This is an open letter: ArenaNet, your new players joining PvP STILL do not know how to set up their builds, STILL some beleive that armor (armor rating) has 0 effect on their character in PvP and STILL do not understand some basic fundamental design principles in place for the PvP environment!
- The most important issue that needs to be addressed currently is that players are not properly reminded or directed to the PvP Builds window, and since the new patch makes you unable to open this window (without a hotkey) during a practice match, most players stumble into sPvP with the pre-build traits/runes/amulet/etc. thinking they are running what they have in other game-modes.
But on top of that, I still see we have this not-so-great PvP tutorial, and pre-set pvp builds that players don’t even know they have loaded, because the game doesn’t tell how anything works in the sPvP lobby. (See: Any Class with Soldier’s Amulet w/ Rune of Lyssa)
Players are never directed to the training grounds properly either…SO how about:
For the very first time (prior to ever joining a pvp match/ranked/unranked/practice)
(Optional)All PvP reward tracks are locked until you complete a basic “Training Track” that would involve mechanics in the training area and progress something similar to: (excluding cannons…because no current maps use them)
Each of these will have a popup window (like hints) that would describe actions and rewards for these mechanics. (the hints/popup descriptions will be in bold)
- Visit the Training Grounds area.
(Here, we will learn about the basic mechanics of the various PvP Environments.)
- Open your PvP Build window.
(This screen will help you build your character to fight alongside teammates in PvP matches. The Traits, Sigils and Amulet are all you need to get started in PvP. These will change as you swap between PvP and PvE areas, so be sure to open this window when you enter any PvP zone to double-check your setup.)
- Rally an ally in the Training Grounds.
(Keeping your allies alive is important in all game-types, but even more so in a PvP environment, so be sure to revive fallen allies to keep your team strong.)
- Stomp an Enemy in the Training Grounds.
(Just as important as reviving allies, defeating an enemy is also a great way to strengthen your team, and make your enemies rethink their strategy.)
- Use a Trebuchet in the Training Grounds.
(This secondary objective is located on the Battle of Khylo PvP map and allows you to bombard an area with heavy hitting Trebuchet shots to give your allies the edge in battle.)
- Destroy a Trebuchet in the Training Grounds.
(Both teams in Battle of Khylo start the match with a trebuchet ready for them, so destroying the enemies is a great way to reduce any advantage they can gain from it.)
- Repair the broken Trebuchet in the Training Grounds.
(Even if your Trebuchet is destroyed, or you destroy the enemy team’s Trebuchet, the Repair Kit is a tool that can make it usable again during a match.)
- Gain a temporary buff by defeating The Chieftain or Svanir in the Training Grounds.
(By defeating these neutral monsters on the Forest of Niflhel, you will grant your team an instant 25 points as well as a helpful buff to boost your team’s power and stats.)
- Kill the enemy Guild Lord.
(On the Legacy of the Foefire map, there is a powerful NPC heavily guarded in each team’s base. By defeating this NPC you will grant your team an instant 150 points.)
- Channel and capture a neutral node in the Training Grounds.
(Many maps in PvP require you to channel for a brief moment in order to capture an objective or buff. Such as the Orb of Ascension on Spirit Watch, the Cannon on Skyhammer and various buffs on Temple of the Silent Storm.)
>>This is where the Training Area stops, and the in-game training begins<<
- Capture a neutral capture point in any PvP match.
- Capture an enemy controlled Capture Point in any PvP match.
- Defend a capture point your team controls for 10 seconds in any PvP match.
- Rally an ally in any PvP match.
- Stomp an Enemy in any PvP match.
(edited by Zietlogik.6208)