Today in developer steam, they talked about the future and new game modes, and showed off some of the new maps. From these maps u can assume the new game modes will be arenas (deathmatch) and gw1 style gvg (more complex version of foefire, kill the guild lord, with no cap points). if what we assume is true, anet is taking a huge step in the right direction with pvp, and this with new pvp rewards might bring this game to its true potential.
1st map: Arena
very basic map.named arena so one might guess it will be fore 2v2/3v3 arenas, maybe 5v5. Los, no places to run, no room for secondary objective. just even teams fighting to the death. looks great.
2nd map: concave
you can see some type of castle, two differ gates to get in, like foefire. the blue pin is probably where guild lord will be? see treb as well
3rd map: encampment
cant see much. looks like two passways, so team can split and go for flank on lord. looks like castle in background. maybe area in middle to fight.
4th map: stronghold
once again another castle. looks like another gvg map?
5th map: castle
cant really see anything from this picture. most likely a castle to break into for lord? it is named castle.
one thing all last four maps have in common, is the theme to break into castle. though, you cannot see two castles (one for each side) in any of the pics. Encampment as an example, it looks as there is one side attacking the castle, so either this could suggest guild halls(please!) where one guild attacks another guilds guild hall (gvg) or maybe some type of fort aspenwood style map? hopefully more is revealed soon.