Need friends

Need friends

in PvP

Posted by: Rukia.9860


Hello I am amazing thief probably best in the entire 7 kingdoms please play with me leave your acc and I will add you so we can duo. Ya’ll know how rare a good thief is, I can rotate and obliterate 99% of my opponents let’s chill hit me up)))))))))))))))))))))

also how much of a joke is it that they actually kept the duo system lol rip all my friends that continue not to play the game cuz….. we can’t play. gg 10/10

Need friends

in PvP

Posted by: Bigpapasmurf.5623


99% huh, either an exaggeration or just trolling. I have yet to see a thief (even those on leaderboards) be able to wipe “99%” of their opponents. Do you stream by any chance so you can back up this claim?

- Twitch:
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights

Need friends

in PvP

Posted by: apharma.3741


You might want to mention NA or EU, kinda important that little detail.

On a side note, why is it thief players making these looking for friends posts? More shockingly is people looking for friends if they’ve played this game so long :S