Need Help Understanding #6 Abilities

Need Help Understanding #6 Abilities

in PvP

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


I’ve spent about 90% of my game time on my Engineer. When I’m in sPvP, and WvW to an extent, I see enemies using their healing utility and gaining well over 50% of their health. These kinds of fight resets are very hard for me to overcome, and I’m not sure what I can do short of applying poison constantly. This can be a big challenge as an Engineer as I either need to run Pistol, Grenades, or both. If I want to interrupt a heal, I need to be lightning fast and have the right weapon equipped: Rifle for Overcharged Shot, Tool Kit Magnet, or Magnetic Inversion (Shield #4), or Flamethrower’s Air Blast. Now—I am trying to save these moves, when I have them equipped, to interrupt heals, but they’re often too fast or come with a variation of “blocks all attacks” etc when used.

Can someone please share some insight on how to deal with powerful healing like this? What kinds of traits allow for such high numbers (50% of total health healed)?

Need Help Understanding #6 Abilities

in PvP

Posted by: Blakey.5670


You’ll need to damage through it.
Sounds like build with some +heal in them.

It’s easier said then done as right now eng got the disables but no real damage to follow through with them.

Behellzebab – lvl 80 pvp egineer

Need Help Understanding #6 Abilities

in PvP

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

I’m not sure about an engineer, but at least as a warrior, having the enemy use their heal is just part of the fight. Sure, you’d like to interrupt them if you could, but they’ll just try to use it again 3 seconds later, and if you don’t have your burst charged up – they’re gonna get it off. Especially if the fight is just starting, sometimes you simply just can’t out dps someone right off the bat.

The answer is just staying alive yourself long enough to dps them after their heals are gone.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

Need Help Understanding #6 Abilities

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Some builds heal for so much because their base health is low—sounds like you are describing a guardian (blocking heal) who probably only has 16k health or so. With the extra healing power, he can easily heal for about half of his total health pool.

Don’t use magnet—its cast time is longer than a healing skill. Try to apply a long poison (close-range pistol 2 or grenade 5) and then “cover” it with other conditions. In a group fight, you might be able to interrupt their heal and focus them down before they get it off again, but 1v1 it will be difficult. In general, don’t save your interrupts for the heal, use them to interrupt their burst combos or stop a rez or stomp.

Need Help Understanding #6 Abilities

in PvP

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


That’s what my gut was telling me, but I wanted to see if that was the case. One thing I’m noticing is that you can tell good players from below average players by when they use their heal. Good players use it when they’re down X where X is roughly how much their heal goes off for. Below average players use it when they’re at 25%. The latter I have no problem taking down. It’s the good players who get 2-3 uses out of their heal per fight that are extremely hard to beat.

Having said that, I am seeing people go from 25% to 70 or so. Crazy powerful heals.