New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

the current score board is something like this:

Red Team … [score] | [score] … Blue Team
Player ………. Score | Score ………… Player
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]
[icon] name [score] | [score] name [icon]

only a generic personal score of each player is shown, and the contribution bunkers who are actively contesting own captured points or neutral points are not really registered.

what if we revamped the score board to show certain information?

what if K/B/C/N/R are shown instead?
Kills / Bunkers / Captures / Neutralizes / Revives

- register enough damage on an opponent that has been stomped or bled out.
- both solo kills and team assisted kills are registered here.

- earn bunkers points for contesting own captured points.
- earn bunker points for contesting neutral points.
- earn 1 bunkers point every 2 seconds for contesting.

- it takes around 10 seconds to fully capture a neutral point.

- it takes around 4 seconds to fully neutralize a captured point.

- stomped or bled out team mates takes 15 seconds before they come back.
- please revive them if possible.

so the new score board may look like this:

Red Team ……… [score] | [score] ……… Blue Team
Player …….. K/B/C/N/R | K/B/C/N/R …….. Player
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]
[icon] name [x/x/x/x/x] | [x/x/x/x/x] name [icon]

so what say you all?
too complicated?

please discuss!

update 1:
Chaith.8256 suggested adding:
- Deaths (Times defeated)
- Damage dealt
- Healing done
- Conditions removed

i think these 4 should be shown at the end of the match.

Teutos.8620 suggested that players who left the game right after the match has ended should not be removed from the score board.

update 2:
edited bunkers a bit after reading Solstice.1097 ’s comments.

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


What you said, and then add:

  • Times defeated
  • Damage done
  • Healing done
  • Conditions removed
Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

What you said, and then add:

  • Times defeated
  • Damage done
  • Healing done
  • Conditions removed

show these at the end of the match?

“defeated / deaths”
aaaaah now we can know who has been feeding the most!
one defeat / death means giving 5 team points to the other team!

“damage dealt”
hmmm with this we can know who is the most stronk!

“healing done”
engi and ele will top this?

“conditions removed”
i think warriors will come out top with this one …

but what do you think about showing those 5 stats from the start of the game until the end? with that, we can identify who is dps, bunker, roamer, yes?

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Conditions removed makes my engi cry.

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Yeah something along the lines of OP suggestion would be nice. Not everyone will get points in each category but it is a better way of showing who is doing what in a match (Bunkers/Roamers/etc..) and can also imo direct peoples attention so they know what to look for when playing or watching a game.

Necromancer Main

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Great suggestion, just wanted to add something:

At the end-screen please don’t remove the leaving players.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

@ Lupanic.6502
aye, indeed. engineers have very limited conditions removal options.

@ Zoso.8279
ya ya, the whole point of the score board overhaul is to recognize each team mates contributions!

@ Teutos.8620
hmmm true, once players have left, their scores are removed as well. hopefully, if they ever do overhaul the score board, they can do something about it.

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Conditions removed makes my engi cry.

I think Engineers can do pretty well on this. Do you know how huge the condition removal of Healing Turret is in a teamfight, with it’s 480 radius?

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


hybrids where do they fit in

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: sendmark.4731


I would keep it simple to damage done, healing done, kills, deaths, conditions removed and applied. Problem with giving recognition for capture points and stomps is you will get people double capping, double stomping etc..

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


The whole meta favors bunkers you get your reward for wining .

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


If it were me I would just find a way to add points for contesting/defending nodes (in combat on a point that isn’t the enemy’s) to the current system.

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


hybrids where do they fit in

They don’t. They are hybrids.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

@ Chaith.8256
well, 480 radius is not very big and would require the team mates to be near the healing turret when the engineer activates the cleanse.

@ Cynz.9437
i think hybrids may have more evenly spread out numbers and not just focused on one.

@ sendmark.4731
damage done and healing can only be shown after the match is done, as the scoreboard does not have enough space to display so many numbers while the match is going on.

conditions removed and applied should also only be shown after the match is over.

stomps is already registered under kills.

if you do not give some recognition for neutralizing points or capture points then how will the deeds of fast efficient roamers be acknowledged?

what if only the first person who enters the capture point is acknowledge for neutralizing or capturing the point?

@ Mogar.9216
yes, that is correct, bunkers are favored, but damage is important as well. this revamped scoreboard will identify who is bunker, who is damage, who roams etc.

@ Solstice.1097
i already proposed that. did you read what i write up under “bunkers” as personal bunker points are given out if they contest captured points or neutral points (only if their team are holding 1 or 2 other points as well) so i got that covered.

the problem is, can they code it?

@ GhOst.4019
i think hybrids will have more evenly distributed score.

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


@ Chaith.8256
well, 480 radius is not very big and would require the team mates to be near the healing turret when the engineer activates the cleanse.

It’s bigger than the Ele Water Staff 5, traited, which is 420 radius, so you can have a sense of scale.

It’s twice the radius of Ele’s Water Attunement and Cleansing Waves.

Dang dude.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Rangelost.4857


Yeah, I wouldn’t want something like “Healing Done” to be displayed during the match. When I’m doing 5k healing per second, the last thing I want is my enemy to know I’m the one doing it.

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


@ Chaith.8256
well, 480 radius is not very big and would require the team mates to be near the healing turret when the engineer activates the cleanse.

@ Cynz.9437
i think hybrids may have more evenly spread out numbers and not just focused on one.

@ sendmark.4731
damage done and healing can only be shown after the match is done, as the scoreboard does not have enough space to display so many numbers while the match is going on.

conditions removed and applied should also only be shown after the match is over.

stomps is already registered under kills.

if you do not give some recognition for neutralizing points or capture points then how will the deeds of fast efficient roamers be acknowledged?

what if only the first person who enters the capture point is acknowledge for neutralizing or capturing the point?

@ Mogar.9216
yes, that is correct, bunkers are favored, but damage is important as well. this revamped scoreboard will identify who is bunker, who is damage, who roams etc.

@ Solstice.1097
i already proposed that. did you read what i write up under “bunkers” as personal bunker points are given out if they contest captured points or neutral points (only if their team are holding 1 or 2 other points as well) so i got that covered.

the problem is, can they code it?

@ GhOst.4019
i think hybrids will have more evenly distributed score.

yes i read that. but my point was that’s the only thing i’d change. and i disagree with “only if you are holding another point as well” – the value of keeping a point neutral has nothing to do with what is happening at the other points.

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


This is a better score board

It has to be this excessive, otherwise it’ll be just another useless score board that really doesn’t tell you about the overall performance of you and your team.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

@ Chaith.8256
hmmmm okay. i guess i don’t really play both engineer and elementalist a lot so i dunno haha. i get carried by my friends (they playing 2 engi 2 ele) while i roam around as warrior haha.

@ Rangelost.4857
ya ya !!! later they mad and then proceed to put you down hehe.

@ Solstice.1097
hmmm all right. i edited that.
thanks for the feedback!

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Bitty.1409


What you said, and then add:

  • Times defeated
  • Damage done
  • Healing done
  • Conditions removed

“Damage dealt” Would just be held by the people bunkering point constantly AoEing targets, I really don’t think this number would really mean anything. Although I do think the others would be cool to see.

Team Spoookie – Shnicky

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


What you said, and then add:

  • Times defeated
  • Damage done
  • Healing done
  • Conditions removed

“Damage dealt” Would just be held by the people bunkering point constantly AoEing targets, I really don’t think this number would really mean anything. Although I do think the others would be cool to see.

Hmm.. I’m not sure why you draw a correlation between bunkering a point and AoEing. What about the people off point spamming AoE?

Everyone’s going to be busy in a conquest game unless you’re babysitting a point. If you’re an AoE cleave based profession and you’re in the right spots, AoE cleaving, how much damage you can do compared to other professions & players is dang good information to me.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Bitty.1409


Hmm.. I’m not sure why you draw a correlation between bunkering a point and AoEing. What about the people off point spamming AoE?

Everyone’s going to be busy in a conquest game unless you’re babysitting a point. If you’re an AoE cleave based profession and you’re in the right spots, AoE cleaving, how much damage you can do compared to other professions & players is dang good information to me.

Cele D/D eles are pretty much all cleave, Engis are mostly, and DPS classes like thief, and mesmer are mostly single target. But I guess I get what you are saying though, over time I could see a standard number coming into place. I guess all i’m saying is that a thief could potentially do EXTREMELY low numbers because they are single target burst and a lot of their time could potentially be decapping. I guess as long as there are other stats as well as overall damage it could work, which you did suggest.

Team Spoookie – Shnicky

New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

why evan replied on the other topic, not mine.


New Scoreboard - K/B/C/N/R

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

it has been 4 months, but i believe we need a new scoreboard.

the current one must go.