New Runes in sPvP ever?

New Runes in sPvP ever?

in PvP

Posted by: Admiral Zombie.8624

Admiral Zombie.8624

I realize that many of the numerous PvE runes would probably be grossly overpowered as they are now, if they were implemented into sPvP

So with that in mind I can understand if it would take a while to properly balance them for sPvP. What I am wondering is if we can ever expect some of those other runes, or new runes at the least in sPvP

Or more specifically, if there is any work being done to introduce these other runes into sPvP, or if all of the focus is going elsewhere currently.

EDIT: And sorry if this has been asked before, the search function didn’t turn up anything related when searching for pve or runes.