New minimap

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Requiem.8365


The new minimap doesnt seem to show the classsymbols for players being on a point. In soloq I have no idea what my team is doing most of the time, thats pretty annoying.
Edit: sounded too negative, i actually like the changes beside not seeing playersymbols.

(edited by Requiem.8365)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: kervv.8542


cant really understand how this can actually happen. like arent you supposed to test things before u implement something in the game…??

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Minze.7065


Haha, so annoying..Now its even more hotJoin like.

Crazy, best fail company 2013… destroying their own game on next level..

oh,pve is still on the way..

(edited by Minze.7065)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfgang Michael.8217

Wolfgang Michael.8217

was there some sort of unfair advantage players had if they were able to pan it to their character? The change is really bad.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Dinna.6725


Yup.. have no idea whats going on.. before i was able to see where my team was.. and know where to go and help.. now.. i can just guess – specially in SoloQ..
Horrible.. really don’t know what was wrong with the mini map before.. was completely fine..

Dinna X [Yumy] / [JI]
Piken Square

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


I think this was done to avoid accidentally dragging the map when trying to draw, then it getting stuck who-knows-where and being completely unable to see where anything was.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Arenanet patching – If we do it, we do it wrong.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Ya’ll just like to complain for no reason at all. This minimap is a great polish to the old one. The bugs go away after a few days after it is released. Be patient and stop complaining about a free update.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Kenshin.6154


Whoever approved the new minimap design in pvp should be drug tested! …. WTF rageface

Kenshin [Foo] ~ Piken Square

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


I like the new minimap design besides the super annoying bugs of team mates not showing up

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


Ya’ll just like to complain for no reason at all. This minimap is a great polish to the old one. The bugs go away after a few days after it is released. Be patient and stop complaining about a free update.

There shouldn’t be any bugs of this magnitude. A-net does crappy internal testing with almost no input/help from the community and big surprise they have tons of bugs even compared to your average MMORPG which are always very buggy. We understand its the nature of the beast but this needs to be fixed now not in a couple of days.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


ANet is not even able to write a random map selection correctly. What did you expect?

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Fury of Balthazar.2694

Fury of Balthazar.2694

Why do they give us things we don’t need and refuse to give us things we do need? It’s getting VERY frustrating

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Saddemo.9310


What I like about the new version:

  • Being able to see the whole map at all times (wasnt possible before, since it centered to your character and depending where you currently were [e.g. at spawn] you didnt see the whole map).

What I do not like:

  • Points have no more text to them, only Skyhammer does not mind that. It’s difficult to communicate based on a symbol.
  • You are still not able to see the position of your teammmate at all times (If they are not in a certain range around you, they will not be visible on the minimap).

Changes I would like to see implemented, in order of magnitude:

  1. Your teammates should be visible at all times on the minimap, this allows for better communication and actually gives the minimap the feature it should have had all along: an overview of the whole situation.
  2. Convert all maps to a A B C point system for better communication, do not just jam the text back into the minimap.

If I am factually wrong on any of those points, please let me know. Otherwise I am looking forward to your opinions.

Have a nice day.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: EightyEs.5873


  1. Convert all maps to a A B C point system for better communication, do not just jam the text back into the minimap.


[TBR] Team Bierrat | Elona Reach [DE]

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Your teammates should be visible at all times on the minimap, this allows for better communication and actually gives the minimap the feature it should have had all along: an overview of the whole situation.

+1 this
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Reikou.7068


The new mini map is terrible.

They NEED to make it so that we can see all allied players on the mini map. This is unforgivable really.

It makes informed rotating in Solo Arena impossible.


(edited by Reikou.7068)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: cymerdown.4103


Yes, the new minimap is bugged in that it doesn’t always show all of your teammates on the map. Please fix ASAP.

Kensuda (Bunker Guardian)
Bunker Guardian Guide
Twitch Stream

(edited by cymerdown.4103)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: King Slacker.1843

King Slacker.1843

Looking at the posts here, it seems that sPvP needs more players, not less. Why purposely lock the map to N and lock the zoom level to something useless? I am fairly accomplished in PvE and WvW. I was starting to get interested in sPvP. Why alienate anybody that likes the mini-map unlocked and ruin it even for those that don’t?

I posted this as a bug before I learned that it was on purpose. Why? You have lost at least 1 new sPvP player. What are you getting out of it?

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

Yeah I was really confused about this too. Can’t you just get all that information on the full map instead? So now you have to open the full map in the middle of play to figure out what your teammates are doing, ruining the immersion and potentially getting yourself killed?>

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Ouroboros.5076


Support that thread, spot on. I like the clarity of the new minimap, but not its functionalities atm.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Nary Why Irk.8150

Nary Why Irk.8150

anet failed there

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Nary Why Irk.8150

Nary Why Irk.8150

we need to be able to see where our teammates are at any momment, not by pressing m….

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Add the option to jump in and out the minimap like bf.

Agree with all listed.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


I prefer the new map, if only the team icons would work. I’m not actually sure what the problem is that people are having with it other than that. Do you usually zoom your minimap in? For what purpose? I much prefer being able to quickly track the whole battlefield. I always kept the old one zoomed all the way out, but if you were at one end of the map sometimes you couldn’t see the other since it was centered on yourself.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


I prefer the new map, if only the team icons would work. I’m not actually sure what the problem is that people are having with it other than that. Do you usually zoom your minimap in? For what purpose? I much prefer being able to quickly track the whole battlefield. I always kept the old one zoomed all the way out, but if you were at one end of the map sometimes you couldn’t see the other since it was centered on yourself.


Just need them team icons fixed…

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

I think the new minimap is great.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: NanoNaps.7029


It took some time getting used to, but it displays all information needed in a clear manner so i don’t get the hate.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Lowellollipop.5817


I assume the fact that you can not see your team mates on the minimap most of the time is a bug. If it is, I hope it gets fixed soon, it’s extremly disturbing.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


My map works fine 59% of the time… I don’t know what you dudes are talking about.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I would have preferred that this be a setting you can toggle.

I prefer zooming in/out of where I am and then just dragging my mouse around the map when I needed it.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I don’t think it will work that way now, maybe the zoom broke the player icons in some way like the scaling of the images or something…

So they tried to fix it by eliminating zoom but still managed to keep the player icons broken?..

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: King Slacker.1843

King Slacker.1843

I get it if you are used to locking the mini-map to N, it isn’t as big of a deal. Not everybody plays the same way you do. The question still remains, why alienate people that don’t like the mini-map locked and like to zoom in. I am learning that it is all “meta” in spvp. I guess if you don’t follow the cookie-cutter, then just don’t play? Not a good policy to increase the number of players -.-

Why not just give everybody the same mini-map, number of hit points, the same skills, the same armor, and a stick? Then it would truly be “standardized” :\

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


@King Slacker
I don’t play cookiecutter.. (well mostly)
I run an interrupt build which is pretty unpopular
Look at Countless’s pvp mesmer build, I could never play that but he plays it well,

There are skill ceilings which exist which have not even been reached yet probably…

When you’re starting out low skill floor plays seem like optimal plays
but really they’re not. E.g; Nerf phantasm thread in this forum; no one who has reached a good rating plays phantasm mesmer.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Aitadis.8269


Please at least give use the option to go to the default mini maps, I really don’t like this change and neither do a lot of people I know, same goes for the wvw map changes. The fact that we can’t use addons in this game that could very easily fix stuff like this really puts everything on you arenanet and people like options, please give us the option to use the original maps when you do minor stuff like this. Why change something that isn’t broken?

Illusionary Mesmer
[oof] Crystal Desert

(edited by Aitadis.8269)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


Hum, my map worked every match? Is there maybe something you have to do to cause it to now show allies?

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


I like the new map. Just want them to make sure I can see what mt teammates are doing…especially capping, so I don’t run to a point where I am not needed.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: King Slacker.1843

King Slacker.1843

That is the type of playing that interests me, finding ways to succeed outside of the cookie-cutter. I remember reading a story of a top sPvP player that played a Thief and got grief all the time because…bah! there is no way that could succeeed! it isn’t cookie-cutter, ya know.

My main point was that if locking the mini-map was for “standardization” it is as silly as making everything else equal and just giving players a stick. I always use my mini-map unlocked, so the new mini-map makes it unplayable for me. I was just starting to really have some fun with sPvP.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

Allied player icons will be fixed in the next hotfix! Apologies for the break!

We’ll watch the feedback for the new minimap to determine what other changes to make and directions to take. Keep in mind not every map has had its art updated. We focused primarily on maps being played at PAX.

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

(edited by Evan Lesh.3295)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Earlsimmons.7490


Evan Lesh, pls add 2on2 and 1on1 Duelarena with that Hotfix.
Thank you :-)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Allied player icons will be fixed in the next hotfix! Apologies for the break!

We’ll watch the feedback for the new minimap to determine what other changes to make and directions to take. Keep in mind that that every map has had its art updated. We focused primarily on maps being playing at PAX.

Aye, naturally. It is more important that the 10 players (and even less watchers) of the PAX tournament have good minimaps than it is for the rest of the playerbase to have balanced and fun pvp environment.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Thanks Evan
Also ;First DEVpost in the pvp subforums in the past two days!

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

(edited by Darnis.4056)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Thanks Evan
Also First DEVpost in the pvp subforums in the past two days!

Up Rerroll

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


I like the new minimap. Need to get used to it, thats all.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


I actually like the new minimap, apart from the problem that OP stated. I never really used the zoom-in, zoom-out option as I always set my map approximately the way it’s set now.

But if some people used the zooming option I guess there should be an option allowing you to do so?

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: King Slacker.1843

King Slacker.1843

Allied player icons will be fixed in the next hotfix! Apologies for the break!

We’ll watch the feedback for the new minimap to determine what other changes to make and directions to take. Keep in mind not every map has had its art updated. We focused primarily on maps being played at PAX.

When I started GW2 I was always annoyed that the mini-map was locked to North. When I figured out that it could be unlocked to rotate, it was like angels started singing. When you play your entire time with the mini-map unlocked, it isn’t a matter of “just getting used to it” to have that functionality ripped away. Why they decided to take away functionality defies logic and this above post shows that they are not returning that functionality anytime soon.

I guess the posts pointing out that sPvP needs MORE players, not less, are falling on blind eyes.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: savov.3712


Allied player icons will be fixed in the next hotfix! Apologies for the break!

We’ll watch the feedback for the new minimap to determine what other changes to make and directions to take. Keep in mind not every map has had its art updated. We focused primarily on maps being played at PAX.

Minimap’s icons are still broken. Whenever someone dies after you respawn, you no more see his icon.
On top of that mesmer’s clones are just standing, doing nothing, so that broke too.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Okuza.5210


I don’t care about the art or the size of the map. I do care about the map being locked on North/UP. That’s a game breaker for me. If it’s not changed very quickly to support the standard Facing/UP, I’ll just punt sPvP and likely won’t bother with it ever again even if it’s fixed a few weeks from now.

BTW, while this feature is critical for me, loosing me from the sPvP stage probably won’t be noticed by more than a couple of people. After all, I just started doing it regularly a few weeks ago and we don’t have a full regular group yet.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Reikou.7068


Allied player icons will be fixed in the next hotfix! Apologies for the break!

We’ll watch the feedback for the new minimap to determine what other changes to make and directions to take. Keep in mind not every map has had its art updated. We focused primarily on maps being played at PAX.

Minimap’s icons are still broken. Whenever someone dies after you respawn, you no more see his icon.
On top of that mesmer’s clones are just standing, doing nothing, so that broke too.

Yup. Minimakitten till bugged and doesn’t show allied icons.


New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


This is starting to get weird. People really need the old minimap so bad they can’t play without it?

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.