New League System is very well done!

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Dojo.1867


All the complainers should just stop and give the system a chance.

Yes, you will lose a lot if you had a mediocre MMR at the start of the season. At the start the whole thing is rather snowballish. Good people get equally good allies and a team like that will obviously steamroll.

But this will only happen at the start.

This will happen at the phase when people are still traveling fast through leagues because nobody has reached his proper level yet. Know why the winstreak system exists? Not to make us feel a bit better for winning often, no. The sole purpose is to push good people out of bad leagues so that the bad players that naturally exist there wont have to face them for long.

Yes, I also felt like the first 30 matches were a total steamroll but sooner or later everyone will hit a wall (except the 5 overall absolutely best players I guess).

What should I do if I get constantly matched with bad allies?

Ok the honest and bad news first. You propably, for whatever reason, had not the best rating at the start and you ended up in this spiral. Stop playing for a few days. It will be infinitely easier to progress once good players have left your league. Still have trouble then when it is basically you + 4 bad players vs 5 bad players? Well then you lack the ability to have any impact on game outcome (some people call it carrying) at all. After all even in the lowest league there will be some people that just belong there. Don’t feel bad.

What can be done for further improvement?

People should not all reset back to the start of Amber. This will basically speed up the whole transition phase and safe some of the “selection” that happened last season.

  • Legend players should start in Ruby.
  • Diamond players should start in Sapphire.
  • Ruby players should start in Emerald.

You automatically get all the previous rewards if you start higher up when the new season begins.

(edited by Dojo.1867)

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


All the complainers should just stop and give the system a chance.

Yes, you will lose a lot if you had a mediocre MMR at the start of the season. At the start the whole thing is rather snowballish. Good people get equally good allies and a team like that will obviously steamroll.

But this will only happen at the start.

This will happen at the phase when people are still traveling fast through leagues because nobody has reaches his proper level yet. Know why the winstreak system exists? Not to make us feel a bit better for winning often, no. The sole purpose is to push good people out of bad leagues so that the bad players that naturally exist there wont have to face them for long.

Yes, I also felt like the first 30 matches were a total steamroll but sooner or later everyone will hit a wall (except the 5 overall absolutely best players I guess).

What should I do if I get constantly matched with bad players?

Ok the honest and bad news first. You propably, for whatever reason, had not the best rating at the start and you ended up in this spiral. Stop playing for a few days. It will be infinitely easier to progress once good players have left your league. Still have trouble then when it is basically you + 4 bad players vs 5 bad players? Well then you lack the ability to have any impact on game outcome (some people call it carrying) at all. After all even in the lowest league there will be some people that just belong there. Don’t feel bad.

NO, league is NOT well done, you apologist. No competent pvp game development team subjects its players and customers to 15-20 plus consecutive losses just to prop up a bogus system. NONE.

Now, game impact you say? Do you even play the same game? I could 1v2 or 1v3 all day on point/off point, whatever, but it’s MEANINGLESS if your teammates don’t capture points!

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


This suggestion would work for next season, not current one since last season was based on different matchmaking and a lot of bad players got to diamond/legend by exploiting, carried by low MMR, farming SH etc. You can imagine what happens if they land in ruby while having low MMR and facing legit diamond/legend opponents xD

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


All the complainers should just stop and give the system a chance.

Yes, you will lose a lot if you had a mediocre MMR at the start of the season. At the start the whole thing is rather snowballish. Good people get equally good allies and a team like that will obviously steamroll.

But this will only happen at the start.

This will happen at the phase when people are still traveling fast through leagues because nobody has reaches his proper level yet. Know why the winstreak system exists? Not to make us feel a bit better for winning often, no. The sole purpose is to push good people out of bad leagues so that the bad players that naturally exist there wont have to face them for long.

Yes, I also felt like the first 30 matches were a total steamroll but sooner or later everyone will hit a wall (except the 5 overall absolutely best players I guess).

What should I do if I get constantly matched with bad players?

Ok the honest and bad news first. You propably, for whatever reason, had not the best rating at the start and you ended up in this spiral. Stop playing for a few days. It will be infinitely easier to progress once good players have left your league. Still have trouble then when it is basically you + 4 bad players vs 5 bad players? Well then you lack the ability to have any impact on game outcome (some people call it carrying) at all. After all even in the lowest league there will be some people that just belong there. Don’t feel bad.

NO, league is NOT well done, you apologist. No competent pvp game development team subjects its players and customers to 15-20 plus consecutive losses just to prop up a bogus system. NONE.

Now, game impact you say? Do you even play the same game? I could 1v2 or 1v3 all day on point/off point, whatever, but it’s MEANINGLESS if your teammates don’t capture points!

Totally agree with this, lol @Op “stop playing for a few days”. It’s like asking a customer to stop buying your merchandise for a few days. Funny.

Although, I agree with some of the OP points; like the dude above me mentioned, nothing justify a 20 – 15 win or loss streak.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: BlueDragon.7054


This suggestion would work for next season, not current one since last season was based on different matchmaking and a lot of bad players got to diamond/legend by exploiting, carried by low MMR, farming SH etc. You can imagine what happens if they land in ruby while having low MMR and facing legit diamond/legend opponents xD

As I suggested in another post, they only need to make the starting position based on your MMR.

(Copy & paste from the other pos) They just need to add a MMR threshold for your starting division(except for new players).
For example:
1500 to 1700 MMR start at emerald
1701 to 1900 MMR start at saphire
1900+ MMR start at ruby
Or something like that.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Dojo.1867


To people already losing their kitten again:

I suggested what can be improved. Read it.

As of something like that not existing for other games? Totally wrong. This happens in any league/season based game. Even in hearthstone. The only difference is that hearthstone is 1v1 and has in general more players plus they already kind of do what I suggest.

Still also in hearthstone you frequently get bashed at the beginning of the season because legend players got their rank reset to rank 15. This is not new.

The system is good and with the improvement I and many other suggested this “ugly” starting phase can also be kept to a minimum.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


To people already losing their kitten again:

I suggested what can be improved. Read it.

As of something like that not existing for other games? Totally wrong. This happens in any league/season based game. Even in hearthstone. The only difference is that hearthstone is 1v1 and has in general more players plus they already kind of do what I suggest.

Still also in hearthstone you frequently get bashed at the beginning of the season because legend players got their rank reset to rank 15. This is not new.

The system is good and with the improvement I and many other suggested this “ugly” starting phase can also be kept to a minimum.

ANOTHER apologist.
This system is NOT “good”, it needs to be DESTROYED! Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING justifies 20 losses out of your control because of the system. NOTHING!

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


To people already losing their kitten again:

I suggested what can be improved. Read it.

As of something like that not existing for other games? Totally wrong. This happens in any league/season based game. Even in hearthstone. The only difference is that hearthstone is 1v1 and has in general more players plus they already kind of do what I suggest.

If its 1v1 then its totally different from Gw2 and other esports games do not have this kind of system.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: velmeister.4187


But this will only happen at the start.

This will happen at the phase when people are still traveling fast through leagues because nobody has reached his proper level yet. Know why the winstreak system exists? Not to make us feel a bit better for winning often, no. The sole purpose is to push good people out of bad leagues so that the bad players that naturally exist there wont have to face them for long.

Most of the games people lose not because they are facing better teams but, because they are making poor choices and, hence, playing worse than the other team. No one from the winning team ever asked anyone in the opposing team to rush beast w/ 4 people at the start in the forest or to cap an uncontested point with 2 people or to give up all caps to zerg ferocity or to do several other stupid things that people do. In this meta, these mistakes and unforgiving because of condi-hell that ANET created to kill bunker meta. Last season, one or two mistakes like these were recoverable in mid-tier matches. This season, it’s match over in 30 seconds. Of all the matches that I played not 1 match was decided past 30s mark. In several of the matches, I could predict outcome based on team convo while waiting for ready up.

Here’re the statistics of the top 4 classes that I played in last few years:
Ranger 926 matches, w/r 54.86%
Necro 908 matches, w/r 47.03%
Guardian 766 matches, w/r 53.79%
Engineer 566 matches, w/r 50.53%

Overall, I played 4027 matches w/ a w/r of 50.21% as of right now. Am I good? No. But, I am far from bad. I don’t chase beasts or duke it out in a status quo while losing caps or pop sneak gyro to uncap a hotly contested point. But, in this system. I will continue to be paired with the people who do. People making bad choices to lose, as it often happens in lower divs, will not only happen at the start but also continue to happen throughout the duration of the league. In this meta, I can’t jump up to go past them. I am among them. It’s win 1, lose 1 or win 1, lose 10 depending on luck. Hence, Your argument is invalid.

What should I do if I get constantly matched with bad allies?

Ok the honest and bad news first. You propably, for whatever reason, had not the best rating at the start and you ended up in this spiral. Stop playing for a few days. It will be infinitely easier to progress once good players have left your league. Still have trouble then when it is basically you + 4 bad players vs 5 bad players? Well then you lack the ability to have any impact on game outcome (some people call it carrying) at all. After all even in the lowest league there will be some people that just belong there. Don’t feel bad.

After reading this I am positive that you have no comprehension of what is meant by carrying. You probably picked that term up recently from all the forum posts about people stroking their kitten about carrying others or consoling themselves by believing many people “got carried” into legendary division last season. In 30s meta, you can’t carry. In a bunker meta, you could do that to some extent at low-mid divisions.

Here’s some reality check about people complaining about the people who “somehow” magically reached legendary last season and shouldn’t have reached there. I faced many of them last season in diamond t5+ matches. Those matches were hard even diamond vs diamond. And they were hard because people who played at that level, regardless of “carry”, “cheat” or whatever verb you choose to use, were quite good at their game. Pulling down people by trash talking is easy but, reaching there yourself is too kitten hard. I am yet to meet a bad legendary division player from last season. PZ farmed SH nonstop last season. Are they bad players? No. I beat java in a match the other night. Am I as good as java? No. So stop bullkittenting your own self with garbage logic.

What can be done for further improvement?

People should not all reset back to the start of Amber. This will basically speed up the whole transition phase and safe some of the “selection” that happened last season.

  • Legend players should start in Ruby.
  • Diamond players should start in Sapphire.
  • Ruby players should start in Emerald.

You automatically get all the previous rewards if you start higher up when the new season begins.

Biggest bullkitten ever. This surely takes the cake in your post. Ladder resets. Hence, its a ladder.

The first thing ANET should do is segregate Solo and Team Queue.

Second thing they should do is to test their changes first instead of putting system in league without publicly trying it out for a similar duration or more in unranked.

Third thing they should do is give the lord in stronghold “amulet of protection” that will make the lord almost immune to any damage at the begining of the match that will slowly wear down every 15 seconds till it has no effect at 4 minutes mark.

Fourth and the most important thing they should do is to stop moving from one extreme to another in their design choices.

That said, OP you made my evening. So, thank you. <lol>

“If there is anyone here whom I have not offended, I am sorry.”

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


All the complainers should just stop and give the system a chance.

Yes, you will lose a lot if you had a mediocre MMR at the start of the season. At the start the whole thing is rather snowballish. Good people get equally good allies and a team like that will obviously steamroll.

This simply doesn’t make any sense. All the good people would have to fight only worse opponents and that’s impossible since everyone starts in the same division. The correct claim would be that lucky people with decent mmr will get equally good allies. Unless you’re the top 5 people playing at any given time, you have a chance of facing both better and worse teams, significally may I add. And this further leads to inaccuracies in MMR.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Burn.5401


This whole thread will consist of bad players complaining and decent players being happy as every other. Casuals expect to be carried to legend on a red carpet, no exceptions.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


All the complainers should just stop and give the system a chance.

Yes, you will lose a lot if you had a mediocre MMR at the start of the season. At the start the whole thing is rather snowballish. Good people get equally good allies and a team like that will obviously steamroll.

But this will only happen at the start.

This will happen at the phase when people are still traveling fast through leagues because nobody has reached his proper level yet. Know why the winstreak system exists? Not to make us feel a bit better for winning often, no. The sole purpose is to push good people out of bad leagues so that the bad players that naturally exist there wont have to face them for long.

Yes, I also felt like the first 30 matches were a total steamroll but sooner or later everyone will hit a wall (except the 5 overall absolutely best players I guess).

What should I do if I get constantly matched with bad allies?

Ok the honest and bad news first. You propably, for whatever reason, had not the best rating at the start and you ended up in this spiral. Stop playing for a few days. It will be infinitely easier to progress once good players have left your league. Still have trouble then when it is basically you + 4 bad players vs 5 bad players? Well then you lack the ability to have any impact on game outcome (some people call it carrying) at all. After all even in the lowest league there will be some people that just belong there. Don’t feel bad.

What can be done for further improvement?

People should not all reset back to the start of Amber. This will basically speed up the whole transition phase and safe some of the “selection” that happened last season.

  • Legend players should start in Ruby.
  • Diamond players should start in Sapphire.
  • Ruby players should start in Emerald.

You automatically get all the previous rewards if you start higher up when the new season begins.

I totally agree with what you said, but the paradox is that your content underlies the opposite of the thread title. Your improvement suggestion allready states why the current league system is NOT very well designed. The main problem is that a lot of people allready stoped playing pvp, remember day 1 insta getting matched? Now it allready takes longer, because the player pool was decimated. The main purpose of the system to make game finding faster, has completly failed, because it was very poorly conceived.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Burn.5401


I totally agree with what you said, but the paradox is that your content underlies the opposite of the thread title. Your improvement suggestion allready states why the current league system is NOT very well designed. The main problem is that a lot of people allready stoped playing pvp, remember day 1 insta getting matched? Now it allready takes longer, because the player pool was decimated. The main purpose of the system to make game finding faster, has completly failed, because it was very poorly conceived.

PvE players got rekt day 1 and stopped playing with no way of abusing the system by queueing with better players? Call me surprised.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


I totally agree with what you said, but the paradox is that your content underlies the opposite of the thread title. Your improvement suggestion allready states why the current league system is NOT very well designed. The main problem is that a lot of people allready stoped playing pvp, remember day 1 insta getting matched? Now it allready takes longer, because the player pool was decimated. The main purpose of the system to make game finding faster, has completly failed, because it was very poorly conceived.

PvE players got rekt day 1 and stopped playing with no way of abusing the system by queueing with better players? Call me surprised.

Yes PvE players and also average players being matched vs high division players. I can give you a very concrete example, I have 2 guys in my guild who played alot together in season 1 and both are top players. One works a lot and made it to ruby in season 1 the other one was in legendary II. They allways played together vs legendary players and are strategic and skilled players. With season 2 one of them is allready Saphire and the other stoped playing after 5 consecutive loses.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


In a month a player can reach legendary staying afk.
All is rolled during matchmaking.playing match don’t really have any sense.

sUk Clan

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

All the complainers should just stop and give the system a chance.

Yes, you will lose a lot if you had a mediocre MMR at the start of the season. At the start the whole thing is rather snowballish. Good people get equally good allies and a team like that will obviously steamroll.

But this will only happen at the start.

This will happen at the phase when people are still traveling fast through leagues because nobody has reaches his proper level yet. Know why the winstreak system exists? Not to make us feel a bit better for winning often, no. The sole purpose is to push good people out of bad leagues so that the bad players that naturally exist there wont have to face them for long.

Yes, I also felt like the first 30 matches were a total steamroll but sooner or later everyone will hit a wall (except the 5 overall absolutely best players I guess).

What should I do if I get constantly matched with bad players?

Ok the honest and bad news first. You propably, for whatever reason, had not the best rating at the start and you ended up in this spiral. Stop playing for a few days. It will be infinitely easier to progress once good players have left your league. Still have trouble then when it is basically you + 4 bad players vs 5 bad players? Well then you lack the ability to have any impact on game outcome (some people call it carrying) at all. After all even in the lowest league there will be some people that just belong there. Don’t feel bad.

NO, league is NOT well done, you apologist. No competent pvp game development team subjects its players and customers to 15-20 plus consecutive losses just to prop up a bogus system. NONE.

Now, game impact you say? Do you even play the same game? I could 1v2 or 1v3 all day on point/off point, whatever, but it’s MEANINGLESS if your teammates don’t capture points!

But the people that are bads and are getting carried thru the ranks via the new matchmaker will just say that you are bad player and you belong with trash while Anet’s system stacks actually good to great players on their team. I know of one ex-friend who is complete trash and can’t win most 1v1s but is in Sapphire (so much for competitive)

There are absolutely nothing competitive about a stacked or fixed win and lose sports. Which is turn in this game I wouldn’t be surprised if half these people in the higher divisions don’t even belong there, and half the people in the lower divisions belong in the higher division.

With the system we have now, its hard to even come close to calling this any thing close to a competitive game where player skill matters anymore (be carried higher by 3 to 4 or dragged down deeper by 3 to 4) . Just on the fact we have a system designed to give players many many many undeserved win and lose streaks just based on the RNG of their first few matches.

I will end with this statement. If you want a better shot at getting a fairer shot you can always just pay $50 or so for a HoT account and hope RNG this time is in your favor for putting good teammates on your team for the first few matches , so you can also go on a fixed 20 to 30 plus win streak, then come back to the forums and tell everyone who is complaining how good you are and how much they suck.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Dojo.1867


In a month a player can reach legendary staying afk.
All is rolled during matchmaking.playing match don’t really have any sense.

This is complete nonsense and just tells me you didn’t reach higher divisions yet. Propably stuck low because you are mediocre at best and now you actually get confronted with this fact for the first time.

This system is much better at showing a players skill level so naturally people with low skill level, something that was masked before, are going to be salty.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


In a month a player can reach legendary staying afk.
All is rolled during matchmaking.playing match don’t really have any sense.

This is complete nonsense and just tells me you didn’t reach higher divisions yet. Propably stuck low because you are mediocre at best and now you actually get confronted with this fact for the first time.

This system is much better at showing a players skill level so naturally people with low skill level, something that was masked before, are going to be salty.

Gimme 1v1 leagues and then we can take a look whos the real pro and who just… sux
Nothing justices doing 1v2 while your team cant do a kitten at same time so despite myself being a better players than enemies from another team i still lose. Working as intended

I mean if SMite has 5v5, 3v3 and 1v1 leagues as moba game then i dont see a reason why we cant have it either.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Dojo.1867


In a month a player can reach legendary staying afk.
All is rolled during matchmaking.playing match don’t really have any sense.

This is complete nonsense and just tells me you didn’t reach higher divisions yet. Propably stuck low because you are mediocre at best and now you actually get confronted with this fact for the first time.

This system is much better at showing a players skill level so naturally people with low skill level, something that was masked before, are going to be salty.

Gimme 1v1 leagues and then we can take a look whos the real pro and who just… sux
Nothing justices doing 1v2 while your team cant do a kitten at same time so despite myself being a better players than enemy team i still lose.

What you describe will just not be the case on average. If you consistently do that then you WILL carry yourself out of kitten division. Fact. In a few days only bad people will be left in amber/emerald so it will be you + 4 bads vs 5 bads. In other words it will be conpletely on you. If you still cant do it then you just cant carry at all and belong there.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

In a month a player can reach legendary staying afk.
All is rolled during matchmaking.playing match don’t really have any sense.

This is complete nonsense and just tells me you didn’t reach higher divisions yet. Propably stuck low because you are mediocre at best and now you actually get confronted with this fact for the first time.

This system is much better at showing a players skill level so naturally people with low skill level, something that was masked before, are going to be salty.

Gimme 1v1 leagues and then we can take a look whos the real pro and who just… sux
Nothing justices doing 1v2 while your team cant do a kitten at same time so despite myself being a better players than enemies from another team i still lose. Working as intended

I mean if SMite has 5v5, 3v3 and 1v1 leagues as moba game then i dont see a reason why we cant have it either.

Truth is… very few who are being carried by the new system to the top are going to want a 1v1 league game mode in GW2 because then it’ll show how much actually a worst player they are compared to you and many others stuck in leagues below them.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


I have tested yesterday win 2 of 5 match afk. So you need only to be in winning team..that is supposed do be a 50-50

sUk Clan

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: LordOtto.2650


Bad players will be carried to ruby to, no mater what, and try solo from there to diamond…if you do that, you are really a legendary player! Don’t team up with nobody! Just yourself!

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


In a month a player can reach legendary staying afk.
All is rolled during matchmaking.playing match don’t really have any sense.

This is complete nonsense and just tells me you didn’t reach higher divisions yet. Propably stuck low because you are mediocre at best and now you actually get confronted with this fact for the first time.

This system is much better at showing a players skill level so naturally people with low skill level, something that was masked before, are going to be salty.

Gimme 1v1 leagues and then we can take a look whos the real pro and who just… sux
Nothing justices doing 1v2 while your team cant do a kitten at same time so despite myself being a better players than enemy team i still lose.

What you describe will just not be the case on average. If you consistently do that then you WILL carry yourself out of kitten division. Fact. In a few days only bad people will be left in amber/emerald so it will be you + 4 bads vs 5 bads. In other words it will be conpletely on you. If you still cant do it then you just cant carry at all and belong there.

I made it to ruby already. The hardcarry was real at last 2 tiers of sappphire. But the problem is despite being in ruby i still land with junk/emerald ppl for whatever reason. If thats not broken then idk

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I think people don’t understand one thing. Yes, players with high MMR get silly winstreaks but only in lower divisions, once they get higher they pretty much face teams at their own level. Reason why Anet implemented system like that is so that better players don’t stay too long in low divisions and don’t farm inexperienced players.

Last season was pure illusion, players with low MMR drooled their way to diamond w/o actually facing any challenge while players with high MMR had to beat ESL players just to get out of amber.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


At no.point should I have to stop playing the game mode I enjoy. How is that good for anyone? If all the “bad” players where to take a brake for a few days it would take the self proclaimed"pro’s" even longer to move up as there will be no fodder for them to “get to where they should be” then when people come back they are in the same situation as when they took the brake.

How this league should have worked was simple. You restarted where you left off.then the players who didn’t belong in said division would fall to where they should be. Then the next league would be fine.

The top tie player could start in sapphire, and anyone from sapphire down could start in amber. That way the “pro’s” will be with other “pro’s” fighting it out, and the rest of the player base will have fun fighting there way up to pro level where they may or may not advance.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


I think people don’t understand one thing. Yes, players with high MMR get silly winstreaks but only in lower divisions, once they get higher they pretty much face teams at their own level. Reason why Anet implemented system like that is so that better players don’t stay too long in low divisions and don’t farm inexperienced players.

Last season was pure illusion, players with low MMR drooled their way to diamond w/o actually facing any challenge while players with high MMR had to beat ESL players just to get out of amber.

This is actually wrong thinking. Let me tell you how to abuse it. Let’s say Bob is a noob, but not a dumb noob. Season 1 he abused
1. he lost many games before starting to play ranked, so he only playes against weaker oponents
2. playing with one other teammate, one of them leaving so other doesn’t lose pips when games look bad.
3. had a class with 0 wins XX loses, joins in with that class, switches to the classe he wishes, to manipulate the average mmr of the team
4. played together with smurf classes / accounts of actuall good players against low mmr
5. other known issues, I don’t want to mention

Now Season 2 starts and Bob wins every game. Untill he reaches, let’s say Ruby. He now gets harder oponents that he cannot deal with. Now Bob stops playing. By now, Bob has won about 40 games or so, increasing his MMR by a lot. If Bob waits untill Season 3 and nothing changes, he will steamroll to Diamond, because his MMR must as good as most Legend players who lost MMR cuz of the hard competition.
By Season 3 Bob allready has an MMR of a Legendary player and will now only be in team with the best players. Even in Diamond he will still get the best players in team and will get carried, just by doing average.

Most people comming to the forum, replying to losing streak threads with l2p are Bobs.

(edited by antichecker.1675)

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Bob still has to win those games….

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


Bob still has to win those games….

That is pretty easy since Bob “belongs” to higher divisions, as ANET decieded, so he will be matched with good players against bad ones.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Bob still has to win those games….

That is pretty easy since Bob “belongs” to higher divisions, as ANET decieded, so he will be matched with good players against bad ones.

Bob will lose a lot of matches in ruby since he can’t carry. In fact Bob will lose a lot of matches in last tiers of emerald since there you actually have to start to play well there. This will lower his MMR by a lot.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


Bob still has to win those games….

That is pretty easy since Bob “belongs” to higher divisions, as ANET decieded, so he will be matched with good players against bad ones.

Bob will lose a lot of matches in ruby since he can’t carry. In fact Bob will lose a lot of matches in last tiers of emerald since there you actually have to start to play well. This will lower his MMR by a lot.

did you read my post? he wont be playing Ruby, he stops when he reaches the hard part of game

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Bob still has to win those games….

That is pretty easy since Bob “belongs” to higher divisions, as ANET decieded, so he will be matched with good players against bad ones.

Bob will lose a lot of matches in ruby since he can’t carry. In fact Bob will lose a lot of matches in last tiers of emerald since there you actually have to start to play well. This will lower his MMR by a lot.

did you read my post? he wont be playing Ruby, he stops when he reaches the hard part of game

did you read my post? he won’t even make it to ruby

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: Link.1049


By the time things pan out, the season will be three quarters over. The league system is busted. It’d work better if they actually balanced the classes correctly before starting a new season.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


This is actually wrong thinking. Let me tell you how to abuse it. Let’s say Bob is a noob, but not a dumb noob. Season 1 he abused
1. he lost many games before starting to play ranked, so he only playes against weaker oponents

Ranked has its own MMR, so it doesn’t matter what he was doing in unranked. But if he is a bad player, his MMR won’t be high after the first few ranked games.

2. playing with one other teammate, one of them leaving so other doesn’t lose pips when games look bad.

Losing games -> lower MMR

3. had a class with 0 wins XX loses, joins in with that class, switches to the classe he wishes, to manipulate the average mmr of the team

Class MMR isn’t used for matchmaking as far as i know.

4. played together with smurf classes / accounts of actuall good players against low mmr

But as his MMR rises, he will face stronger opponents and then he won’t win anymore if he isn’t good enough, so this way of increasing MMR has its limits (and how many noobs have pro friends who will carry them?).

So what has Bob gained from season 1: an average MMR at best.

Now Season 2 starts and Bob wins every game. Untill he reaches, let’s say Ruby. He now gets harder oponents that he cannot deal with. Now Bob stops playing. By now, Bob has won about 40 games or so, increasing his MMR by a lot. If Bob waits untill Season 3 and nothing changes, he will steamroll to Diamond, because his MMR must as good as most Legend players who lost MMR cuz of the hard competition.
By Season 3 Bob allready has an MMR of a Legendary player and will now only be in team with the best players. Even in Diamond he will still get the best players in team and will get carried, just by doing average.

If Bob is an bad player with average MMR he won’t win all his games, even in amber (at least it is very unlikely). And the higher he gets, the harder it will be to get carried.
I started facing even teams in mid emerald. If two teams have similar MMR, but one has a player whose skill is lower than his MMR would assume, this team will lose.

(edited by UmbraNoctis.1907)

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


Bob still has to win those games….

That is pretty easy since Bob “belongs” to higher divisions, as ANET decieded, so he will be matched with good players against bad ones.

Bob will lose a lot of matches in ruby since he can’t carry. In fact Bob will lose a lot of matches in last tiers of emerald since there you actually have to start to play well. This will lower his MMR by a lot.

did you read my post? he wont be playing Ruby, he stops when he reaches the hard part of game

did you read my post? he won’t even make it to ruby

did you read my initial post, there are enough people who got to diamond in season 1. These players will have get to ruby without any effort, since they will get matched accordingly. With the current system, you just need to be one of the high ranked season 1 guys and get into the winning bracket, wait for the average to advance to saphire and that will happen as soon as all higher players are out of +/- 7 pins. So he WILL make it to ruby, as I know people way worse than me allready in saphire.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


Division from season 1 is completely independent from MMR and doesn’t matter at all. If he made it to legend, but has a low MMR his teammates will have low MMR too. I was only sapphire last season (played only for about a week back then). I have no issues this season.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


This is actually wrong thinking. Let me tell you how to abuse it. Let’s say Bob is a noob, but not a dumb noob. Season 1 he abused
1. he lost many games before starting to play ranked, so he only playes against weaker oponents

Ranked has its own MMR, so it doesn’t matter what he was doing in unranked. But if he is a bad player, his MMR won’t be high after the first few ranked games.

You missed season 1, I didn’t say he was playing unranked, most ppl. had a “throw out” class, losing ranked on purpose with, as MMR is class specific.

2. playing with one other teammate, one of them leaving so other doesn’t lose pips when games look bad.

Losing games -> lower MMR

3. had a class with 0 wins XX loses, joins in with that class, switches to the classe he wishes, to manipulate the average mmr of the team

Class MMR isn’t used for matchmaking as far as i know.

Class MMR is and was still the only criteria for matchmaking.

4. played together with smurf classes / accounts of actuall good players against low mmr

But as his MMR rises, he will face stronger opponents and then he won’t win anymore if he isn’t good enough, so this way of increasing MMR has its limits. And overall some people tried to lower their MMR in season 1, not to increase it.

So what has Bob gained: an average MMR at best.

mmr is still based on win / lose ratio, nobody ever wanted to have a bad wlr on his main. It makes no sense since you cannot advance if your w/l is bad. You must have not heard of smurf accounts.

Now Season 2 starts and Bob wins every game. Untill he reaches, let’s say Ruby. He now gets harder oponents that he cannot deal with. Now Bob stops playing. By now, Bob has won about 40 games or so, increasing his MMR by a lot. If Bob waits untill Season 3 and nothing changes, he will steamroll to Diamond, because his MMR must as good as most Legend players who lost MMR cuz of the hard competition.
By Season 3 Bob allready has an MMR of a Legendary player and will now only be in team with the best players. Even in Diamond he will still get the best players in team and will get carried, just by doing average.

If Bob is an bad player with average MMR he won’t win all his games, even in amber (at least it is very unlikely). And the higher he gets, the harder it will be to get carried.
I started facing even teams in mid emerald. If two teams have similar MMR, but one has a player whose skill is lower than his MMR would assume, this team will lose.

Even the biggest noobs allready reached emerald, as they couldnt lose pips in amber. You started facing better oponent because of the -7 pips rule and you had no noobs to get matched against. Wait for the midfield to reach emerald and the higher mmr players will stomp further, it’s just the mather of time.

(edited by antichecker.1675)

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


Class MMR is NOT used:

We still track profession MMR, but it won’t being used for matchmaking unless we have some form of profession locking.

And yes, even bad player can progress the longer the season is on, but it will take them more time and they probably won’t reach the highest divisons. So what? Working as intended?

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


Division from season 1 is completely independent from MMR and doesn’t matter at all. If he made it to legend, but has a low MMR his teammates will have low MMR too. I was only sapphire last season (played only for about a week back then). I have no issues this season.

Season 1 was matched by average mmr of team vs team, so what you say is wrong. I started at the end of the season and made it to sapphire with no problem, I was even close to ruby. This season I lost my first 20 games, trying hard to make up for non communicative and afk teammates. So I started to team up with people who didnt land in mmr hell and its now I suddenly advance fine. Now pardon me to tell you that I am not a bad player and none of those QQ I dont like to lose players and yet I cannot solo queue any more, because some people decided that the top 10% + about 5% luckers and pre abusers are allowed to stomp on the cost of every other average player. Please tell me why top ESL games with high playerbase, don’t have the problems here?

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


I didn’t say, MMR didn’t matter for season 1. I said, season 1 divisions doesn’t matter for current MMR. Which is true.

And just because YOU can’t solo queue any more, this isn’t true for many other players (not only for 15% as you claim).

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


I play only solo. And most of my teammates and opponents play solo too. Sometimes there are 2- or 3-men premades, but it is not the majority.

As Cynz said, playing solo is fine atm.

New League System is very well done!

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


This is actually wrong thinking. Let me tell you how to abuse it. Let’s say Bob is a noob, but not a dumb noob. Season 1 he abused
1. he lost many games before starting to play ranked, so he only playes against weaker oponents

Ranked has its own MMR, so it doesn’t matter what he was doing in unranked. But if he is a bad player, his MMR won’t be high after the first few ranked games.

2. playing with one other teammate, one of them leaving so other doesn’t lose pips when games look bad.

Losing games -> lower MMR

3. had a class with 0 wins XX loses, joins in with that class, switches to the classe he wishes, to manipulate the average mmr of the team

Class MMR isn’t used for matchmaking as far as i know.

4. played together with smurf classes / accounts of actuall good players against low mmr

But as his MMR rises, he will face stronger opponents and then he won’t win anymore if he isn’t good enough, so this way of increasing MMR has its limits (and how many noobs have pro friends who will carry them?).

So what has Bob gained from season 1: an average MMR at best.

Now Season 2 starts and Bob wins every game. Untill he reaches, let’s say Ruby. He now gets harder oponents that he cannot deal with. Now Bob stops playing. By now, Bob has won about 40 games or so, increasing his MMR by a lot. If Bob waits untill Season 3 and nothing changes, he will steamroll to Diamond, because his MMR must as good as most Legend players who lost MMR cuz of the hard competition.
By Season 3 Bob allready has an MMR of a Legendary player and will now only be in team with the best players. Even in Diamond he will still get the best players in team and will get carried, just by doing average.

If Bob is an bad player with average MMR he won’t win all his games, even in amber (at least it is very unlikely). And the higher he gets, the harder it will be to get carried.
I started facing even teams in mid emerald. If two teams have similar MMR, but one has a player whose skill is lower than his MMR would assume, this team will lose.

Noobs are everywhere. I teamed up today with my friend which has high mmr, it seemed like we got 3 pure pve players in our team that died in 1 second. In about a few mins the other team had 200 points more than us. Me and my friend switched tactic and spread both of us out on the map bc wherever we werent at, our teammates died. So we catched up and eventually we were winning and had 2 nodes. At 450 points while the other team had 470ish points, our only chance were to kill the beast on forest and we also had 2 caps. So…all well, we got the beast but look here…every player in our team had gone for the beast meanwhile me and another were killing the beast just fine duoin, but our 3 nabs in our team thought it was a great idea to leave middle and let it be decapped so they also could hit the wonderful beast. So we lost 500 to 498. There was NO WAY we could carry with those fekkin teammates. Hello sapphire players btw, those people were you, even emerald had better players.

So atm theres many of them bobs out there already.