New minimap

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: King Slacker.1843

King Slacker.1843

Not everybody plays exactly like you. Why don’t you go do a Guild Puzzle mission with your mini-map rotating using Face/UP then tell us how it goes? Then imagine if your sPvP mini-map lost the North/UP functionality and always had to be Face/UP -.-

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


I’m not sure where I implied that they did. I’m just saying it seems like a strange thing to get all histrionic about.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I don’t mind the new minimap, just give me back my zoom. Personally it looks very awkward zoomed all the way out, when it used to be zoomed in I liked looking at bigger icons and wouldn’t mind wasting 1/2 second to drag the map slightly to see the entire thing, I’m baffled why the zoom feature was taken out, it seems like 2 steps forward (minimap design) 1 step back (loss of a feature previously given).

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: King Slacker.1843

King Slacker.1843

I’m not sure where I implied that they did. I’m just saying it seems like a strange thing to get all histrionic about.

OK, then probably the reason you don’t understand why people are saying this is unplayable, is because you don’t realize that removing Face/UP functionality is exactly what they did. That option is no longer available.

You probably use North/UP all the time, so the new mini-map is not a big deal change to you. If you used Face/UP all the time, like some of us do, then this is a fundamental change that you would likely not be happy about.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Allied player icons will be fixed in the next hotfix! Apologies for the break!

We’ll watch the feedback for the new minimap to determine what other changes to make and directions to take. Keep in mind not every map has had its art updated. We focused primarily on maps being played at PAX.

Still not working. Amazing hotfixes you guys are delivering.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


I’m not sure where I implied that they did. I’m just saying it seems like a strange thing to get all histrionic about.

OK, then probably the reason you don’t understand why people are saying this is unplayable, is because you don’t realize that removing Face/UP functionality is exactly what they did. That option is no longer available.

You probably use North/UP all the time, so the new mini-map is not a big deal change to you. If you used Face/UP all the time, like some of us do, then this is a fundamental change that you would likely not be happy about.

No, I realise it’s gone, I’m saying it seems like a strange thing to be unable to play without.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


New minimap should have been this:
Toggle: centre on character? [ ]

If (centerOnCharacter)
{ minimap.position = character.position; }
{ do nothing; }

This would allow you to move the map as you wished and not have it centre on character when the option was not selected. When selected this would function as previously.

Why? If your guarding home point you want a good look at far and mid, so you could position the map over far and mid.

The current implementation, while lacking (even though it seemed like a simple fix) is a good step, other then the icon bug.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


I absolutely love the new map. Much better than it used to be, seriously, just get used to it and you’ll see.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


I absolutely love the new map. Much better than it used to be, seriously, just get used to it and you’ll see.

Why should we get used to players being covered by buffs and points… and thats if they even show up on your map at all. Cant make logical decisions in tournament play without knowing where your team is at.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: King Slacker.1843

King Slacker.1843

I’m not sure where I implied that they did. I’m just saying it seems like a strange thing to get all histrionic about.

OK, then probably the reason you don’t understand why people are saying this is unplayable, is because you don’t realize that removing Face/UP functionality is exactly what they did. That option is no longer available.

You probably use North/UP all the time, so the new mini-map is not a big deal change to you. If you used Face/UP all the time, like some of us do, then this is a fundamental change that you would likely not be happy about.

No, I realise it’s gone, I’m saying it seems like a strange thing to be unable to play without.

Empathy challenges aside…

Can anybody think of a single thing gained by removing this already working option? It is an option that nobody has to use if they don’t want to. What does ANET gain by removing it?

It is senseless to me that the option can’t just be re-instated. Those of us that rely on that option should at least be given a reason why.