(edited by Forsaker.9213)
New Paid Tournament idea
Entry fee? I would suggest 3 tickets.
And mabye lower gem rewards to 80 on 1st place and 40 on 2nd place. (winning the first match will result in getting the tickets back (12.5 gems/ticket or 15 gems/ticket))
yup its good , edited
the only issue with this, and the 1v1 paid idea is the rewards. While it is great that many new players are getting into paids that previously did not do paids, look at your leaderboards. With reduced rewards, some players may never see the light of day concerning that leaderboard, because of the reduced QP, therefore if i wanna get in the top 100 ( currently like 90 something for the dead last spot) I gotta win 90 games in this 1v1 format. A matchmaking system would be much better off, less of a grind.
They need ELO . Not QP.
Agreed, good idea.