New Matchmaking system rewards top players.
I am too on “winstreak train”. Love this matchmaking.
So.. I start play scrapper. "
You love this mm because it carries you up once you start to win. of course you love it.
Decent players should have no problem in this system ist just the average and bads that QQ because they can’t grind anymore.
how do you know who is decent?
good attitude hope someone stabs you in the eye
Two meta rev’s and more if you are legend is a great pick for a team. It’s normal. Two rev carrying the team and the w/d make that you will win more games.
First Season PvP – Diamond II.
Second Season PvP – Diamond by now.
Gotta love these posts.
“solo arenas played”. Why I can’t look that in my game? o.O
First Season PvP – Diamond II.
Second Season PvP – Diamond by now.
Currently on 20-21 winstreak Solo/DuoQ. After spending 100s of games getting to legend last season due to getting ‘’les uncarryables’’ on my team every second or third game last season this is quite the refreshment. Finally being able to reach my actual division fast is a really nice feature and i feel although it hurts newer players it helps as a whole.
So, let me guess, you consider yourself to be one of these “top players?”
I’m stunned that you’re fine with how the system is working.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
I think people are not QQing about not being good or about losing all the time… They are QQing because it’s not fun. I quit pvp in season 1 not because I suck (because I know I’m not great at pvp) because it stopped being fun. I play video games to have fun. And if pvp is not fun then I won’t pvp… And people at the top who will say good bye have a nice day to everyone that leaves…. Eventually you will end up alone up there.
Players are on a 10+ win streak and calls it fine and working as intended.
Players are on a 10+ losing streak and calls matchmaking broken, blames anet and blames their team.
I’ve had a loss streak and knew exactly why. 99% it was all due in part of bad rotations and organizations. Won majority of games solely on telling my solo/duo team what to do via mapchat.
My point is, players who take initiative, play their class and play the map effectively, including communicating with their teamates, should never have a loss streak of 10 or more. There is always a way to better your odds of winning that doesn’t have to result in “taking a break”.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
There was a time when high mmr meant you would race up to your normal rating in no time. Lower rated ppl where begging; plz reset the ladders since this is unfair. The system is keeping us down.
The vast majority of players use anything as excuse. Fact is…if you lose a lot youre below avg. Might be a tough pill to swallow but its the truth.
I’ve had a loss streak and knew exactly why. 99% it was all due in part of bad rotations and organizations. Won majority of games solely on telling my solo/duo team what to do via mapchat.
My point is, players who take initiative, play their class and play the map effectively, including communicating with their teamates, should never have a loss streak of 10 or more. There is always a way to better your odds of winning that doesn’t have to result in “taking a break”.
Even if you tell your team what to do, and I’ve had to do that sometimes, you still need to count on them to execute, and sometimes that’s just not something they’re capable of doing.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
“solo arenas played”. Why I can’t look that in my game? o.O
You only can see it if you played during Solo Arena’s, which was a long time ago.
“solo arenas played”. Why I can’t look that in my game? o.O
You only can see it if you played during Solo Arena’s, which was a long time ago.
Ah, oh, thanks you.
Other question, what w/d% have you?
First Season PvP – Diamond II.
Second Season PvP – Diamond by now.
The vast majority of players use anything as excuse. Fact is…if you lose a lot youre below avg. Might be a tough pill to swallow but its the truth.
Actually it isn’t true. How do I know? Because I have two accounts and at start of season I had big win streaks on one and big lose streaks on other. It is by no means clear you can draw many conclusions from win / loss ratios so far this season.