Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Shaorune.2347


well it would just so happen i enjoy playing classes that lack reliable stability (mesmer, thief, necro), how do you approach hgh engineers who camp the skyhammer room? i just played this one guy with my mesmer and got him down to about 5-10% health. he ran out the room, healed up and stormed back in. set up bob which i clearly saw and then he uses flamethrower kit to push me off the edge. i tried approaching in stealth and sure enough he keeps pushing me off the edges. surely this isnt a new strategy and since im returning from a 5+ month hiatus im unaware of how people have gotten around this, preferably the classes i mentioned.

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Against an engi positioning is king, not saying you’re bad at positioning just saying that’s absolutely required.

The way -I- deal with engis on my mes is to try to burst them down with a ton of confusion and torment while using my blinds, stealths, and blocks to mitigate their CC, if you run with a focus or GS though just throw them off the edge too, they hardly have good stability sources.

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Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Rexivus.3794


I suggest watching your positioning and the skill animations. They will be watching your feet and positioning you for a direct line push/pull/fear. For Skyhammer in particular, keep the line between you and your opponent with you against a wall or object, away from the tiles.

For engineers, look at their weapons to understand what CC abilities they might play. For example, if he has a flame thrower, watch out for the air blast. When you see the big bomb, watch the red circle. Tool Kit, they are going to look to pull you into a pocket. After you see/hear the animation, dodge or walk out and then know its safely on CD. If you want, just roll and engi and test it out in the HotM to get a feel of what they have. Even if you have never played a profession, understanding all of them will make you an even better PvPer as you can understand some of their weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Also, don’t just go in guns blazing. Just by showing up, a lot of people tend to panic and just press all of their buttons, putting their skills onto cooldown. Or they have a system of “press button A, then B, then C” and if you just learn their combo it will give you more of an advantage the next time. If you can just dance around for the first few seconds and watch your opponent, you can determine when it would be the most opportune time to run in.

Try again and dont get discouraged…. or go cap far point! ;D

You can ask some of the guys on the GW2 PVP stream ( They are all helpful for any questions, and you can also see them play in PvP to see some tactics put into action.

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Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Mez/thief; Steal their stability, pull them into a hole. works every time.
The easiest target is a target that feels invincible.

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Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Mez/thief; Steal their stability, pull them into a hole. works every time.
The easiest target is a target that feels invincible.

This. Do it from stealth for extra rudeness.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


Mez/thief; Steal their stability, pull them into a hole. works every time.
The easiest target is a target that feels invincible.

This. Do it from stealth for extra rudeness.

This. Do this with fury just so your scorpion wire hits harder.

R48 Nooßlêss Multiclass Looking for a best friend.

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Neare.9703


He won’t have stability either so knock him off before he does the same to you.

Btw bomb + ft kit is definitely not an hgh build, it’s cc just for skyhammer love. Gotta make use of that greatsword.

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


well it would just so happen i enjoy playing classes that lack reliable stability (mesmer, thief, necro), how do you approach hgh engineers who camp the skyhammer room? i just played this one guy with my mesmer and got him down to about 5-10% health. he ran out the room, healed up and stormed back in. set up bob which i clearly saw and then he uses flamethrower kit to push me off the edge. i tried approaching in stealth and sure enough he keeps pushing me off the edges. surely this isnt a new strategy and since im returning from a 5+ month hiatus im unaware of how people have gotten around this, preferably the classes i mentioned.

A couple of things:
—HGH is a grandmaster trait that gives might for using elixirs. This engineer was using a build custom made for the skyhammer platform with as many knockbacks as possible. You’ll probably need a custom build for the platform to compete with it.
—You won’t need to strip stability from an engineer, as he won’t have it.
—Skyhammer was removed very quickly from the team queue lineup and it’s kind of a mystery as to why it’s still in the solo queue lineup of maps, because of stuff like this.

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Steal Stability from Engineer.. That joke made my day:-D

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Steal Stability from Engineer.. That joke made my day:-D

Elixir X is kind of good in cannon room if they can’t.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Aereniel.7356


Speaking as a part-time engineer, the absolute most annoying troll spec I run for the Skyhammer control room includes Accelerant-Packed Turrets (knockback on turret explosion) with rifle, healing turret, flamethrower kit, bomb kit and personal battering ram. Bring Elixir X for that extra tornado goodness.

The build has zero actual damage and focuses solely on abusing map mechanics and knocking people off the edges. Hilariously fun and super annoying to play against.
The spec has zero viability outside of the control room, though, so it’s a pure gimmick build.

How would I counter this? Just ignore and go cap the points.

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Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Wait til you see a thief stealth just before you enter the room and stand on the glass until it breaks. Then scorpian wires you down the hole before you can even target them or know where they are.

On the side points, a warrior standing above and using Death from above and launch to knock you down the holes.

A ranger holding middle point and leaves pets in node. If you jump up, they push shot you back down and barrage you with pets. If you use stability, they stealth for three seconds and take lower ground again and push shot you off map when you jump down. Rinse-repeat.

Skyhammer is a cool map, but very easy to gimmick. Hence why many people want it removed from any form of tournament play.

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


A ranger holding middle point and leaves pets in node. If you jump up, they push shot you back down and barrage you with pets. If you use stability, they stealth for three seconds and take lower ground again and push shot you off map when you jump down. Rinse-repeat.

Just wondering what the three second on demand stealth skill is that a ranger has?

Need advice: engineers on skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Engies are probably the hardest when it comes to CCs. Other classes knockbacks and pulls are obvious. You can see a Guardian’s Banish or Mesmer’s Temporal Curtain coming a mile away.

Engies are very subtle. If they have a rifle, flamethrower, or a shield you know a knockback is coming, but they also have other things such as Big ol Bomb, Thumper Turret, Personal Battering Ram( my personal favorite super trolly), and Elixir X.

Best thing of course is stability. If you don’t have that, then it’s all about positioning. Try to put yourself up to a wall or hard surface. When you are up at skyhammer either stay need the portal, or put your back to the control console so you are harder to knock off.

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