Nerfing the runes of lyssa
personally i think hes made some very reasonable points all 8 boons and remove all conditions isnt in line with the other skills and especially with elites like basilisk venom having such a short cooldown it really does need to be reworked.
You’re comparing an ability tied to elites that cleanses conditions (heavy in the current meta) and gives 5s of boons at max once per minute to a number of static, always on effects. All boons for 5 seconds can vary wildly from very strong to near useless, depending on the situation you use your elite in – always on effects are…always on.
Being tied to the elite means that at times, you’re blowing your elite just for a condi cleanse – maybe the elites effect won’t help much now… but it had to be done – that’s a fair tradeoff IMO.
For Thieve’s, Basilisk Venom is never blown as a fair tradeoff. The application lasts a while to be used on his next attack which could be some time later.
Not saying that means the runes are OP; just wanted to point that out.
personally i think hes made some very reasonable points all 8 boons and remove all conditions isnt in line with the other skills and especially with elites like basilisk venom having such a short cooldown it really does need to be reworked.
You’re comparing an ability tied to elites that cleanses conditions (heavy in the current meta) and gives 5s of boons at max once per minute to a number of static, always on effects. All boons for 5 seconds can vary wildly from very strong to near useless, depending on the situation you use your elite in – always on effects are…always on.
Being tied to the elite means that at times, you’re blowing your elite just for a condi cleanse – maybe the elites effect won’t help much now… but it had to be done – that’s a fair tradeoff IMO.
For Thieve’s, Basilisk Venom is never blown as a fair tradeoff. The application lasts a while to be used on his next attack which could be some time later.
Not saying that means the runes are OP; just wanted to point that out.
A properly timed BV can be devastating. A randomly applied 1s stun isn’t anything special…lots of classes get 1s stuns, and they aren’t an elite or have a 1s casting time or anything like that.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
The condi wipe is one pulse and the boons are short duration. It’s fine. Lyssa runes are all that make some of the low CD elites worth using coughMassInviscough
I’d much rather they take a look at some of the less used runes and see how to fix/buff them.