Need some help please

Need some help please

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Ok, the first thing I notice off the bat is that you have a really weird build with very little synergy. Like, it’s cool to make your own choices and all, but until you understand why you’re making those choices in terms of build it’s probably best to stick with something tried and tested. I don’t know your trait choices but in a broad sense just looking at the build now, here’s how you could improve: First off, ditch the med kit for a healing turret.
It’s hard to explain when one is appropriate over the other, but in most situations, healing turret is just far more practical due to being a really fast burst heal. To get maximum efficiency out of the heal turret, use it, then hit the heal skill again immediately to overcharge it (Making a water field) and then F1 in order to have the healing turret detonate in it’s own field. This heals for a very large amount in a very small time, and if you hit F1 again after that you’ll also get some regen from the toolbelt skill.
Elixir gun seems a bit weird of a choice – you’re running what looks like full zerkers but elixir gun has very poor damage scaling. I would personally swap that out for tool kit – combos well with a power build as it has a pull (Magnet>pry bar>net shot>jump shout = you just wiped someone out), skills with good damage coefficients, and a block to escape/neuter burst with. As for the turrets… I dunno man, turrets just seem like a wasted slot in general considering the low amount of damage they do you’re probably looking for quick fights considering how bursty you are. You could probably leave the flame turret (Although incinidary powder is probably layering down enough burn already), but I would swap out the other turret for a stunbreaker/utility skill – consider Slick Shoes, it’s very good because you can also get some CC down on your enemy as you escape. Another option is Elixir S (Good defensive stunbreaker, good for setting up magnet pulls) and Elixir B together, because if you take 20 alchemy you can get some good condi removal with that.
Supply crate is awesome, keep it.

As for actual fighting – what you’re doing isn’t really all that abysmall, I’ve seen far worse. I mean, look at that mes at the start – you nearly handled him, you dodged his izerker and some of his other burst, and even interrupted his mass invis. I really think if you were running a bit more of a coherent build you would have been able to kill him before he did what he did – which is lay down portal, jump out, let his illusions finish you (Those Illusionary Swordsmen do a LOT of damage, but they’re squishy and slow) and then port back in and finish you. What to dodge and when someone is about to use a skill is something you have to learn over time – some of the key stuff is that when he switches to sword and comes in at you like that, he’s probably looking to do a sword 2 (imob) into sword 3 (damage) combo, and as soon as you see him point, dodge immediately. Mesmers rely a lot on spiky burst skills/combinations to get you down. Something you should have been doing a bit more was kit switching – switching between kits lets you stay versatile, gives you swiftness/vigour (depending on build) and procs any on-swap sigils you might have.

After that you got hit by a tonne of treb shots – on Kyhlo, if you hear the announcer say “Artillery fire” or something like that, count 2, and dodge. Those REALLY hurt and they can turn a fight quite quickly. You can dodge and invuln treb shots, you just can’t block them.

After that you had a fight with a warrior – a tricky matchup for an engineer, but you could have played it a lot better which I’ll outline now. A lot of warriors (including that guy) rely on melee only – meaning if you manage to kite them with a ranged weapon you’ll come out on top easily. You need to get sucessive burst down on a warrior to beat their healing signet – so something you could have done there is waited until stability/zerker stance ran out, dropped supply crate on him, and then chain imob/cc/bursted him down from there. Poison (Elixir gun 3) also counters a lot of warrior sustain if you can get it down consistently.

After that you lost a teamfight due to being focused (Again, build deal, a few defensive skills would have reaaaally helped there – tool kit #4 for instance) and after that pretty much everything you did was alright. If I were to nitpick it’s that if somebody (that thief) is going to get stomped anyway, then you shouldn’t really hang around – waste of manpower. The rest of their team was tied up across the map and the guard could easily handle him.

Hope that helps. Good luck in future broku

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer