Hey everyone,
After reading many Spvp posts a big concern is the lack of game variants. At this time we only have one, three plot point control which I actually do love. If it wasn’t for the heavy need for bunkers it would be very action packed. I hope bunkers will be fixed accordingly soon. But there is so many threads mentioning this so I thought why not start a list of game variants and/or map type ideas that everyone wants to see. At least then it can be a compilation of ideas in one area rather than scattered posts not getting as much attention as I’d hope.
Myself being a lover of the Halo series, I can’t say enough how multiple game variants really make the game better. Here are some idea’s that I have already, please post anything you can think of and I will keep updating the list.
Note: For game variants such as Capture The Flag etc, to counter “bunker” builds, a knockdown/knockback would cause the carrier to drop the Flag & a friendly player grabbing the flag causes it to reset. This would make use to skill timing, teamwork & attention to the surrounding very important.
Game Types
Three Plot Point Control – This is what we have now. Three points, game ends at a score of 500.
Capture The Flag – Two flags. One at blue team’s base, one at red teams. Score to win 3 flag captures. Team must have friendly flag at base to capture enemies. Would need specific map types to run well. Legacy could potentially work for this variant.
One Flag – One flag, Two rounds. Round 1; Blue team tries defends their flag from Red team. Round ends by time limit (5-7 Minutes possibly?) or if attacking team captures the point. Round 2; Same structure, roles reverse. Blue team attacks, Red team defends.
Center Flag Pull – One flag, centered in middle of the map. Standard time limit, score to win 3. Good example for map type would be Forest, place the flag standard at the Keep node.
King Of The Hill Player’s in Hill Zone score points, Score of 500 wins. Score is counted each second a player remains in the hill (Maybe 2 points per second). Points wouldn’t increase for more players in the hill. If any Blue player & Red Player are both in the hill zone, Zone is contested and no score tallied until one team control the node.
Crazy King – Same variant as King Of The Hill however the Hill Zone switches to random nodes after a random amount of time (Under a minute switch). Good example again is Forest. Take the three nodes already, add one in the courtyard area (maybe more) and the hill can jump from the four Zones.
Deathmatch – Teams fight to the death. One life per player, once defeated you remain in “Spectator view” until the match ends. Match ends by one team losing all remaining players. Last team with surviving members wins Round. Three Rounds Total, Best of 3.
Guild vs Guild Pretty obvious – Same format from Guild Wars 1. Could have a ranking system ei. Top guilds rating determined by Wins vs Losses. I would think 10 vs 10 would be an appropriate lobby.
Hold The Objective – Flag-like object in the center, teams need to grab and hold the object to gain points. Game ends at score of 500. Further you are from the Object’s starting spawn, the less points you get per tick. Team without objective has to kill the other team’s carrier. The person carrying the object takes constant damage, increasing the longer they hold it & the further they are away from the objective’s starting point.
Payload Race – Each team starts with a Golem carrying explosives. Standing next to your team’s Golem enables it to move. Objective is to lead your golem into enemy territory and detonate it before enemy team has their golem reach your base first.
Classic Slayer – Classic game variant. Basic time limit , Score to win 25. No point objectives, just one point per kill. First team to get 25 kills wins the round or time limit end. Still would have extra’s such as Forest Bosses etc that buff your team but no point tick objectives.
(edited by MarcusKilgannon.5048)