Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


I just saw the first match.
necros are so not OP.
Look at their builds, glass condi cannons. the first guy that die? necro. The class that die the most? necro. the most focused? necros. Blue team necros were never alone. You still need a partner or you are dead.
Necros got the lead when they chained fear their opponent. Which again is a matter of terror + spectral wall not burning. As I said before many times, Dhuumfire it’s ok as it is now.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


People just aren’t used to being chain feared, since people are not used to this people complain.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Togur.9306


Only mindless claim that pvp in guild wars 2 is balanced

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Only mindless claim that pvp in guild wars 2 is balanced

Does one build dominate all other builds as in I could have a full team of fear necros and will always win?

Nope there isn’t such thing as one build dominance because the game is balanced. There is a rock paper scissors system in this game. Condi’s beat this, Burst beats this, Fear beats this, Knockbacks beat this, Boons prevent that.

Sure some people don’t play 1 or 2 professions that much because the skill curve is too high to master and its just not as easy as others, but that’s in all games. Even in LoL some people just don’t get used as much as others.

Right now its just too many people playing paper and guess what scissors beats paper. Maybe its about time people start playing rock.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Todays necro is more op than the bm rangers of the past.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Varonth.5830


Only mindless claim that pvp in guild wars 2 is balanced

Does one build dominate all other builds as in I could have a full team of fear necros and will always win?

Nope there isn’t such thing as one build dominance because the game is balanced. There is a rock paper scissors system in this game. Condi’s beat this, Burst beats this, Fear beats this, Knockbacks beat this, Boons prevent that.

Sure some people don’t play 1 or 2 professions that much because the skill curve is too high to master and its just not as easy as others, but that’s in all games. Even in LoL some people just don’t get used as much as others.

Right now its just too many people playing paper and guess what scissors beats paper. Maybe its about time people start playing rock.

No it isn’t Rock, Paper, Scissors and it should never be such an aweful system.
Everything should have a chance to beat everything. Any other system than that, would end up:
Team A consists of XYZ, Team B consists of MNO → XYZ beats MNO → Team A wins

That is Rock, Paper, Scissors. Not in a nutshell, but that is the exact definition of that kind of balance.
There is no player interaction needed to determine the outcome of a battle in Rock, Paper, Scissor.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Deified.7520


The reason necros appear to be OP is because people aren’t used to it. Nothing much has changed with necros. We actually got a nerf to our corrupt boon.
1. Terror has always been that way.
2. We’ve always had the current condi pressure, we just have burning now for the sake of a full stat tree. Our staff damage hasn’t changed, our corrupt boon actually got nerfed!

The only thing I’ve seen changed in this meta that is slightly big,
-Slightly longer fear if we are next to the target
-Spectral wall fear which is easy to see and exactly the same as the guardians passage blocker

So if they nerf necros again and make them again unviable, I will not be happy. Mesmers and guardians are still very very good in PvP.

OP was so right about power, everything was pretty much power except engineeers. Mesmers went these high burst damage builds that were physical, guardians were mostly tanks with physical damage, thieves were mostly physical, eles were mostly physical damage. Hardly any of the classes went for conditions. Now a class does good and has conditions as his primary source of doing good and people are freaking out because they’re not use to it.

I’m sure all of the players here who play thieves, mesmers, guardians, or eles have been told that their class is OP and their response is exactly the same as op, “L2P”. Interesting how the cycle works.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Condition meta is out of control, and I don’t see an easy way to fix it. The more conditions stacked the harder it is to cleanse, and conditions do way too much damage when left uncleansed. The whole reason conditions do so much in the first place is because they are supposed to be cleansed quickly, but with stacked necros and engies there is no way to cleanse. It is really horrible design when conditions can burst you down faster than direct damage. And conditions only require ONE stat to function well, so we can have tanks putting out better damage than glass canons.

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


The reason necros appear to be OP is because people aren’t used to it. Nothing much has changed with necros. We actually got a nerf to our corrupt boon.
1. Terror has always been that way.
2. We’ve always had the current condi pressure, we just have burning now for the sake of a full stat tree. Our staff damage hasn’t changed, our corrupt boon actually got nerfed!

The only thing I’ve seen changed in this meta that is slightly big,
-Slightly longer fear if we are next to the target
-Spectral wall fear which is easy to see and exactly the same as the guardians passage blocker

So if they nerf necros again and make them again unviable, I will not be happy. Mesmers and guardians are still very very good in PvP.

OP was so right about power, everything was pretty much power except engineeers. Mesmers went these high burst damage builds that were physical, guardians were mostly tanks with physical damage, thieves were mostly physical, eles were mostly physical damage. Hardly any of the classes went for conditions. Now a class does good and has conditions as his primary source of doing good and people are freaking out because they’re not use to it.

I’m sure all of the players here who play thieves, mesmers, guardians, or eles have been told that their class is OP and their response is exactly the same as op, “L2P”. Interesting how the cycle works.

Agree. I remember days when ele was unkillable, thieves are still burting necro down in no time aswell as mesmers. The problem is deffenetly that ppl forgot who necro is and how to play with or against him. Rangers can evade 90% of necro attack, thieves are burting down, ele hit and runs, engie block/evades, guardian….well it was allways necros main target, messmers wont let us attack him and warrior…sry dont know what are warrior upto atm.

Necro is the easiest target in tpvp!!! And since we got corruption boon nerf (lol, again) we aint doing so much choas like befor !

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


sure, necro is well balanced now
next joke pls

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


sure, necro is well balanced now
next joke pls

the same thing i can say about almost any class !

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Bacon.4918


Why hasn’t this been fixed yet? Has there been any response from the devs when this will be addressed? I really hope we don’t have to wait until next patch for them to tone down this condi nonsense.

Highest soloQ rank – #2

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Necro class is strong now, and that’s good. Devs intended to make Necros strong this patch, and they achieved their goal.

Warriors are still not quite there yet, but if Warriors were given changes on the same level as this patch did for Necros, that would be amazing. Imagine how different the pvp meta would be if Warriors were actually viable and not a joke of a class.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Isaac.6041


Necromancers are very strong now yes but they did need a few buffs because before the patch they were trash in PVE. Now they can deal a nice amount of damage.

Their healing skills could be reworked though. Maybe increase the recharge on consume conditions or limit the amount of conditions consumed to 5. Or how about making summon blood fiend viable in PVX lol. Or they could just nerf Fetid Consumption.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Lopez.7369


Nerfing necromancer heals or anything else related to necromancer survivability is literally the last thing that needs to be done with the class.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Are necros powerful? Yes

Are they OP? No ..

They still have a horrid dodge rate, lack many stunbreakers, have bad out of combat mobility, can be focused down pretty easily in a teamfight if you call targets. They have a lot of things going for them in terms of their massive CC, good DPS but at the end of the day if you can just call targets on a Necro they are quite easily bursted down.

Now 1v1, they are a very hard class to take down, but I think Necros are now in a decent place. They just need to buff and tone down other classes.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Togur.9306


Chill all just w8 for WildStar!
GW2 is RIP

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Chill all just w8 for WildStar!
GW2 is RIP

Nobody here wants to play a game with a gear grind. So yeh…no.

Gw2 is dead. I agree. Nobody plays it. But pvp with gear grind doesnt interest many players of gw2

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Necros are in a good place now…

Maybe the burning should be re-considered, but aside from that i’m happy with their current state.

A-net need to change Ranger short bow range back to 1200.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


Chill all just w8 for WildStar!
GW2 is RIP

Nobody here wants to play a game with a gear grind. So yeh…no.

Gw2 is dead. I agree. Nobody plays it. But pvp with gear grind doesnt interest many players of gw2

After i went through the rank 1-13 grind in wow +pve + Arena gear grind(when arena was introduced) for 3 years or whatever it was, just thinking of gear grind makes me wanna puke

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Matty.1953


I’ve been playing almost nothing but Necromancer since the first day of the first beta weekend, and this patch has just been disheartening. Something that I was quite looking forward to just turned into this big mess of a patch. We’ve been mostly asking for some form of disengagement before the patch, and that’s basically the one thing we didn’t get, or, if anything, we did get it in the way of extreme unneeded counter pressure, which is obviously not working at all.

A lot of the changes we got were quite positive though, despite the fact that these seem to be the ones people are ignoring the most. I feel like things such as Focused Rituals being an adept trait now, spectral skills not being removed on DS and Tainted Shackles actually opened up a lot of room for build variety and healthy tactical play. Most of our utility skills seem to be somewhat useful now which is also great.

However, there are things that need changing quickly, and these are my suggestions:

  • *Burning needs to go. It’s not needed, it doesn’t fit us, and it is just too powerful with Terror. I would much rather have it giving us Torment and maybe Chill, which would not only be more fitting, but also not mandatory to take, added to the fact that it would allow some movement impairing support builds to emerge.
  • *Terror -> Grandmaster. It provides too much of a damage boost to not be considered a grand master trait.
  • *Doom reverted back to a 1 second fear. I didn’t get why this was buffed in the first place, I got completely caught by surprise. Maybe they wanted it to be some sort of close range peel, but it just doesn’t work like that.
  • *Allow us to use the other trait lines. Make us pick between more damage or survivability, without making either obligatory. (e.g. something like a ground target-able dark pact as a blood magic/death magic grand master trait).

I also believe that a lot of these issues might come from the fact that you can simply stack up the same profession as part of your team which, instead of allowing variety in team compositions as was initially intended, it’s just allowing people to fill up their rosters with whatever profession/build is the most powerful at the time, like we’re seeing now with necromancers and their synergy together. Either balance classes in a way that doesn’t allow it to be 100% completely beneficial to bring more than 1 player of the same build to a match, or just prohibit it in competitive games altogether.

Ultimately, they’ll have to do something. The “let’s wait a few more weeks and adjust to the new meta” argument just doesn’t work when things are so out of proportion. We’re seeing 2+ necros per team and absolutely no warriors, thieves and rangers, and even guardians and mesmers have been a rare sight these last few days.

This is my view on the subject.

How has this comment been completely ignored? Does anyone not realise how thoughtful this is?

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


really guys, close your internet explorer, open the GW2.exe and L2P

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: TooBz.3065


That patch hasn’t been out that long, isn’t a little early to decide that the meta is broken and necros are OP? It may be something new that you aren’t use to dealing with.

Give it a couple of weeks and see if some clever people don’t figure it out. Then we can all copy them.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


Condition meta is out of control, and I don’t see an easy way to fix it. The more conditions stacked the harder it is to cleanse, and conditions do way too much damage when left uncleansed. The whole reason conditions do so much in the first place is because they are supposed to be cleansed quickly, but with stacked necros and engies there is no way to cleanse. It is really horrible design when conditions can burst you down faster than direct damage. And conditions only require ONE stat to function well, so we can have tanks putting out better damage than glass canons.

I do think this is the problem. There’s a slippery slope going on between conditions and conditions removal for 1v1 fights and it gets kind of absurd with more players around.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

The necro build is now 30/30/10/0/0
I think that is a big change, whether you claim it or not.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Frostedblaze.9017


Condi’s were non existent (except for the possible HGH condi Engi) until this patch. Last patch, HGH was considered OP. This patch, Necro is considered OP. BRING SOME kitten CONDI REMOVAL. Stop complaining about condi classes and start countering them. Stop running around with a ton of toughness and no vit. Change your runes to Hoelbrak runes. Bring some condi cleanse in a fight.

Necros still don’t have any reliable way to get stability or a stun break. Knock them down and blow them up.

Also, stop running into the kitten fear wall and calling them OP.

The last patch changed the meta. Necros aren’t OP, players just need to learn to adapt.

Aiden Frost
Check out my S/D Ele tPvP guide:

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


Also, stop running into the kitten fear wall and calling them OP.

To be fair, there’s a bug that makes them not appear a lot of the time, and in team fights you can’t see them very well through all the particle effect spam.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Definetely, the wall is hard to see.


You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


Conditions are OP.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Frightlight.3796



Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


Condis are ok. Not even close to OP.
Necros in particular, have a lot of condis and few boons. Its balanced in that way.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


The necro build is now 30/30/10/0/0
I think that is a big change, whether you claim it or not.

Screw this build. It’s insane damage because it’s all out offensive. It may work right now, but people know how squishy the Necro is running this ridiculous build. I refuse to run it. There is no denying that it is powerful, and actually extremely respectable burst for a condition build. The only reason it’s so powerful is because Fear works as an amazing Offensive AND Defensive ability. Something is wrong when Condi burst is as good as Power burst.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Screw this build. It’s insane damage because it’s all out offensive. It may work right now, but people know how squishy the Necro is running this ridiculous build. I refuse to run it. There is no denying that it is powerful, and actually extremely respectable burst for a condition build. The only reason it’s so powerful is because Fear works as an amazing Offensive AND Defensive ability. Something is wrong when Condi burst is as good as Power burst.

That is actually working as intended. In fact, an ele properly outfitted can AoE burst for more than a necro in less time. The only reason why the Necro is eating people is because their teamwork and in particular positioning has been trained to be wrong since 10 months ago. There wasn’t a top tier condi burst that could CC lock someone until now. HGH engies could apply comparable condi pressure to an area with far superior white damage. The difference is that the necro can hard CC clustered opponents in a fairly large AoE forcing them to eat that burst.

There is nothing wrong with a viable condi burst. Especially one that requires investing full traits (every point in every necro condi build goes to improving the effect of either conditions or specifically fear). The toughness on the amulet is just because every amulet has at least one defensive stat, and Necro would still run that trait allocation even if Toughness was swapped out for Boon Duration (which is pretty much useless to them and not available anyway).

I’m not saying that it isn’t in need of a tweak (because honestly I think it may need a little tweak, but I’m not even sure of that yet), but it certainly isn’t far from balance if it is out of balance at all. Has no one considered the idea that the current Necro strength might come from the tendency of all teams to have a bunker guard that these necros are basically a hard counter for? In addition people got used to having Mesmers in their comp which also lack sufficient condi cleanse to deal with the Necros.

On a basic level the design of combat in this game is that no team should be able to sustain indefinitely. Just because you can’t out cleanse condi pressure anymore doesn’t make it broken. You can’t out heal bursts either. It seems to me that this is shifting things toward more offensive, faster combat (though not necessarily shorter team fights). Single Bunkers may not be a great strategy at mid anymore, and it may require a Duo with strong synergy to serve the same purpose now. I don’t know everything by a long shot, but it seems to be that having 1/5 of your team rocking up and playing for survival and team support probably isn’t the best strategy anymore and people are struggling to grasp that.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


ppl insist in nerfing necros, but necros are powerful not over power.

Dhuumfire it’s the best trait necros could get. It allows a lot of builds to be viable. I’m not playing the terror build ‘cause it’s a glass build and easily countered. It does, indeed, a lot of condi damage, but you are quickly shut down.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: prozon.3561


I love how all the “top” teams show us that they are better than others because of skill not because of OP classes.

(TP vs Ugly – 2 necro’s on each team.)

When/where was this played? Can i watch it somewhere? link/site?

There was only 1 reasson out why this setup was played.

TP: they missed their guardian, took a sup
Ugly: Missed their thief, ranger and engi switched to necros

Like you saw on this 2 games, we are switching classes during the fight just ofcourse testing. We cant take any tournament srsly at the moment, it will take time to handle the new Meta.

Doesn’t matter how good your Team is, if you have to play classes some players never had played before you will allways have a disadvantage.

Also think about the dmg is quite over the top at the moment, but people also will find counters, most disadvantage of necros is still the mobility.

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


ppl insist in nerfing necros, but necros are powerful not over power.

Dhuumfire it’s the best trait necros could get. It allows a lot of builds to be viable. I’m not playing the terror build ‘cause it’s a glass build and easily countered. It does, indeed, a lot of condi damage, but you are quickly shut down.

As long as they won’t buff warriors, I want to see EVERYTHING ELSE nerfed.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Necromancer not OP. People need to L2P

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


We seriously need an actual observer mode a-la GW1 style for, let’s say, top 100 rating tpvp matches in order to be able to judge for ourselves, and not just from 2nd hand info, exactly how warranted all the complaining about multiple necro teams actually is, and whether they really are as OP vs, let’s say, a balanced team (though how would a definition of a balanced setup on GW2 look like to start with?).
After all, the charm of balanced setups is they can adapt by tweaking their builds in order to be able to cope with certain setups that are strong vs them – it was no different in GW1, where hexways were particularly strong vs balanced teams, especially those that did not take a few extra removals/interrupts. Then there was also the option to split vs hexways, but sadly such tactics are inexistant in GW2, where the pvp is virtually one big split.

Besides, torment is basicaly a copy of GW1 hex Weaken knees, so I guess GW2 finally got its version of hexes.
And yes, hexways were equally lame/hard to play against on GW1, but that’s where strategic design of team builds comes into play – it might be a novelty to (some) high-ends on GW2, and hard to cope with changes, even when they’re called for, but the sooner you get used to it the better. I am certian plenty have done so already.

Last but not least, why is everyone so mad that the necro got one extra CC skill? They are a sponge that gets to absorbe every CC in the game whenever there’s a group fight going on, so might as well give some of that loving back to the source.
The burning might be somewhat questionable, but it is at least quite a trade-off to make.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)