Need help understanding the MMR system.

Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


I am an average skilled player. Highest rank I have ever attained was mid 300s, when I was playing with a somewhat consistent team. Lately I have been solo queing and my average rank is about 80%, however, today I got qued up vs a full premade with a few rank 25 people, my team was completely random and had a level 7 to boot. Am I missing something?

Getting qued up with people who don’t know what they are doing, and then getting one of the top ranked teams to boot, is just getting highly annoying.


Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Goob.9752


I was in that game!

Lvl 80 Thief

Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Leroy Brown.6419

Leroy Brown.6419

Always, always Yoloq

Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


Luls, just got Team Paradigm premade, looks like its time for a refund call.

Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Horo.7395


MMR system in GW2 =
Find 10 ppl
Put them in a game

No matter you are premade, solo, top 10 leaderboard, level 1 new comer,
It doesnt mean a thing to the system.

Anet will never learn in order to have esport,
the first thing you need is players thats willing to stay,
but this system is pushing them away (at least it pushed me away, I stopped tpvp completely after getting lv1s on my team vs full lv50 premade 3 games a row)

Its not even about rating or winning,
Its just not fun when you get stormed every single time, unlike games like LOL, you cant buy items here, your ability to carry a game is somewhat limited even if you are skilled. You may win a 1v2, but a 1v3? very unlikely to happen.

Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Otherload.8014


PvP in this game is a joke, the sooner you accept that, the better.

Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

you know a dumb guy will come here and say lol u nub get a team.