(edited by Dragnela.6532)
New PvP Update: Must be more PvP Modes.
Well you may as well go and play another game. Not trying to be funny with you, but ANet really doesnt care about PVP at all.
Why? well simple really. No money in it. No reason to pay for micro transactions in PVP, so ANet really dont care about it. Notice how all the awards they “won” have no mention of PVP? (Which is odd when you consider all the e-sport hype before release)
No I am afraid this game is one in a long list of “failed to even remotely live up to expectations” graveyard that is brimming with games.
Months after release, still bugs in the game that were mentioned nearly a year ago. Lots of classes are gimped with the sheer amount of bugs they have.
No worry though, someone will come along and claim its the best thing ever. Just come back in a year and you will see that the population has reduced and the server merger will occur.
Well you may as well go and play another game. Not trying to be funny with you, but ANet really doesnt care about PVP at all.
Yeh seems like it (
What is wrong with you people and flags… I hated Warsong Gulch…each time I tried to do a random in WoW…bam…YOu may humiliate our enemy by stealing their Blue Flag…that’ll teach them…If there is anything to be added, I’d go for a Death Match…a Defend the Fortress and some sort of Dota match, but please…leave the Flag alone…I’ve done enough of that.
Notice how all the awards they “won” have no mention of PVP? (Which is odd when you consider all the e-sport hype before release)
key words, before release.
once everyone tried it 90% of the pvp community realized anet had a great advertising department to hype us up and take our cash and give us a sprout of content to fiddle with..for 5 months.
theres only so much of a single game mode a mind can take before you go insane.
Obviously you are expected to Keg brawl.
It’s funny, because the Holiday mini-games are infinitely more fun than sPvP just because they’re different modes. And yeah, straight up DOTA/Capture the flag. Whipped up in an instant with cheery holiday music.
Upsets me just to think about it tbh, they seem pretty clueless to what people want.
What we need right now is ranking/ladder, solo/duo queue, team queue and single map matches. Although new game-modes would be fun, it shouldn’t be a high priority at the moment.
Not to mention, considering how the game is balanced around capture the point, a lot of game-modes would be extremely imbalanced, most would probably just be hotjoin modes.
I want Reaper’s Rumble so bad….
And add temple of the storm to tpvp! I Like that one.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
The game’s been out for almost half a year now, you know which battle grounds WoW came prepackaged with ? None. How about the honor system? a year or two after release? Arena ? ha ha
5 maps which are well balanced and fun to play is pretty good for a start, PLUS zergvzergvzerg. Arena net is doing an awesome job in it’s pvp department and I’m sure they’l keep going.
The game’s been out for almost half a year now, you know which battle grounds WoW came prepackaged with ? None. How about the honor system? a year or two after release? Arena ? ha ha
5 maps which are well balanced and fun to play is pretty good for a start, PLUS zergvzergvzerg. Arena net is doing an awesome job in it’s pvp department and I’m sure they’l keep going.
wow had subscriptions to keep money flowing in so there was an incentive to keep players playing.
Anet has no money coming in except for new players so they will not improve PvP.
That’s silly, if that were even half true there would have been no updates to pvp this past 6 months.
INSTEAD we get tons of sweet changes bug fixes 5v5 hotjoin Locker Changes, NEW Map.
Paid tournaments, paid gear, daily/monthly achievements
They were talking about putting in arenas you could rent out
Spectator tpvp etc.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
The game’s been out for almost half a year now, you know which battle grounds WoW came prepackaged with ? None. How about the honor system? a year or two after release? Arena ? ha ha
5 maps which are well balanced and fun to play is pretty good for a start, PLUS zergvzergvzerg. Arena net is doing an awesome job in it’s pvp department and I’m sure they’l keep going.
wow is a pve game so yea
There are no Pure pvp mmorpgs.
This is actually as pure as it gets as pve and pvp are completely separate.
There are no Pure pvp mmorpgs.
This is actually as pure as it gets as pve and pvp are completely separate.
Darkfall UW seems like a pure pvp, I think pvp is slowly dying (in gw2), unfortunaly.
It might be nice to see some new objectives. maybe counter strike like. no respawn. that would likely be zerg even more so but killing folks does not seem very useful beyond points.
or a game within the game. dunno. i liked the Halloween map. maybe something like that?
i absolutely agree. Having only one pvp mode ist boring and in my opininon the main reason why spvp/tpvp is almost dead. warsong in wow was fun, hutball was the only reason i played swtor for about two months, really loved it. in comparison to this the guild wars 2 pvp ( except wvsw, which is awesome) is really lame. I really hope they wont just add new maps for the existing pvp mode. It won’t help. We need a new pvp mode. Some kind of deathmatch(arena) and capture the flag(warsong,hutball) would be a good beginning.
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter
i absolutely agree. Having only one pvp mode ist boring and in my opininon the main reason why spvp/tpvp is almost dead. warsong in wow was fun, hutball was the only reason i played swtor for about two months, really loved it. in comparison to this the guild wars 2 pvp ( except wvsw, which is awesome) is really lame. I really hope they wont just add new maps for the existing pvp mode. It won’t help. We need a new pvp mode. Some kind of deathmatch(arena) and capture the flag(warsong,hutball) would be a good beginning.
the sub 50 pvp in swtor was.. fun. they got stealth right. they had good objective if only a very few maps. stealth was useful for far more than just frustrating other people. It was so cool to sneak in behind people gaurding a point and take it right out from under them and thats only because they were not paying attention. totally impossible here. stealth is done wrong.
the targetting is terrible. with effects that make me lose target the targeting has to be good and its just a mess. there are so many effects that make targetting really hard and i have to have a target to hit people in many cases. thats wrong.
there are no environmentals here. no knocking people into the fire. down the hole or whatever. im sure that if that happened there would somehow be no end of stealthers and mesmers knocking people into or over it.
the main issue is that the spvp just isnt that much fun. even if im killing a lot of folks. the battles are generally lopsided or empty… and the objectives are just secondary.
i remember that in swtor we made plans before the fight in pugs. there are no pug plans here. no sense of urgency to get objectives. even if you do the zerg comes in and rolls you.
eh. its ok i guess. its better than swtor in the sense of longevity. i got tired of swtor in a month but only because of the impending doom of max level and no contiguous game in the instances. pay to play and bugs and little to no pvp content.
that is missing here too for the most part. its a grind game for looks but no overall stats to compare. no real victories. just move on to the next map.
(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)
I think that Guild Wars 2 has an opportunity to become very successful by supporting new pvp features mixed in with the regular PVE updates. I do support the idea that we need new, fun, modes and maps to play.
If the idea that “PVP just doesn’t make enough money to get developer attention” was real, then I would recommend that the PVP crowd be given an opportunity to show their support for the game via the introduction of cosmetic microtransactions for pvp.
For example: Cosmetic weapons and armor, premium announcer voices for spvp, variety in the skins for the spvp NPCs such as the Blue Lords and the guards, emotes that enable 1v1 duels in Heart of the Mists, and variations on these ideas for the new game modes beyond the simple 3-point conquest maps we have today.
I think that Guild Wars 2 has an opportunity to become very successful by supporting new pvp features mixed in with the regular PVE updates. I do support the idea that we need new, fun, modes and maps to play.
If the idea that “PVP just doesn’t make enough money to get developer attention” was real, then I would recommend that the PVP crowd be given an opportunity to show their support for the game via the introduction of cosmetic microtransactions for pvp.
For example: Cosmetic weapons and armor, premium announcer voices for spvp, variety in the skins for the spvp NPCs such as the Blue Lords and the guards, emotes that enable 1v1 duels in Heart of the Mists, and variations on these ideas for the new game modes beyond the simple 3-point conquest maps we have today.
This is quite a good idea for them to read. If they enabled dueling for a microtransaction, that would be some big bucks…You like money right ArenaNet?
I think they should consider adding the festival events to the pvp list.
There are no Pure pvp mmorpgs.
This is actually as pure as it gets as pve and pvp are completely separate.
Darkfall UW seems like a pure pvp, I think pvp is slowly dying (in gw2), unfortunaly.
Mind = blown
I was just thinking to myself the other day how awesome it would be to have an MMO/MOBA with a TPS/FPS gameplay style and only 5-6 skills. If it didn’t have a ridiculous $15/month sub I would get this game right now. I understand that it’s an indie game and they need their revenue though.
I enjoy GW2’s combat a lot, and it would have been perfect if it had an aiming reticle (Combat Mode comes close to giving you that, but it has its limitations). I really hate auto-target. It’s a mickey-mouse game mechanic (same with click to move, and I’m glad Anet scrapped that). People should have to aim their skills and be punished for missing.
(edited by Chi Malady.2015)
I don’t think any of you guys have ever tried playing a MMORPG game from the very beginning. Things will take time. I’m actually surprised that this game have received so much content in the first 6 months of release.
darkfall in concept was amazing.
full loot pvp.
The game has to support it but then gets a balance like eve does.
how much can i afford to lose going out on these player generated missions.
but thats a wvw environment. its not hot join. the hot join just needs some tweaking. maybe perma death options and new objectives.
maybe even duels with partial to full loot.
put up your wager to get people to duel you. money items or whatever.