I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
New Official Guild Wars 2 Pro League Website
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
Amazing work, keep it up
Looks awesome, good job.
The team descriptions are 3dank5me.
hype train…Alllll aboaaaaaard!
hype train…Alllll aboaaaaaard!
There is no hype.
Hype was last year before releasing HoT, and that was for PvE, not PvP.
hype train…Alllll aboaaaaaard!
There is no hype.
Hype was last year before releasing HoT, and that was for PvE, not PvP.
Hype is where they make a big announcement & over inflate it’s actual worth. (HypE)
I just looked at the new website and it is awesome, definitely increased my already very high hype levels for the finals (seriously I have been counting down the days to the finals for the past couple of weeks). I like the team information part where you can see who is on that team as well as facts about them. The article about it that you linked is awesome too, I really like how much detail it went into about each team and how they would win/lose.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)