(edited by Dojo.1867)
New Runes of the Traveler for PvP?
Would become the First Order Optimal Rune.
Like Lyssa is right now because the meta is broken. ( and because warrior is broken)
What do you mean? Like everybody would take it?
I think lyssa, warrior, max dps, nightmare, pack and many other would remain strong. It is really only if you don’t have decent swiftness access I’d say.
Just stop asking for more passive play!!
Do you want more speed run? Get swiftness or make a party with someone that can share swiftness.
All passive buffs should be removed from the game or drastically reduced.
Those runes should never have access to tPvP.
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
Just stop asking for more passive play!!
Do you want more speed run? Get swiftness or make a party with someone that can share swiftness.
All passive buffs should be removed from the game or drastically reduced.
Those runes should never have access to tPvP.
What kind of logic is that? Following that, almost every rune would be removed from pvp. Also, passive =/= bad gameplay or design.
Yea, introduce the runes of the traveler into Spvp as well. It opens up a utility slot for classes that was forced to use a signet for run speed. It should be a easy implementation.
You are not forced to take anything; These runes are Ridiculous; please no.
Leave broken PVE runes/sigils in PVE.
Just stop asking for more passive play!!
Do you want more speed run? Get swiftness or make a party with someone that can share swiftness.
All passive buffs should be removed from the game or drastically reduced.
Those runes should never have access to tPvP.What kind of logic is that? Following that, almost every rune would be removed from pvp. Also, passive =/= bad gameplay or design.
Why? do you even know what is it “Passive Gameplay”?
Something that is not actively controlled by players.
Surely there are other broken runes in sPvP, but that not means A-Net should introduce another broken set.
We don’t need a game that plays by itself, if you want to run faster just grab proper traits or utilities (for the matter I would like to see removed every passive effect from signets aswell) or just make your party composition so that someone esle can share swiftness.
This game should be Team Based, not Solo Passive Based, learn to play with your teammates.
EDIT: and for me, “Passive” = Bad Design – Gameplay
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
We pretty much already have these runes in pvp. Runes of Speed.
Traveler is far from being broken. You are giving up a lot to get that 25% movement speed. +30 to all stats and 6% more crit damage is trivial, the boon duration is alright. For the most part condition damage>condition duration.
So they could add them if they really wanted to. It’s not going to be some end all rune that everyone runs. You don’t see everyone running divinity do you?
Heavens Rage
The thing with Runes of Speed is ; you get what you pay for ; Speed
And a vitality bonus
15% boon Duration
30 stats x6= 180 stat points.
6% crit damage and 10% condi duration
on TOP of 25% speed is broken.
If you want the speed, you can give up all the stats and get that rune, not even a problem.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
The thing with Runes of Speed is ; you get what you pay for ; Speed
And a vitality bonus15% boon Duration
30 stats x6= 180 stat points.
6% crit damage and 10% condi duration
on TOP of 25% speed is broken.If you want the speed, you can give up all the stats and get that rune, not even a problem.
Here lets compare the two:
165 vitality
20% swiftness duration
Chance to gain swiftness on hit.
30 to all stat 6% crit dmg
15% boon
10% condition
Both have their pros and cons. Honestly I’d take Speed before Traveler. There’s already a huge thread in the Guardian section about. Since we would probably benefit the most from this rune, and a lot of players don’t like it.
Traveler is fine. It’s it was like +50 stats 10% crit dmg and 25% speed, then I’d maybe see a problem.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
If they put in runes of the traveler and the ridiculous condi meta ends I might have to switch to them ; Mesmer benefits a LOT from runes of traveler.
Still I find them to be broken…..and great for all classes.
I can see how a Mesmer can benefit from it because the larger variety of conditions you have, and you’re relatively “slow”. I mean you have Compounding Celerity, but I don’t think anyone really uses that.
Another thing is movement speed is capped at 33%. So people running this and like Signet of Air would be somewhat of a waste, but it could open up some new builds because it frees up a utility skill or trait. So that’s always a good thing.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
They are broken, plain and simple!! and from a thief POV those runes sound great but still they are broken.
We should push the game towards a more active skill based action, not the contrary.
Leave those runes to pve scrubs
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
They are broken, plain and simple!! and from a thief POV those runes sound great but still they are broken.
We should push the game towards a more active skill based action, not the contrary.
Leave those runes to pve scrubs
You can make this argument for any popular rune people use in Spvp………..
I have not said otherwise. There are other broken runes in sPvP that push the game towards a passive gameplay. This is not a reason for putting another set of runes with a permanent passive effect.
I don’t get why people first want a more skilled game and then ask for such runes to be implemented.
Let’s ask to nerf every passive rune effect instead.
I’m not saying those runes are more OP than other runes already in the game, just that there is no reason to implement those runes in sPvP by now
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
I thought about swiftness and mobility overall for a bit and, well, may be all classes should be able to have at least +20/25% ms without spending utility slot or more than 5-10 traits for it?
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
Runes of Speed +25% speed bonus doesn’t seem to work in PvP.
I have not said otherwise. There are other broken runes in sPvP that push the game towards a passive gameplay. This is not a reason for putting another set of runes with a permanent passive effect.
I don’t get why people first want a more skilled game and then ask for such runes to be implemented.
Let’s ask to nerf every passive rune effect instead.
I’m not saying those runes are more OP than other runes already in the game, just that there is no reason to implement those runes in sPvP by now
What runes aren’t passive? Saying remove passives from runes is the same as saying remove runes from the game.
ok let’s compare 1 of the most used rune set nowadays in sPvP: Lyssa Runes
Surely this set have a very good synergy with low CD elites, and they seem so OP right now cos we are in an heavy condition meta. But I think those runes could be considered ok cos at least you need to actively use an elite.
It’s not the same as Travellers that can have constant passive boost at movement speed without any effort.
I can see why many Thieves, Guardian and Mesmers might want to see this rune implemented in sPvP. It’s the easiest way.
Saying that this runes are not broken is lying and if A-Net decided to not implement this Runes in sPvP, there’s a reason.
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
The thing is some classes have like “perma swiftness for free” while others have to kitten their whole build if they want it. I feel like I am really forced into staff as guardian because Retreat is just crap. This leaves me with effectively only one weapon to chose next to staff which sucks. In the end it is limiting my build variety.
I am all for a more simple system (like skills + traits seriously is enough) but only if they implement an actual build variety. Currently runes are the only thing that allows you to run certain builds. Without them you are even more forced into the 1-2 viable specs per class.
I really like the idea of implementing these runes or something similar to s/tpvp.
It just gives the professisons with lesser mobility a way to actually get some. (necros, mesmers, guardians) without changing the idea of the profession too much.
I really like the idea of implementing these runes or something similar to s/tpvp.
It just gives the professisons with lesser mobility a way to actually get some. (necros, mesmers, guardians) without changing the idea of the profession too much.
zzz idk why guardians and necros are even on that list.. you have plenty of ways to get swiftness uptime for a while. so i dont see why they would even need it. the only class i think that would even remotely need swiftness is definitly mesmers for sure.. number 1 class that would definitly benefit from these runes because there access to swiftness is literally the last on the list compared to all classes.
how is this rune broken?