magic were crushed.
That’s pretty sad. If anything deserved a buff, it was a condi necro, it lacks sustain so much. I really hope they will go over all the things before making it go live.
Best thing is that Anet gave necros an grandmaster that does nothing for the necro itself thanks to the no-healing in ds… Yes you may be able to heal your minions but who cares about to kittenty minions.
I was really disappointed in the blood magic/death magic changes.
Oh wait there were hardly any.
After 3 years we’re still going to have the pathetic siphoning that can be outhealed by a simple regeneration boon?
“This hasn’t changed, neither has this, or this” <——sums up the necro stream
Necromancer gets trolled confirmed.
Relax. Numbers will change. Devs confirmed this every 5 seconds.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
They could have at least gave us some mobility, but nah.
I was really disappointed in the blood magic/death magic changes.
Oh wait there were hardly any.
After 3 years we’re still going to have the pathetic siphoning that can be outhealed by a simple regeneration boon?
“This hasn’t changed, neither has this, or this” <——sums up the necro stream
Necromancer gets trolled confirmed.
Relax. Numbers will change. Devs confirmed this every 5 seconds.
Who cares about the numbers when necros functionality is utter kitten. They said, “It’s all about functionality right now, don’t worry about the numbers.” I’m telling you right now, with these changes condition necro in pvp will be dead, necros will still be the worst class in pve(vulnerability isn’t group support when eles can get 25 stacks in 2 seconds), and still the worst roamer with no resistance to getting ganked and 0 disengages.
They put the most work into a class that is great in 4 out of 4 gametypes (pvp, wvw roaming, wvw zergs, and pve), while leaving a class that is bottom tier in all but one with very few actual changes. Furthermore, you can tell by their demeanor that they don’t care about the class, even the guy who they brought in to talk about it looked bummed the whole time. In all honesty they should just delete the class, they don’t want to put the effort in to give necros the mechanics that make other classes work (i.e. sustained healing, burst skills, group support, boons, reflects, invulns, blocks, and evades), and it would remove one more thing that even has a chance against a well played engi (who they are very clearly having a love affair with).
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
Its a basic thing. When the other classes like, engi, warrior, thief, guard get their new shiny traits and lines, I think you will quickly see Necros become less viable here. We will not be able to keep up. I don’t play minionmancer and don’t want to so whats left..
Power Necro, which hasn’t really changed much today at all. The nerf to us is really in the changes they gave to the other classes.
I was really disappointed in the blood magic/death magic changes.
Oh wait there were hardly any.
After 3 years we’re still going to have the pathetic siphoning that can be outhealed by a simple regeneration boon?
“This hasn’t changed, neither has this, or this” <——sums up the necro stream
Necromancer gets trolled confirmed.
Relax. Numbers will change. Devs confirmed this every 5 seconds.
Who cares about the numbers when necros functionality is utter kitten.
Lingering curse could do 5,000,000 damage on auto attack and that would make necro’s god tier. That is why you should care.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Literally nothing to change the builds you will run at all. Still the same BS. Still HAVE to take consume conditions or you have no condi remove. So no other heal viable. Still have to take ports to survive because no vigor or evades. The trait changes are half-baked. But this should be no surprise seen as necro is the bug class. Its not even like necro is bad. It isn’t in pvp, it is really good. The problem is its boring because its been the same 2 builds for 3 years. Almost down to the exact skills used.
And no its not about numbers. It is about interesting and fun. There is no fun to be had from necro which is so so boring. The traits not changing in the worst trait lines = no change. Same old kitten
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Just for necro I rather keep current system I don’t care how much you bring to the other classes that will be good.
The Dhuumfire thread
I was really disappointed in the blood magic/death magic changes.
Oh wait there were hardly any.
After 3 years we’re still going to have the pathetic siphoning that can be outhealed by a simple regeneration boon?
“This hasn’t changed, neither has this, or this” <——sums up the necro stream
Necromancer gets trolled confirmed.
Relax. Numbers will change. Devs confirmed this every 5 seconds.
Who cares about the numbers when necros functionality is utter kitten.
Lingering curse could do 5,000,000 damage on auto attack and that would make necro’s god tier. That is why you should care.
I still don’t care cause they would never do that and you know it. That’s a pitiful argument, and your grasping at straws trying to be positive. Necros, the class that needs the most work got very few actual changes, while engies got a boatload. We have two traitlines dedicated to living longer that do very little if anything to make you live longer.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
The changes and the way they were acting on the livestream when necro came up was a real slap in the face for all of us who stuck with the class for all this time.
3 wvw kills
They screwed condi necros, and are very likely laughing it off
They screwed condi necros, and are very likely laughing it off
As long as engis are getting buffs, right.
They screwed condi necros, and are very likely laughing it off
Yepp, i just realised that they removed the 50% fear duration trait… So unless it became baseline, terror was nerfed pretty hard.
They screwed condi necros, and are very likely laughing it off
Yepp, i just realised that they removed the 50% fear duration trait… So unless it became baseline, terror was nerfed pretty hard.
They did not.
They screwed condi necros, and are very likely laughing it off
Yepp, i just realised that they removed the 50% fear duration trait… So unless it became baseline, terror was nerfed pretty hard.
They did not.
Ahh you are right they put it in the fear on getting downed trait… I dont know how i did overlook it…
(edited by Muchacho.2390)
Yeah it’s a grandmaster. So you either go condi duration or terror but not both. Good luck bursting anything now. You will be cc,d and not be able to do any good damage with terror. Joke
All we have left is our specialization, as well as the greatsword…even then idk what else to hope for.
All we have left is our specialization, as well as the greatsword…even then idk what else to hope for.
It’s supposed to be equal to base necro…
The Dhuumfire thread
I wouldn’t get too worried. They said in the live stream that the professions they were most looking at and working on at that time was Engineer and Mesmer. I’m sure necromancer will get a much more full treatment after engineer and mesmer is done.
Message me any time in game.
I wouldn’t get too worried. They said in the live stream that the professions they were most looking at and working on at that time was Engineer and Mesmer. I’m sure necromancer will get a much more full treatment after engineer and mesmer is done.
Gates, fogive my lack of faith in anet right now. We have been playin this class since beta, and changes or improvements to necro have been few and far between. In addition, similar to the treatment Ranger got, Anet was supposed to take a hard look at necro and it never happened, just went away. Now i have seen some amazing changes to some classes (i.e. engie – their baby) while necros were given the traits we already freakin use now (what build diversity?) with little to no improvements in the traits themselves, all they while they weakened significantly condi builds, while tryign to sneak in a dhuumfire nerf under the guise of a new graphic life blast shot. whooooppiiieee diiiidoooooooooo. It is a joke, to get the same damage out of dhuumfire i have to stay in DS longer, land a shot 3 times (using the slowest moving and most telegraphed attack in the game – life blast), in a build that will fail to generate life force, all the while getting ping ponged around because I have 0 access to stability in DS or stunbreaks (now that DS occupies the same spot as FITG). The damage for Dhuumfire now, is the same as a bleed tick, why the F would anyone take it? I can land 4-5 of those in the time i can get off a single godkitten lifeblast. Yay, new green fire graphic, oohhhhhhhhh (joke). Furthermore, Now we have to choose between terror and lingering curse, along with some other revamps to traits that have deconstructed several variations of our condi build. No thank y ou anet, you have CLEARLY pointed out your lack of vision and understanding of this class. Aside from the fact that NONE OF THESE changes address the concerns the community has with regard to the necro in pve gropu content, as well as the necro at high level s/t PVP play. Do these guys even play a necro?
I have 0 faith in anet getting around to it. No way they will actually come out and say they are looking at necro, nor will they get around to it, because they never have. It is a joke, and their attitude on that ready up was unprofessional, and joking with regard to this class. They could not even contain their disdain or cover up their lack of enthusiasm. Ridiculous.
(edited by Gryph.8237)
They do have a nasty tendency to SHOW their lack of interest in the necromancer. This isn’t the only time, neither, they did it with the new Vampiric Signet as well. They consistently breeze right through Necro, have very little to say, joke about how no one cares about before but then express exactly that, a lack of care.
It’s really disappointing. I’ve gotten personal flak for being too critical on the forums and putting things in a negative light, but kitten, as a customer, I have a right to be annoyed. I like many of the devs, but I don’t really care to be a public puppet for them either like many ESports players are and if I feel like something needs to be said, I’ll say it.
Simply put, they need to turn to the necro forums and just take women hard notes from my peers and try it out because it’s painfully obvious that they don’t really care. To hear what they did and the excitement during engineer and thief (esports favorites) and even some of the others and a stream of “That didn’t really change”, “same as live”, and in general lack of enthusiasm on necromancer makes me shake my head.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Gates, fogive my lack of faith in anet right now.
I fully understand why you’re worried, but you have to understand the situation we’re in. They’re working on an expansion and they’re given free reign to fully rework everything in every single class. They’ve never really had that chance as the motto of the company was “very little changes over long times”. They are HEAVILY looking for your feedback and the information I send them has had a large affect on what they’ve done. Did you know that the reason they changed Foot in the Grave to a stunbreak was because of the forums? Turret engi nerf? Forums.
If players post me some good feedback and suggestions, it’ll get to the devs and things will change. Watch.
Message me any time in game.
They could have at least gave us some mobility, but nah.
To be fair… We still need to see the elite spec. We might get some mobility love in that one.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Gates, fogive my lack of faith in anet right now.
I fully understand why you’re worried, but you have to understand the situation we’re in. They’re working on an expansion and they’re given free reign to fully rework everything in every single class. They’ve never really had that chance as the motto of the company was “very little changes over long times”. They are HEAVILY looking for your feedback and the information I send them has had a large affect on what they’ve done. Did you know that the reason they changed Foot in the Grave to a stunbreak was because of the forums? Turret engi nerf? Forums.
If players post me some good feedback and suggestions, it’ll get to the devs and things will change. Watch.
So are you the reason why ele got nerfed so much?
They could have at least gave us some mobility, but nah.
To be fair… We still need to see the elite spec.
We might get some mobility love in that one.
It’s supposed to be equal to base necro, if they make it better then it would be another slap in the face it’s a loss-loss situation I’m positive I’ll stop with necro and go back to thief they made it clear on what class shouldn’t be played, they are making necro boring and pushing him into more facetanking.
The Dhuumfire thread
If players post me some good feedback and suggestions, it’ll get to the devs and things will change. Watch.
Then give them feedback in regards to Spite GM traits beeing conceptually cool (Auto Signet and especially axe3 on DS enter) but simply outshined by Close to Death (20%dmg under 50%). Also the Spite GM minor is still kind of meh.
Additionally, if they seriously want to make Deathly Invig not about leaving DS and about party support then why not make it some pulsing group lifesteal procc? Maybe the PvE crowd will get some use out of it then.
Terror is a needed skill for pretty much all condi builds and its a huge part of our cc. To have to choose that over a condi duration skill means you will have terror and bad condi duration, or duration and no terror. Both options limit the damage you put out from the present builds now that they are getting rid of duration as a stat in the lines themselves. And the dhuumfire nerf was uncalled for. FiTg was a logical move and should have been there from the word go. Every class has gotten significant improvements while I don’t see that happenening for this class. Nit is so clear the devs don’t know what to do, nor do they even care about this class. To top it off, they are unprofessional and laugh off the necros apparent weakness while adding the old fallacy – but you have two health pools. Thanks again anet. Over time you just keep proving us right
(edited by Gryph.8237)
Gates, fogive my lack of faith in anet right now.
I fully understand why you’re worried, but you have to understand the situation we’re in. They’re working on an expansion and they’re given free reign to fully rework everything in every single class. They’ve never really had that chance as the motto of the company was “very little changes over long times”. They are HEAVILY looking for your feedback and the information I send them has had a large affect on what they’ve done. Did you know that the reason they changed Foot in the Grave to a stunbreak was because of the forums? Turret engi nerf? Forums.
If players post me some good feedback and suggestions, it’ll get to the devs and things will change. Watch.
Honestly their time would have been better spent just reviewing Engineer and Mesmer if that’s how they were. But if I have any opportunity to affect how necromancer traits are still reworked, here goes:
Necromancers are out of the meta for a lot of reasons, but a lot of those reasons are (and I believe many of these affect PVE too): lack of mobility, lack of sustain, lack of group support. Some other things, like having by far the fewest blast finishers, or the only class with no vigor don’t help. I also believe, for pvp, that our long-ish casts, long cooldowns, and lack of an uninterruptable heal – that isn’t garbage – hold the class back as well.
The good
- Reworked the minor traits, the current minors are awful.
- Unholy feast on DS seems interested
- Reworked adept traits which are also very “meh” right now
The bad
- No one is going to take death shiver, maybe in PVE? I always thought Death Shiver should give another condition, like blind, or chill, or weakness.
- Axe training isn’t baseline? Really? Axe is so bad already, another 10% damage isn’t going to make it OP or really even that good.
To give necromancers some more unique support, what if unholy feast didn’t give retaliation, but instead applied moderate duration weakness? What a great way for a necromancer to give some group support. Plus, it will make Unholy Feast vs. Close to Death a tougher decision.
The good
- I suppose you didn’t delete any great traits
The bad
- Changing Target the Weak had an effect on power builds. This should be moved to master spot, and bring furious demise up to GM – then make it party wide.
- Enfeebling blood nerfed due to the cooldown, although I’m assuming that may not be accurate. As it stands though, it’s bad
- Chilling darkness isn’t too exciting, definitely thought that was getting merged somewhere.
- Reaper’s precision is super bad as it is now, no idea why it was moved to Curses Master without a significant buff.
- No one will take Parasitic contagion with the traits it competes with. Because the buff to 15% is nice and all, but you’ll give up most of your sources of damage to have it. Still gives 0 heals in DS.
- No power based GM trait.
Death Magic
The good
- Some interesting ideas seem to have come up in this tree
The bad
- Beyong the Veil sounded amazing… until it was only to minions. Why can’t this be AOE to party members? Doesn’t a defensively specced necro deserve to give defensive support?
- No healing in DS means that no buff to Unholy Sanctuary healing is sort of a joke
- No changes to the oft complained about Reaper’s Protection. Best Idea I’ve seen is grant life force when CC’d, no ICD.
-Deadly Strength will provide very little power because this tree used to give toughness, but now it doesn’t. 70 power isn’t worth this spot.
- Soul Comprehension is not a big change. 10% on death to 12% is 1 more second in DS even if you trait for reduced DS erosion.
Blood Magic
The good
- Seems that some attempt to make this attractive to power necros was made with dagger and well traits.
The bad
- No healing in DS makes this whole line worthless
- Bloodthirst isn’t baseline? Really? It’s still not even good when taken.
- Regen as a minor trait? Seriously? Most boring minor trait.
- None of these major heal skills affect the necro at all (i.e transfusion, deathly invigoration).
This was a joke, honestly. It’s one of the worst trait lines in the game. Something needs reworked here, either the traits, or DS.
Soul Reaping
The good
- Combining soul marks and staff mastery was great
- Combinin vital persistance with DS cooldown was great.
- Some very interesting choices in this line in Adept and Minor spots.
The bad
- Appears that Dhuumfire gives 1 second of burning per cast. What’s the point in this? Unless life blast is getting a seriously faster cast time, which seems unlikely because of power builds, there is no point in taking Dhuumfire because scepter 1 will deal comparable damage. I think it’s time Dhuumfire was scrapped. Great opportunity for another interesting GM in SR.
Anet just hates necro.
Roe, did you see they moved terror to GM? How is this a GM trait without any improvement? WTF???!?!??!
Roe, did you see they moved terror to GM? How is this a GM trait without any improvement? WTF???!?!??!
I did but they moved PoC down one too, so not a big change if you consider them both.
More problematic is how there’s not really a good 3rd trait tree for condition builds. Maybe DM? I don’t know but not being able to choose because they are all lackluster isn’t really the idea here, I think.
Its a big change for damage on condi builds. Now we are limited even further.
Anet just hates necro.
They don’t care enough to hate.
The Dhuumfire thread
Gates, fogive my lack of faith in anet right now.
I fully understand why you’re worried, but you have to understand the situation we’re in. They’re working on an expansion and they’re given free reign to fully rework everything in every single class. They’ve never really had that chance as the motto of the company was “very little changes over long times”. They are HEAVILY looking for your feedback and the information I send them has had a large affect on what they’ve done. Did you know that the reason they changed Foot in the Grave to a stunbreak was because of the forums? Turret engi nerf? Forums.
If players post me some good feedback and suggestions, it’ll get to the devs and things will change. Watch.
I can vouch for all my necromancer posters in the necro forum when I say this, ABSOLUTELY NONE of those changes are changes that have been talked about in the forums for the past 4 months. I’m in that forum at least once a day.
Such disappointment. If you really want some feedback, I suggest you go to the necromancer forums, and watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pna1XlfVYqs
I wouldn’t get too worried. They said in the live stream that the professions they were most looking at and working on at that time was Engineer and Mesmer. I’m sure necromancer will get a much more full treatment after engineer and mesmer is done.
Though it hits me the least out of anyone who adores Necromancers since I decided to not main it since launch (I mean, mostly a GW1 sentiment anyway) – it took them three years to acknowledge that Engineer should be reworked…
3 years… and out of all professions, Engineers needed the biggest and most complete overhaul…
I guess it was because the Engineer had no distinct flavor in PvE ey? Man, the pity…
Apparently the previous thread got merged
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
To me, at least, it seems pretty clear that Anet disagrees that every class needs “meta approved” team support and access to at least either block, evasion, and/or invulnerability. It’s hard to make a case that they think otherwise. All the other classes already had access to these things so it’s hard to say what level of importance Anet places on them in general terms of class balance. However, it is also clear that players do place a lot of emphasis on these things.
My concern is that they are going to continue with the concept of base necro using deathshroud as a primary form of damage mitigation and leave the elite specialization to use meta approved damage mitigation in the form of blocks and evasion. This wouldn’t really help balance the elite spec against the core spec if they don’t address the player psychology around the issue at the very least.
So, in the end, what I’m hearing is Blood Magic and Death Magic are the two trees in particular that still need looking at because these trees don’t mesh with the current meta. Keep in mind we haven’t seen the full extent of the skill and utility overhauls yet and what that means for these changes overall. Still, Anet seems like they’ve already decided that the Necro’s survivability is where they want it, not necessarily where players want it. I do hope they reconsider or at least clarify their position.
Well if it was largely unchanged then you can hardly say it’s been butchered! Still the same old worthless tree might be a better way to put it!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis <-It’s back!
Can anyone make a montage of the
“siphons are pretty strong, were thinking of toning it down” ?
Could the title of this thread be any more over the top?
I don’t think so…
I wouldn’t get too worried. They said in the live stream that the professions they were most looking at and working on at that time was Engineer and Mesmer. I’m sure necromancer will get a much more full treatment after engineer and mesmer is done.
No this meant the opposite. It meant everyone is done except engineer and mesmer which were way behind. I guarentee you that those changes we saw are 99% what will be in live for necro.
If you dont believe me then check my previous guarentees that I made many of and people called me negative and they all turned out to be true.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Gates, fogive my lack of faith in anet right now.
I fully understand why you’re worried, but you have to understand the situation we’re in. They’re working on an expansion and they’re given free reign to fully rework everything in every single class. They’ve never really had that chance as the motto of the company was “very little changes over long times”. They are HEAVILY looking for your feedback and the information I send them has had a large affect on what they’ve done. Did you know that the reason they changed Foot in the Grave to a stunbreak was because of the forums? Turret engi nerf? Forums.
If players post me some good feedback and suggestions, it’ll get to the devs and things will change. Watch.
I can vouch for all my necromancer posters in the necro forum when I say this, ABSOLUTELY NONE of those changes are changes that have been talked about in the forums for the past 4 months. I’m in that forum at least once a day.
Such disappointment. If you really want some feedback, I suggest you go to the necromancer forums, and watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pna1XlfVYqs
Also the necromancer forums are the friendliest and most helpful, constructive and positive forums (except when we get kicked with the usual zero changes) that I have been on. There is so many good ideas on there for pve, pvp and for FUN. Changes to open up builds and fun. And they didn’t do anything we asked for. In fact they just didnt do anything. Merged some traits, used a randomiser to put some in new positions and then finished.
Literally, we got nothing new. Another 3 years to wait for the next expansion I guess?
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
I wouldn’t get too worried. They said in the live stream that the professions they were most looking at and working on at that time was Engineer and Mesmer. I’m sure necromancer will get a much more full treatment after engineer and mesmer is done.
Don’t get me wrong, I do know that they are listening (a ton of changes they did were obviously inspired by the forums), I just hope they have the resources and willingness to make the changes. It seems to me that ANet might know what we want, but are either unable to do it because of how much work it would be, or because they just don’t feel the same.
The big tell here is they ALWAYS mention second health bars, but never mention the fact that we give up everything that makes other professions work for it, and it just demonstrably isn’t working as our only defensive mechanic. They also seem to never address our PvE issues, our lack of support, our lack of finishers.
I’m honestly not sure where the disconnect is, but there obviously is one, and it is hurting us.
I wouldn’t get too worried. They said in the live stream that the professions they were most looking at and working on at that time was Engineer and Mesmer. I’m sure necromancer will get a much more full treatment after engineer and mesmer is done.
/sigh what utter crap. Anet themselves said that Necro was the most worked on profession next to Engie, yet they completely re-worked traits for Engies from scratch and are putting many new ones in, etc and then they get to Necro and that was all the crap we got? just consolidation of some crappy traits, nothing new, nothing impactful enough to bring us into the meta, just lackluster traits being put together and then they make traits that should synergize well with themselves compete? i mean wtf is that crap? if Necros we in a good position, then hey a few tweaks here and there may be all we needed to keep us competitive, but at this rate all ANet is concerned with is just keeping us from drowning because they sure as hell do not want us to swim on our own.
also if you think that ANet will give Necros another pass before release then you are really deluded, the changes required for Necro competitive viability are fundamental, such as not making our own mechanics circumvent our trait choices, not making traits that should logically complement each other compete, etc. they would have to give Necros the Engie treatment and ANet does not have the vision or the tenacity for that, unless you play Engie, or Guardian, or Warrior, or Ranger, or Thief.
and what makes this whole thing even worse is that even if we do get any meaningful changes it will come from an outcry yet to anyone who actually actively plays the profession and not just as a casual whim, they would have already seen that their own changes were far from complete. these guys kittening make the game, how hard is it to see how crappy these changes are relative to other professions changes given the effectiveness of each profession prior to the changes, do they seriously need feedback on that? and if so, we are in deeper trouble that we thought.
snip just consolidation of some crappy traits, nothing new, nothing impactful enough to bring us into the meta, just lackluster traits being put together and then they make traits that should synergize well with themselves compete? i mean wtf is that crap? if Necros we in a good position, then hey a few tweaks here and there may be all we needed to keep us competitive, but at this rate all ANet is concerned with is just keeping us from drowning because they sure as hell do not want us to swim on our own.snip
Has Anet acknowledged that they are balancing for the meta? Serious question. I can’t remember a time where they said they wanted to make changes for any class in accordance with the player recognized meta. Any allusions to that? Anything? Cause if they haven’t, that might explain a lot about why the other classes are still operating within the meta parameters and why necro has stayed largely in the same place as well. And if there is concrete evidence otherwise, it might provide some context to their balance methodologies.
(edited by nightwulf.1986)
snip just consolidation of some crappy traits, nothing new, nothing impactful enough to bring us into the meta, just lackluster traits being put together and then they make traits that should synergize well with themselves compete? i mean wtf is that crap? if Necros we in a good position, then hey a few tweaks here and there may be all we needed to keep us competitive, but at this rate all ANet is concerned with is just keeping us from drowning because they sure as hell do not want us to swim on our own.snip
Has Anet acknowledged that they are balancing for the meta? Serious question. I can’t remember a time where they said they wanted to make changes for any class in accordance with the player recognized meta. Any allusions to that? Anything? Cause if they haven’t, that might explain a lot about why the other classes are still operating within the meta parameters and why necro has stayed largely in the same place as well. And if there is concrete evidence otherwise, it might provide some context to their balance methodologies.
the “meta” is formed as a result of the balance that ANet institutes, if the players cannot see any reason to bring a Necro into group play due to lackluster balance from ANet then the onus is on ANet to address that issue. so whether ANet explicitly states they are balancing for the player formed “meta” they are because the players have seen due to extensive testing that the goal for Necros of ANet does not meet with the reality of it in use by the players.
Has Anet acknowledged that they are balancing for the meta? Serious question. I can’t remember a time where they said they wanted to make changes for any class in accordance with the player recognized meta. Any allusions to that? Anything? Cause if they haven’t, that might explain a lot about why the other classes are still operating within the meta parameters and why necro has stayed largely in the same place as well. And if there is concrete evidence otherwise, it might provide some context to their balance methodologies.
the “meta” is formed as a result of the balance that ANet institutes, if the players cannot see any reason to bring a Necro into group play due to lackluster balance from ANet then the onus is on ANet to address that issue. so whether ANet explicitly states they are balancing for the player formed “meta” they are because the players have seen due to extensive testing that the goal for Necros of ANet does not meet with the reality of it in use by the players.
It’s always up to Anet to address balance. If that is what you were getting at, I agree. However, I have to disagree that they are balancing for the meta. The more I’ve been reading responses in the various profession forums and looking at their trait redesigns and the choices they are forcing on us, the more it seems there is dissenting opinion from Anet devs on the importance of the current PVP meta and PVE dungeon meta. I think that they are trying to build the game still in accordance with their vision and that vision appears not to run completely parallel to what we know as the meta. I’m just surprised that they actually buffed corrosive poison cloud by making poison stack in intensity in general. That’s saying something. We don’t really know what they have in their testing environments.