New Dark Magic Class instead of Necro?
There will be no new professions, sorry to say that (well unless Anet changes thier stance on the matter). The only new thing we can expect are new elite specs. And i dont think the other casters will get the dark magic theme. So you can only expect a new necro elite spec that maybe suits your taste more.
Well or they can just change necros to be able to stand on their own without a need of a babysitter (which i think is the actual point you want to make).
I love that Idea and the necromancer was the best to fit the dark mage role. Minions, corruption, dark magic hits, conditions. All that a dark mage need.
The only problem is that devs used all our suggestions on the necro to make a new class: revenant, expecially the mallyx legend.
The necromancer have all the skills to be feared on a fight but all his strength was to build LF, be a hit sponge and survive with the highest HP pool of the game (HP+LF). In the past bunker meta that was good, the damage was medium and the reaper granted us a real viable condition damage source (chill damage and burn with a finally fast RS AA to inflict a decent amount of burn, but still not the best amount compared to other classes). But then a finally true DPS meta came up, making the necromancer defensive system the worst one (again). No real defensive skills, no good disengage skills, medium/low dps (barely high only if the team totally support the necro to play free and the enemy team don’t focus him. But then is the enemy team that is bad playing), CC sources at 75% from a condition skill that can be Resisted. That make the Necromancer the lesser feared class of the game. That is not why the necromancer got nerfed (still if the chill damage nerf heavly shaved our condition damage) or the other classes heavly buffed. Simply, the meta changed, leaving back necro and ele, two classes that work really good into a bunker meta, with time to do they’re tricks and kill people, but find hard to work into a meta that can burst them down in seconds.
Necromancer can be again our dark mage class but need some big QoL improvements. More LF generations from a lot of weapons (we totally depend on our Shroud for both damage and defence and that frequently make us weak or/and unable to defend ourselves even when we can if we want to be able to inflict any good damage in the next fight), improvements on our movement skills (for example, make the wurm teleport range similar to the mesmer portal and spectral walk a teleport), gave us back our Retalation and finally grant our a real defensive skill (immunity/block) or improve the skills we already have (an example can be: remove the internal cooldown on Spectral Armor, reducing by a little the amount of LF obtained). Another thing to do is make us to inflict damage as the same level of the other classes. We have only a single Good condition damage combo that is totally chained to our Shroud (basicly RS5+RS4, with few possible variations on the Field) with no good condition damage on our weapons, and our Direct Damage is low or incredibly easy to avoid (GS gravedigger).
The only thing a necro is good to is to corrupt boons. That was also a real defensive/offensive ability in the past bunker meta because the enemy focused on build up Might to be able to inflict good damage and keep up protection and regeneration to stay alive and we was able to corrupt they’re boons, making them really weak and us able to kill them. Now the enemy can spam so much boons that our corruption is frequantly useless unless if used for a real coordinated focus bomb and also they can burst us down in seconds still without need of huge might stacks.
Necromancer came up in a bunker meta and is still chained to it, both in skills, strategy, survavibility and damage (with even lesser damage than before the huge chill damage nerf).
it’s still viable, but is in a huge disadvantage situation than all the other classes for both survavibility and damage. Expecially why is totally dependant from the Life Force and the Shroud. A necro with a full LF bas can be hard to kill. A necro with lesser than 50% LF is the easiest class to take down, without any fear to fight him why is totally unable to kill you, if you know how to play against him.
Do you want a Darkness Emissary Class? Make the Necromancer great again.
There is nothing wrong with necromancers. We simply don’t do well in spike metas, which is what this meta is.
We do extremely well in bruiser and bunker metas, which is why we did so well in season 1 and 2.
The meta will change as it always does and we will be fine again.
(edited by Crinn.7864)
Necro too stronk, nerfed rise to compensate for Necros living for more than 2 seconds.
There is nothing wrong with necromancers. We simply don’t do well in spike metas, which is what this meta is.
We do extremely well in bruiser and bunker metas, which is why we did so well in season 1 and 2.The meta will change as it always does and we will be fine again.
You just said necromancers are not fine and that they are fine in one post. That’s pretty messed up.
You don’t even know if “metas” are cyclic. You’re just saying stuff just to say it like some professional game analyst which you are not.
You also completely ignore the state of power necro as if the class is meant to be linear.
So, overall, no; necromancers are not fine.
There will be no new professions, sorry to say that (well unless Anet changes thier stance on the matter). The only new thing we can expect are new elite specs. And i dont think the other casters will get the dark magic theme. So you can only expect a new necro elite spec that maybe suits your taste more.
Well or they can just change necros to be able to stand on their own without a need of a babysitter (which i think is the actual point you want to make).
Well, the revenant was a stance change… but on the other hand, the more the game gets developed, the more work it is to introduce a new profession with the same number of options as the existing ones.
That said, I don’t think the OP is seriously asking for a new profession, but is just complaining about the current state of necro. (I don’t think it’s actually that bad… good necromancer players are still tough to deal with. It’s just not strong enough to be flavour-of-the-month any more.)
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
It doesn’t matter for me if they fix the necro weaknesses or they create another dark magic class that is fun to play and don’t have as many weakness as necromancer have. Just do it.
Lets talk about necro a bit then. Also maybe it’s only me, but i think that Reaper “traits” should be more powerful.
I feel like i only take Reaper just for RS. Most traits useless . But other spec tree’s have better traits but then no RS also Reaper’s Shroud is not bad but slow, easily kiteable, damage easily avoidable for better players of other classes that kite.
So its very easy to make the necro waste his hard gained LF then finish it in 2-3 sec because the necro dont have any way to defend himself in caster form against that much power creep.
You don’t even know if “metas” are cyclic. You’re just saying stuff just to say it like some professional game analyst which you are not.
Uh have you actually played this game? We’ve had a different meta for every season, and that not even counting the preseason1 where we had a meta a week.
No it’s not “cyclic” in the sense of A>B>C>D>A>B>C>D but to believe that Necros are somehow locked out of ever being meta again is stupid and flies in the face what the metas have done in the past.
I enjoy playing necro, and I don’t wan the class turned into a guardian wannabe just to suit a temporary meta.
(edited by Crinn.7864)
There is nothing wrong with necromancers. We simply don’t do well in spike metas, which is what this meta is.
We do extremely well in bruiser and bunker metas, which is why we did so well in season 1 and 2.The meta will change as it always does and we will be fine again.
Actually there is alot of things wrong with necros. And a lot of it is tied to shroud. It is kinda ironic the thing i like the most about necros is the thing that is mechanically the most troublesome, namely thier shroud. And the problems are not spvp specific it is a problem for all game types.
And to name the biggest one, it is the interaction between healing and shroud. Honestly a from that a profession assumes as often as necros do with their shroud shouldnt prevent healing. I can understand that they are hestitatent to change it because simply allowing all healing while in shroud would change the balance drastically. But it is frustrating that regneration (a boon necros actually have good access to) wont do anything half the time not to mentions traits like Parasitic Contagion and blood bond (though in the case of blood bond i think it is a bug since the SoV active works though shroud).
But honestly that are topics discussed in the necro forum to death and only after 3 years they realised that it was a bad idea for the siphon traits not to work properly in shroud. I can even remember the time when necros couldnt stomp/rez in shroud…
And the best part about those were that there were always people who would say those things are op but look now none of them are.
And to name the biggest one, it is the interaction between healing and shroud. Honestly a from that a profession assumes as often as necros do with their shroud shouldnt prevent healing. I can understand that they are hestitatent to change it because simply allowing all healing while in shroud would change the balance drastically. But it is frustrating that regneration (a boon necros actually have good access to) wont do anything half the time not to mentions traits like Parasitic Contagion and blood bond (though in the case of blood bond i think it is a bug since the SoV active works though shroud).
Allowing personal leeches in shroud might be interesting.
Honestly If I where to make a change to necro it would simply be access to vigor. The nerf to Sigil of Energy hurt.
And to name the biggest one, it is the interaction between healing and shroud. Honestly a from that a profession assumes as often as necros do with their shroud shouldnt prevent healing. I can understand that they are hestitatent to change it because simply allowing all healing while in shroud would change the balance drastically. But it is frustrating that regneration (a boon necros actually have good access to) wont do anything half the time not to mentions traits like Parasitic Contagion and blood bond (though in the case of blood bond i think it is a bug since the SoV active works though shroud).
Allowing personal leeches in shroud might be interesting.
Honestly If I where to make a change to necro it would simply be access to vigor. The nerf to Sigil of Energy hurt.
Actually siphons is in effect for a while (or at least the necro related ones) and as expected it didn’t change much.
And to name the biggest one, it is the interaction between healing and shroud. Honestly a from that a profession assumes as often as necros do with their shroud shouldnt prevent healing. I can understand that they are hestitatent to change it because simply allowing all healing while in shroud would change the balance drastically. But it is frustrating that regneration (a boon necros actually have good access to) wont do anything half the time not to mentions traits like Parasitic Contagion and blood bond (though in the case of blood bond i think it is a bug since the SoV active works though shroud).
Allowing personal leeches in shroud might be interesting.
Honestly If I where to make a change to necro it would simply be access to vigor. The nerf to Sigil of Energy hurt.
Fun fact necros already have access to vigor. Well of power transforms bleeds into vigor and with corruption skills you get selfbleeds (plague and blood is power) as necro. Though obviously no necro will ever take well of power and a self bleeding corruption skill in a spvp build (well plague maybe but thats a 180 sec cd skill) because that wouldnt be a good build. It is better just to get the vigor from team mates.
(edited by Muchacho.2390)
There is nothing wrong with necromancers. We simply don’t do well in spike metas, which is what this meta is.
We do extremely well in bruiser and bunker metas, which is why we did so well in season 1 and 2.The meta will change as it always does and we will be fine again.
Actually there is alot of things wrong with necros. And a lot of it is tied to shroud. It is kinda ironic the thing i like the most about necros is the thing that is mechanically the most troublesome, namely thier shroud. And the problems are not spvp specific it is a problem for all game types.
And to name the biggest one, it is the interaction between healing and shroud. Honestly a from that a profession assumes as often as necros do with their shroud shouldnt prevent healing. I can understand that they are hestitatent to change it because simply allowing all healing while in shroud would change the balance drastically. But it is frustrating that regneration (a boon necros actually have good access to) wont do anything half the time not to mentions traits like Parasitic Contagion and blood bond (though in the case of blood bond i think it is a bug since the SoV active works though shroud).
But honestly that are topics discussed in the necro forum to death and only after 3 years they realised that it was a bad idea for the siphon traits not to work properly in shroud. I can even remember the time when necros couldnt stomp/rez in shroud…
And the best part about those were that there were always people who would say those things are op but look now none of them are.
you may thank anet not to take that is a consensus in many fantasy games:
healing damages undead beings
and shroud is a sort of undead form
There is nothing wrong with necromancers. We simply don’t do well in spike metas, which is what this meta is.
We do extremely well in bruiser and bunker metas, which is why we did so well in season 1 and 2.The meta will change as it always does and we will be fine again.
Actually there is alot of things wrong with necros. And a lot of it is tied to shroud. It is kinda ironic the thing i like the most about necros is the thing that is mechanically the most troublesome, namely thier shroud. And the problems are not spvp specific it is a problem for all game types.
And to name the biggest one, it is the interaction between healing and shroud. Honestly a from that a profession assumes as often as necros do with their shroud shouldnt prevent healing. I can understand that they are hestitatent to change it because simply allowing all healing while in shroud would change the balance drastically. But it is frustrating that regneration (a boon necros actually have good access to) wont do anything half the time not to mentions traits like Parasitic Contagion and blood bond (though in the case of blood bond i think it is a bug since the SoV active works though shroud).
But honestly that are topics discussed in the necro forum to death and only after 3 years they realised that it was a bad idea for the siphon traits not to work properly in shroud. I can even remember the time when necros couldnt stomp/rez in shroud…
And the best part about those were that there were always people who would say those things are op but look now none of them may thank anet not to take that is a consensus in many fantasy games:
healing damages undead beings
and shroud is a sort of undead form
Well that was never the case in gw though. In gw1 you could heal you undead minions just fine with all healing spells. Only holy damage did double damage to undeads.
Also with that argument necros shouldnt get healing while in Lich form, which i would argue is also an undead form. Not to mention all the undead minions, which you can heal just fine.
Honestly if it was some rare elite from you only use every 3 minutes, like plague or lichform, i would probably not care but shroud is something necros actually spend a lot time in it.
Honestly, i would just like to be able to see my utility cooldowns in shroud – that would be a huge QOL improvement.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
You don’t even know if “metas” are cyclic. You’re just saying stuff just to say it like some professional game analyst which you are not.
Uh have you actually played this game? We’ve had a different meta for every season, and that not even counting the preseason1 where we had a meta a week.
No it’s not “cyclic” in the sense of A>B>C>D>A>B>C>D but to believe that Necros are somehow locked out of ever being meta again is stupid and flies in the face what the metas have done in the past.
I enjoy playing necro, and I don’t wan the class turned into a guardian wannabe just to suit a temporary meta.
Have you ever played this game before? Nobody said necros are locked out of every meta; thats a strawman. We get meta’s through change. If you’re expecting to see soldiers amulet again then by all means, pretend there is some upcoming necro-specific meta. The only way we’d become just as viable as other classes is by changing amulets or changing classes.
You’re actually proving there is a problem with the profession by stating that its only viability is tied to a single meta. An entire profession. The whole thing. Why not just make the necromancer better? In fact, many people applaud this seasons meta since so many other classes have several viable builds. Why not just change the necromancer to suit this meta more so there would be less need for wonky imbalance changes? Nobody likes the bunker meta anyways. Why tie an entire class to one freaking meta?
You also still have not commented on power necro viability.
….“Id like to have a dark power caster thats viable on his own and not one that MUST HAVE babysitter team support”.
Or just play WoW, i heard warlock has been there since 04….on the other hand, If you wanna keep playing the current gw2 pvp meta join the bandwagon train and play a class that will get you wins.
Guild Wars Vet since 05
multi-class all game modes