Nerf?!?! Interoup!?!@@@ Stop, ain't funny.

Nerf?!?! Interoup!?!@@@ Stop, ain't funny.

in PvP

Posted by: Yiyojin.3241


*Getting constantly nerfed down. Which pisses off everyone. You have any idea how it pisses off when you get nerfed and re-nerfed and re-nerfed. omg It’s driving me crazy, and not only me. Everyone one says the same. In my guild…friends…..
We had enought of this!

  • step 1: Feel like dueling
    step2: Log in game
    step3: Hope to get lucky and find a room 1-3 players in
    step4: Ask for duel, hoping they are not afk, or experimenting or whatever…
    step4: after fight… (wait for respawn) or ( Lose 30-70sec to get health back and get back to the point to fight)
    step5: Get interoputed constantly!!!!!@@@@@
    step6: after 15mins most likely room will get a lot of players… and forced to move to another room.

Please do something about this. Make rooms, for duels, like 4 people alowed in.

And stop nerfing down classes. Or do it but in 1 big pack.
You know the 5 steps when somebody dear dies? well we are reviving thos 5 steps every time you nerf down.