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in PvP

Posted by: wadsy.1609


Hey guys, I just bought guild wars and the game is downloading now, so I wanted to ask you fellas a few questions. I see that you can level up doing PvP and PvE, but I am predominantly interested in PvP. I used to play WoW and am a big fan of PvP because of the competition involved. I’ve looked on the guild wars website but there isn’t vey much explanation about it, so here are are some of my questions:

What are the strongest professions in world pvp and structured pvp?

What are the main pros/cons of each class in PvP?

What are some tips you guys have for a WoW PvPer transitioning into guild wars (or any advice at all)?


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in PvP

Posted by: Biomanz.9302


All classes can be strong depending on your playstyle. Pros and Cons also depend on your traits and skill selections.

There is no such thing as healer. There are tanks aka bunkers, and dps aka roamers. Certain classes are better at these.

There’s no spamming of skills asap or waiting for procs. Here, you have only a limited amount of skills so use them with…intent.

Taera Locke – staff ele
Red circles heal you. Just relax.

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in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


-thief =! rogue
-you need a lot of practice, so don’t start whine when you start playing pvp.
-don’t play 8v8. at least hotjoin 5v5
-fotm are guardian, mesmer, ele, thief, so i suggest you play ranger XD
-pvp = rank up, pve = lvl up
-pvp is not gear based

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in PvP

Posted by: wadsy.1609


Ok what does fotm mean? And is there a place to learn how to setup talents and watch pvp videos?

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in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


fotm: Flavor of the Month
gw2 video: or at least it is the only one i use..
learning is based on experience usually. but u can look at professions sections in the forum and ask for advices. i think

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in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


I’ll just go over the standard builds for each profession.

Pro- High Burst/45sec, Medium sustained aoe ranged dps, highest mobility, stealth
Con- Glassier than paper, cannot contribute to rezzing in a teamfight, YOLO—it’s suicidal to try rezzing a thief, even 2v1

Pro- Extremely high aoe burst/60sec, twice as much bulk as a Thief, high mobility
Con- Gets kited, weak rdps alternatives, extremely weak to condition damage

Pro- One of the best 1v1 prof, high hybrid dmg (condi+power), fairly bulky with evades, quickness on pet swap(2s), water combo field
Con- Can’t contribute much to a larger scale teamfight

Pro-Same as Ranger; a good node duelist with hybrid dmg, more CC rather than evades
Con- Same as Ranger+weaker ranged dps

Pro- Highest aoe ranged condi dps in the game, signet rez, 2 fears and a chill
Con- Squishy w/ little mobility. Requires key positioning

Pro- High mobility, Extremely bulky, insane amount of cleanse(some AOE), decent dps output to act as a ‘bruiser’ on top of that, combo fields
Con- Vulnerable to burst damage

Pro- Tankiest prof in the game, shield of abs, aoe stabilities
Con- Will drop to a necro/mesmer given 1-2min

Pro- Portal, Timewarp, decent 1v1 duelist
Con- Little mobility outside of portal

Obviously, I didn’t cover everything but these are the main points I look at when looking at a teamcomp.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

(edited by Jumper.9482)

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in PvP

Posted by: wadsy.1609


thanks a lot guys i appreciate it. i feel like i have much a better understanding of the basics now

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in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


Very important:
You cannot level through Structured PvP, only through World vs World and PvE.
There are “rank-levels” to gain in Structured PvP though.

In case you will enter PvE, here’s the best tip I can give you:

Do NOT under any circumstances play this like you play World of Warcraft.
The game will not hold your hand and tell you where to go, through a questline and so on. The game wants you to explore. This is what turned off many people who came here from WoW.

I hope you’ll enjoy the Structured PvP! I’ve heard rumors of a great update coming soon, because right now Structured PvP can be considered an alpha/beta at best, since it lacks a lot of stuff.

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in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


go guardian and own ppl and mobs at a reasonably level in both spvp and pve after a short practice…go whatever you want for wvsw, it doesn’t require skills…just join the biggest zerg you can find around and let the mass do the job. Easy and effective.

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in PvP

Posted by: wadsy.1609


Ok so what is the best way to level but still incorporating pvp?

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in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


World Vs. World gains you XP. Lots of huge and fun fights going on there.
Structured PvP buffs you to level 80 instantly and unlocks all your skills as well as giving you the best gear available – Of course only to be used in Structured PvP.