New player's opinion

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

So hello from a new PvPer. I started to play GW2 2 months ago and then 10 days ago I decided to see what PvP is and I fall in love. Last 10 days this is all I do in the game and I’m afraid I’m addicted. I’ve played 220 games so far and I’m rank 13. I really enjoy PvP but it was impossible not to notice some things that are wrong and when I see something wrong I can’t be silent. This is the most competitive part of the game and you can’t really compete if you’re not offered equal chances to win.

1. Balance. Or more rightly the lack of it. In my opinion this is the main problem. Even 1 player more gives their team a big advantage, and I almost never play with equal teams. This leads to frustration in both of the teams because the losing team knows they could be winners if the teams were equal and the winning team knows their win is not decent because the game has not been fair.

The “autobalance” thing is a joke. Yesterday happened the opposite team to have 2 more players for a while and the message about autobalance appeared. They already had 150 points more. Sending one player to us couldn’t change anything. First, to be a real autobalance they should send 2 players to our team for the same time the opposite team has had 2 players more, right? All they do is to make the teams equal now but this can’t cancel the unfair advantage of the other team. And second, of course the sent to us player left immediately the game and we ended up with 1 player less. 500-240 gf

2.Targeting system – something is very wrong here. It’s hard enough to target for example necro or ranger, but even if you ménage to do it, if you dodge an attack or they do it you just lose the target and find yourself hitting a pet. In the previous game I played, you could right-click target someone and it was far easier. There were right-click options “Follow, Attack and Report” with the name of the player. And you were keeping them targeted till one of you both is dead. Here it’s a mess. Especially when both teams fight for a point and there is a bunch of pets and summons.

3. The minimap – I don’t know what exactly happened but it was okay before and now I can’t understand anything. I always run to the opposite to where I want to go, the minimap looks absolutely useless at the moment.

4. Working for the team is not awarded, if you want to have top stats you should play selfish – for example if you stay all the game to protect your teammate who is using the skyhammer at the end you’ll have less points. It will be okay if your teammates know what you’re doing and why, but there is no communication between the teammates, there is no way for such a communication and it’s not right. “Last chance to nail down your strategy” what a joke!

First games I was running a team support build and I was suffering with my points and my effectiveness. Because looks like not too many players know the bonus to fight near a guardian and run around and away from me and all my awesome support effects go for nothing. Not to mention I’ve seen people trying to dodge my healing breeze. So I made a more selfish build and I’m better now but I feel I don’t use the full potential of my guardian.

5. The community – this is the last point of my list but one of the main reasons why PvP community is so small when PvP games are so awesome. Because not everyone can bear to be bullied and insulted for no reason from people who have nothing but mightier pixels.

I remember one of my first games when I had almost no idea what to do (well I watched some vids before I start), I jumped on a point, contested it and then a message appeared “defend the point”. I decided my holy duty is to defend this point with the cost of my life. So all the game was standing there, killing the players who was comming to take it from me 1 by 1 and keeping it for my team. We won the game and felt so proud! Then I saw I have less points than anyone else and read a comment in the chat box “The noob is farming for glory”. And I didn’t even know what glory is and why I’d need it. Now I know what glory is and I know I absolutely don’t need it.

These 10 days I’m PvPing I was called a noob, kitten, loser, idiot etc for a first time in my life. If I was a bit more emotional I’d left so far. Seriously people what’s wrong with you? This is a game, relax, have fun. Your opponent in this game may happen to be your teammate next game, don’t hate them. Your aggression hurts people who don’t deserve it and if you can’t control it, I’d say it hurts people who are more decent than you.

Even more, unlike PvE and WvW community, this here is just devided. It’s called PvP but all I see is: high ranks vs low ranks, hot join players vs tourney players, skyhammer haters vs skyhummer lovers and so on. If you can’t be united as a community don’t wonder why Ante doesn’t take you seriously.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.9872


Yeah, as far as your last point goes, that’s just the essence of humanity. Luckily, I rarely encounter people like that. However, I know what it’s like.

As for your other points: A-net is more or less trying to fix them. But it may take a while.

NSPride <3

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Yeah, as far as your last point goes, that’s just the essence of humanity.

I’ll refrain from making generalizations
Just it was a bit unexpected, because when started to play I was surprised to find in this game so friendly and mature community.
Then I joined a guild which is a bunch of nice and helpful people.
Then i watched some PvP vids and they were like come and try it, don’t be afraid, it’s fun.
Then I started to PvP…

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


There are kittens in every area of the game, but there are actually a lot of nice people in pvp also. That type of players usually try to stay quiet though, so they wont get overwhelmed with the sea of nerdrage that exists out there.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


There are kittens in every area of the game, but there are actually a lot of nice people in pvp also. That type of players usually try to stay quiet though, so they wont get overwhelmed with the sea of nerdrage that exists out there.

Kinda hard to comment on this without generalizing, but I don’t feel it is nerdrage; I frankly feel, that many of the offenders suffer from serious social inabilities/disorders. Be that serious cases of ADHD, dyssocial/dissocial personality structures etc.. Either way it is unfortunate, that they seem to find it completely legitimate to let out their social frustration on innocent people, who in no way have deserved such a treatment.

The irony is, that when you/I talk to some of these offenders who turn out to have some kind of social disorder, they have in some cases turned around and played the victims … saying they have a right to be in the game as well, no matter what harm they do. Seriously …….. .

And yes, I am aware of my margin of error here, the rough way I estimate things etc, but gaming communities have imho become sick partly due to the lack of consequence and the degree of silent approval (from almost everybody .. I am most likely no saint in this regard either). Only some of the rather tight groups seem to be healthy, but once you hit the casual mid-ground you end up with too many of the cyber-bullies who should rather spend time in therapy than gaming.

(edited by Poxxia.1547)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


There are kittens in every area of the game, but there are actually a lot of nice people in pvp also. That type of players usually try to stay quiet though, so they wont get overwhelmed with the sea of nerdrage that exists out there.

Kinda hard to comment on this without generalizing, but I don’t feel it is nerdrage; I frankly feel, that many of the offenders suffer from serious social inabilities/disorders. Be that serious cases of ADHD, dyssocial/dissocial personality structures etc. either way it is unfortunate, that they seem to find it completely legitimate to let out their social frustration on innocent people, who in no way have deserved such a treatment.

The irony is, that when you/I talk to some of these offenders who turn out to have some kind of social disorder, they have in some cases turned around and played the victims … saying they have a right to be in the game as well, no matter what harm they do. Seriously …….. .

And yes, I am aware of my margin of error here, the rough way I estimate things etc, but gaming communities have imho become sick to the core due to the lack of consequence and the degree of silent approval. Only some of the rather tight groups seem to be healthy, but once you hit the casual mid-ground you end up with too many of the cyber-bullies who should rather spend time in therapy than gaming.

Another good example why unnecessary flaming/arguments start is due to online environment being really bad at conveying emotion/intention. Sincere comments are seen as sarcastic and due to that past experiences influence your response to a random new stranger a lot.

Also what started as a small comment from competitive frustration might lead to a huge argument due to “stereotyping” the other person as the usual “raging kid” and ofc the ego pride a lot of players have.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


Another good example why unnecessary flaming/arguments start is due to online environment being really bad at conveying emotion/intention. Sincere comments are seen as sarcastic and due to that past experiences influence your response to a random new stranger a lot.

Also what started as a small comment from competitive frustration might lead to a huge argument due to “stereotyping” the other person as the usual “raging kid” and ofc the ego pride a lot of players have.

Completely agree.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Thank you for your comment Poxxia, it explains alot of things.

Also what started as a small comment from competitive frustration might lead to a huge argument due to “stereotyping” the other person as the usual “raging kid” and ofc the ego pride a lot of players have.

Maybe I want too much, but competitive frustration shouldn’t be directed to the others. Blaming the others for your lost is not what I’d call the psychology of a winner.

Anyway I’m talking about offenders and bullies who attack you even on pm sometimes without you have done anything wrong. I never start these kinds of arguments you’re talking about, because when I feel I’m tempted to answer I know it’s time to switch my laptop off and to go out.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


If they feel the need to get some sort of response out of you by PMing and harassing you, then they obviously lack some important social factor in their life. That pretty much screams like “Pay attention to me!”.

I usually ignore those whispers or respond cheerfully, since as a bit of a kitten myself I know that happy responses like that kitten these type of persons off the most.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Unfortunately you are playing hotjoin. Its a casual, laidback mode. Dont expect people to work in team and not zerg in there. People go there to kill some stuff and then leave as they want.

You should try SoloQ or TeamArena with a couple friends

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


Unfortunatelly gw2 pvp community is even more unfriendly than some MOBA games imo. At least in MOBA games people give you an advice or two before flaming you. Well, that’s from my experience. Hundred people hundred different stories probably….

Maybe bad matching of players skills has something to do with it also. You get matched with players far better than you so they expect you to play on their lvl. I don’t know.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


Unfortunately you are playing hotjoin. Its a casual, laidback mode. Dont expect people to work in team and not zerg in there. People go there to kill some stuff and then leave as they want.

You should try SoloQ or TeamArena with a couple friends

SoloQ is imho just as bad … maybe even worse (at least, this is where I have seen some of the most rude people in my long gaming-experience). TeamArena with friends or people you have grouped with before is by far the best way imo.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Bezayne.6459


SoloQ is imho just as bad … maybe even worse (at least, this is where I have seen some of the most rude people in my long gaming-experience).

This. I used to only play hotjoin, only recently got into SoloQ. Ever since I did that, I actually felt compelled to report people for abusive language, which hardly ever happened in hotjoin. Some really really sore losers out there :-(

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Thank you for the advice guys, I just thought I should first play some hotjoin till I learn the maps and how to fight players from different classes before I go for soloQ or tourney games.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Maybe bad matching of players skills has something to do with it also. You get matched with players far better than you so they expect you to play on their lvl. I don’t know.

Hey hey I’m not that bad
I’m a low level, but 80% of the games I’m with top stats, most kills or most points captured. When I say I’m insulted without a reason I really mean without a reason. And it’s usually by players of the opposite team, not mine.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Corian.4068


Hey Eyia. I’m just starting out too.

I dunno about hotjoin since I’ve never taken part in that format, but solo queue seems to be alright in terms of community. In my first 50 or so matches of solo queue, trash talkers aren’t in every match, and the really negative people who are insulting teammates too are quite rare, at least in my experience.

I know people say to do hotjoin first, but it seems like solo queue is the better environment to me, provided you aren’t concerned about your rating on the leaderboard. Uh, the matchmaking is a bit weird. I suspect what people are saying about high rated teams being matches against low rated teams is true, because for a while there I would be facing the same handful of names as enemies in a session, but they were never on my team. Lately it’s been better, and I’ve been seeing the same people both on my team and on the enemy team. I’m unsure if they fixed it, or if my rating has fallen so far (I’m down to 17% now) that I’m no longer placed against high rated teams.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Hey Corian, I’ll give a try of SoloQ tomorrow

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Tell us how it went

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: katniss.6735


Now try it again as an elementalist.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


2.Targeting system – something is very wrong here. It’s hard enough to target for example necro or ranger, but even if you ménage to do it, if you dodge an attack or they do it you just lose the target and find yourself hitting a pet. In the previous game I played, you could right-click target someone and it was far easier. There were right-click options “Follow, Attack and Report” with the name of the player. And you were keeping them targeted till one of you both is dead. Here it’s a mess. Especially when both teams fight for a point and there is a bunch of pets and summons.

3. The minimap – I don’t know what exactly happened but it was okay before and now I can’t understand anything. I always run to the opposite to where I want to go, the minimap looks absolutely useless at the moment.

2.Targeting system
Check your settings. Find the one that says Right Click Targeting and disable it now. (NOW!!!). This will be the bain of your PvP existence. What does it do you ask? Well it makes right click work similar to left click which does several things: 1, You can right click foes and target / talk / interact and 2, it make it so right click untargets people if you press it once (for example you tried to move your camera and released to quickly).

Also most classes that can exploit pets can stealth (Mesmers, Rangers, Thieves, and even though no pets … engineers). Stealthing needs to be looked at IMO but it also makes you lose target.

3. The minimap
This was a recent update. I haven’t had a chance to play since it was changed but it has been requested by many players (so they could actually see what points were under attack when standing not at mid). It will take some getting used to

4. Working for the team is not awarded
It is rewarded, when with a team of people who want to be on a team. Most people in hotjoin don’t give too hoots about you and your build, they just want to kill things (in a conquest gametype … and usually get more points killing things … what?).

Running a support type build puts you in a bad place. Instead of them following you (unless you are playing with a team you know and know your build) you have to follow them or tell them at the start (prepare to be called a noob) what build your running and ask them to follow you (usually the worst of the 2 ideas).

Final tip
Create a filter and search for 5v5. 8v8 is a mess.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Tell us how it went

Oh I will!

Now try it again as an elementalist.

mm noty

Check your settings. Find the one that says Right Click Targeting and disable it now. (NOW!!!).

Sir yes sir!

So that’s it? Some things look so easy and obvious when someone else tells you about them, and then you start to wonder why you haven’t figured out this alone…

Thank you for the tips TGSlasher, much appreciated.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


i dont agree with balance problems, you are obviously talking about hot joins, when you talk about autobalance… hot joins are just hot joins, they are not balanced, they are just matched together to let people play asap… if you want more balanced matches, you need to play ranked matches

but everything else is right especially targeting problems (i often lose target for no reason even in PvE o.O) and rank points being awarded more for selfish players and hot join grinders…

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


yeah i actually had someone insulting me during a whole match and it started with me joining…:’oh kitten, now we will lose, kitten mesmers ruin the whole game.
when i got downed: dont rez her she is only slowing us down!
and then they wanted to force me to use veil and portal. i mean who are they to kitten boss me around only because im a mesmer.i choose my utilities and there is no rule that mesmers have to be veil, illusion of life, portal and tw bots.

well people get a little too much in spvp. well in wvw some people get a little intense too though XD

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

(edited by selan.8354)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Genti Covarnis.4328

Genti Covarnis.4328

I have joined the game very recently as well, and would agree with OP very much. Though I was dedicated PvPer in other games, career is just starting here for me. I’m sure a lot of mistakes are to be made, as (by the way, with guardian as well) for now everything still seems to be in the mists!

What helps though, I’ve noticed, is having a certain ignore in physical human brain:
1. Ignore for any kind of statistical evaluation and ranking of your performance (points, ranks, glories etc.)
2. Ignore any kind of evaluation and ranking of your performance from other players
3. Ignore (or, rather don’t be frustrated by) frequent deaths

And one point to take into account:
Listen to advice

this kind of attitude helps me a lot

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Yes MaXi I’m talking about hotjoin. Haven’t tried SoloQ till today.

Don’t allow jerks to let you down selan, be proud with your class.

And yes Centi, I follow the same rules myself. They really help

Now reporting about my first SoloQ experience.
It’s awesome! I love it! Thank you so much for telling me to give it a try. I had 6 games so far, won 4, in 3 of them I was the player with most points (brag, brag) not that this has any matter, just I needed it to give me some confidence. In one of the lost games we played 3v5 we had 2 afkers and the game was a pain. In the second lost game, they were just better than us. Now going again to play. No more hotjoin! Ha!

The night is dark and full of turnips.

(edited by Eyia Hellhide.7320)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: cymerdown.4103


So hello from a new PvPer. I started to play GW2 2 months ago and then 10 days ago I decided to see what PvP is and I fall in love. Last 10 days this is all I do in the game and I’m afraid I’m addicted. I’ve played 220 games so far and I’m rank 13. I really enjoy PvP but it was impossible not to notice some things that are wrong and when I see something wrong I can’t be silent. This is the most competitive part of the game and you can’t really compete if you’re not offered equal chances to win.

Welcome to sPvP! I’m glad you’ve decided to try it out, and I agree that it’s a lot of fun, especially if you stick out the early learning phase and get to experience the more competitive aspects of the game, where you feel you can hang with the best and push yourself to the limits!

1. Balance

Hotjoin is designed to be the most casual mode of play, with people being able to join and leave at any time. By nature, it means that odd numbers of players are allowed, and that you may not have a very balanced team. That is just a flaw of the game mode, and something that you should come to expect, unfortunately.

2.Targeting system

In Options, uncheck an option called something like, “Right-Click To Interact”. Now, Right-Click will only move the camera, use Left-Click to target.

3. The minimap

Yeah, the minimap is bugged at the moment, it doesn’t show all of your teammates. Also, I think up is always North now.

4. Working for the team is not awarded

Yes, I agree that the rewards in hotjoin are badly skewed towards the kill/death ratio and have too little to do with defending, supporting, or assaulting objectives. I’d really like to see a system more like the one that SWTOR had, with rewarding tiers of medals based on damage dealt, kills, healing allies, and defending and attacking objectives, among other things. As it is, hotjoin is badly plagued by glory farming, encourages zerging, and almost nobody cares about winning or losing the match, which sets you up badly for Solo and Team Arena. In the meantime, to keep your sanity, don’t worry too much about winning or losing matches till you get to Solo or Team Arena, you will only get yourself frustrated. Just worry about practicing your class and doing your best individually in hotjoin.

5. The community

I find that the PvP community is much like other communities – you have some really stand up, nice folks, and some really rude ones, and everything in between. PvP attracts some very egocentric, in-your-face types that other game modes don’t, though. What I can say is that as you get into the upper tiers of play, you find more self-confident players with less need to assert their dominance because they are in full knowledge of their ability and the abilities of others at their tier of play. Try not to worry too much about the ragers in the lower tiers, you’ll find them everywhere and it’s best to pay them no mind. Keep looking for the nicer, more helpful players, because they’re definitely out there and you’ll enjoy the game a lot more in their company.

Kensuda (Bunker Guardian)
Bunker Guardian Guide
Twitch Stream

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Kugkug.8795


I only have the combat log showing during pvp in this game

the chat log is a complete waste of my time, to read or to use.

truthfully the best part of the pvp in this game is there is no grind to get geared up for it. Everything else suffers from various issues.

the pro player community is so tiny but they are seemingly the only ones being listened to.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

truthfully the best part of the pvp in this game is there is no grind to get geared up for it.

I seriously hope you mean stats and not relatively good looking gear.

I only have the combat log showing during pvp in this game

the chat log is a complete waste of my time, to read or to use.

There we go gentlemen, this is the kind of people that don’t give any answer when you/someone asks whats the teams’ strategy at the start of match, who goes where, etc.

Its the kind of people who seem to think they are playing with 4 AI and theres no communication needed. Its the kind of people that will stay mid 3v1 the lonely enemy instead of helping out at the 1v2 close that you called help for at the team chat.

The cancer of SoloQ.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

@cymerdown – thank you for your welcome and for your advices. Yes, I got the mini-map now is fixed to show north, but it’s useless. I don’t need to know where north is, I need to know where I should go. While playing I can’t know where exactly north is, what to do, to look for the moss on the trees?

And yes, I actually already met some very nice people and only one who was raging against his teammates. Yesterday I was impressed by a player from the opposite team, who greeted us and wished us GL before the game. The match was difficult and tense at the end we won with something like 501-496 and guess what? He said “Congrats, good game”. More players like this please!

@Kugkug – I can’t ignore the chat, at least I keep attention for the message saying “Player A has targeted player B press T to assist”. As I said I have some problems to target. And as Quickfoot Katana said, sometimes people there tell you where to go and what to do. But yeah, basically trying to ignore the useless raging comments.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

(edited by Eyia Hellhide.7320)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Something about Solo queue…can make people really angry. To be honest, I’ve blown my top several times when both I and my team were running around like headless chickens Xd. Usually I apologize later, but just so you know, even the people who sometimes get mad generally aren’t as bad as they seem.

Team balance is a big issue still for me as well. I’ve had plenty of games where I’ve been matched against other people who were in the top 300 players (I’m like 50% and I like using multiple classes and testing new builds). I could tell these players were much better than I was so I added them and looked for them on the leaderboards and sure enough they were far higher up. The only real way to solve that problem would be to either have longer queue times…or for the sPvP player base to expand.


New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

infantrydiv, of course it’s true and I understand everyone happens to lose their temper sometimes. But see, there is a difference between “guys, we are a pathetic team” and “you are pathetic teammates”.

And yes, confronting the best players in your games can be a really frustrating experience and I hope this problem to be resolved soon. Till then all I can say is well, life is not fair and some lessons need to be learnt in the difficult way

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

I have some questions to ask and I don’t want to start a new thread only for my questions so I’ll use this one and I hope someone will have a look and answer:

1. I noticed when I fight a ranger and I use Judge’s Intervention (“Teleport to your target and burn nearby foes”) it always ALWAYS teleports me to ranger’s pet, not to the player although I always have the player targeted before I use it. Is this some kind or bug a what? How to keep the ranger targeted?

2. After defeat a ranger the finisher takes more time (btw is there a need they to be so long and solemn?) than their pets to revive them. What to do, always to kill the pet before click “finish them” or there is another option? Because it really takes a lot of time.

3. How to know if I have a title and what it is? I know it’s a very nooby question but I can’t figure out how to know. I mean I can see the other players have these titles like “slayer”, “golden” etc and I can’t see if I have.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

(edited by Eyia Hellhide.7320)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: lynnhood.8270


I do not really know what class you are playing and I am too lazy to go through the post again. But here are few points in answer to your questions.
1. Unclick the autotargeting system in your options.
2. Depending on situation try these:
a) Watch out for cc of pet (e.g. wolf), it can knock you down while you stomp. Rangers can still control pets while down. If you are knocked down you will have to start stomp again with considerable delay (i.e. you have to stand up again). So you should dodge the knockdown. (I have never tried to blind a pet to avoid that but it should work.)
b) CC the pet with whatever you have (immobilize, knockback etc.) and bleed the ranger out by applying damage, e.g. while capping a point and ranger is off point too far away to stomp.
c) Use poison if you have, cause that will slow their healing. Dodge their pet cc and stomp. You should be able to get the stomp off.
d) With your teammates you can AoE the area and that should take care of the ranger and his/her pet.
3. In the achievements tab of the Hero panel (press h) there should be a drop down menu with titles that you have gained. Choose the one you want.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: yanchoy.9176


1. No idea.
2. Use stability. i assume you’re a guard. you have a bajillion sources of it.
3. Hero panel. Choose from the drop down menu located on the upper left of the panel.

/Snow white and the 7 dwarfs and their wives

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Thank you for the detailed answers and I’m a guardian.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Stability or proc the active aegis just when you see the ranger raise his hand to daze you.

You can use both alternatives mid-stomp.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Yeah got it thanks

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Static.9841


These 10 days I’m PvPing I was called a noob, kitten, loser, idiot etc for a first time in my life. If I was a bit more emotional I’d left so far. Seriously people what’s wrong with you? This is a game, relax, have fun. Your opponent in this game may happen to be your teammate next game, don’t hate them. Your aggression hurts people who don’t deserve it and if you can’t control it, I’d say it hurts people who are more decent than you.

This is actually one of the funniest parts of the community that never makes sense. You kill someone and you’re told you suck or you’re a noob. Really? I’m not the downed and dead player, so if I’m a noob and suck, what does it say about you?

There’s a lot of childish chest thumbing and childish rage over such an insubtantial thing, you’re not out of the game, you just died. People need to take such paltry things as character death as an opportunity to learn and approach fighting X, Y and Z in a different way, the trouble is ego. It’s part of the reason why I like that you cannot talk to other servers in Wv3 and why I never accept party invites from players I just killed.

I had some great games yesterday in a server where people were genuinely having fun and even cracking jokes when they died, people had good banter and it was very refreshing, it’s sad that these types of games are also few and far between.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

(edited by Static.9841)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

This is actually one of the funniest parts of the community that never makes sense. You kill someone and you’re told you suck or you’re a noob. Really? I’m not the downed and dead player, so if I’m a noob and suck, what does it say about you?

There is no logic in rage lol
Anyway I don’t think I’m better than the player I’ve just killed. Sometimes I really am or I just know my class better, but sometimes it could be just luck or any other reason – for example he has lag, his mouse just broke or his mommy is sitting next to him shouting at him to tidy up his room.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

first point, Balance is a lot deeper than just how many peeps u got on ur team. It goes into a build/class effectiveness issue too. I like trying different traits, but when people start getting angry, because you dont choose the fotm traits to win, it can get annoying. Some parts are play to win, others are play to see what works for you. pretty sure a good balance of both makes the experience worth while.

The community is crap, IM on anvil rock, the biggest pvp server, and I just don’t talk to anyone. Even if i say something like “nice combo” I get cussed at lol.


(ed. i guess that sounded really negative. But truth is there are a lot of great people Ive met too, and discussed builds, the game, life, so forth. There’re good and bad apples)

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: TooBz.3065


2.Targeting system
Check your settings. Find the one that says Right Click Targeting and disable it now. (NOW!!!). This will be the bain of your PvP existence. What does it do you ask? Well it makes right click work similar to left click which does several things: 1, You can right click foes and target / talk / interact and 2, it make it so right click untargets people if you press it once (for example you tried to move your camera and released to quickly).

Also most classes that can exploit pets can stealth (Mesmers, Rangers, Thieves, and even though no pets … engineers). Stealthing needs to be looked at IMO but it also makes you lose target.

OMG! This explains so much! Thanks for the tip. It’s been driving me crazy for months. Anyone who controls movement with the mouse would run into this constantly.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

first point, Balance is a lot deeper than just how many peeps u got on ur team.

I agree. But this kind of disbalance is the first thing you notice when you’re new, it’s so obvious and so easy to be solved.

OMG! This explains so much!

I hear you bro

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Static.9841


This is actually one of the funniest parts of the community that never makes sense. You kill someone and you’re told you suck or you’re a noob. Really? I’m not the downed and dead player, so if I’m a noob and suck, what does it say about you?

There is no logic in rage lol
Anyway I don’t think I’m better than the player I’ve just killed. Sometimes I really am or I just know my class better, but sometimes it could be just luck or any other reason – for example he has lag, his mouse just broke or his mommy is sitting next to him shouting at him to tidy up his room.

hah, I don’t think it’s necessarily a case of being better either, but it’s just facepalm worthy when people react in that way. But as you say, there’s no logic in rage.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

first point, Balance is a lot deeper than just how many peeps u got on ur team. It goes into a build/class effectiveness issue too. I like trying different traits, but when people start getting angry, because you dont choose the fotm traits to win, it can get annoying. Some parts are play to win, others are play to see what works for you. pretty sure a good balance of both makes the experience worth while.

The community is crap, IM on anvil rock, the biggest pvp server, and I just don’t talk to anyone. Even if i say something like “nice combo” I get cussed at lol.


(ed. i guess that sounded really negative. But truth is there are a lot of great people Ive met too, and discussed builds, the game, life, so forth. There’re good and bad apples)

It doesn’t matter which server you are on, PvP matchmaking is region-wide. (All EU servers / All NA servers)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Kugkug.8795


truthfully the best part of the pvp in this game is there is no grind to get geared up for it.

I seriously hope you mean stats and not relatively good looking gear.

I only have the combat log showing during pvp in this game

the chat log is a complete waste of my time, to read or to use.

There we go gentlemen, this is the kind of people that don’t give any answer when you/someone asks whats the teams’ strategy at the start of match, who goes where, etc.

Its the kind of people who seem to think they are playing with 4 AI and theres no communication needed. Its the kind of people that will stay mid 3v1 the lonely enemy instead of helping out at the 1v2 close that you called help for at the team chat.

The cancer of SoloQ.

dude the chat content during pvp in this game is similar to the worst xbox live spam. Just worthless and offensive 99% of the time. So much kittengery. No point enduring it unless there was some compelling reason to do so. But there isn’t. Rarely even directed at me but it is still offensive regardless.

Besides 9/10 matches are just two zergs running around the map, which gets boring fast, and the rewards for participating in pvp in this game are almost nonexistent. Definitely not enough to merit enduring chat vomit and boredom.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Ok “dude”. Keep ignoring team communication in a Team oriented game and gamemode.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: lynnhood.8270


These 10 days I’m PvPing I was called a noob, kitten, loser, idiot etc for a first time in my life. If I was a bit more emotional I’d left so far. Seriously people what’s wrong with you? This is a game, relax, have fun. Your opponent in this game may happen to be your teammate next game, don’t hate them. Your aggression hurts people who don’t deserve it and if you can’t control it, I’d say it hurts people who are more decent than you.

Firstly, thanks for staying with sPvP despite the obvious hate flowing your ways for basically just starting. I do not know how many players tried out sPvP and were seriously put off by the culture of cussing and belittling other players that is apparent in many games in soloQ.

Secondly, 0thanks for pointing out that this game is fun to play! There is so much negativity here – no balance posts, complaints about rewards, complaints about game modes etc. – that one aspect that Anet did well, and which I think is the most important aspect, sometimes gets lost: This game is fun to play, despite all the issues. I do not necessarily disagree with the complaints, but often they are so despondently phrased that I wonder about the actual value they provide.

Thirdly, and this is more general and addressed to the sPvP community, the sPvP community in NA is so small that I do think that all the cussing and swearing is actually counterproductive. It will not make better players out of newcomers or people not really knowing how to play, it actually might scare away newcomers and have them descide not to come back, thus not increasing the numbers. But increasing the numbers of sPvP players is important for so many reasons:

a) MMR and matchmaking will improve.
b) Anet will take more notice of this aspect of the game (At the moment I think Anet is ideologically committed to sPvP, i.e. they really want to make it good, but they are constrained by numbers (PvE is just so much bigger as a player base) and the resources they have. They are a business after all. I am just assuming here though.)
c) The meta might develop into something more diverse. The more people play the more people try out new stuff, the more compositions and tactics we might witness.

So as a community, we should make this into a more welcoming and fun environment for everybody. To twist Kennedy: Do not think about what Anet can do for you, but what you can do for sPvP. I would say that with a reputation as a fun and welcoming section of the game it is much easier to attract new players than with a reputation of being (predominantely) a bunch of egotistical wannabe pwoners that have nothing better to do than spill hate onto the other players (Hyperbole to make a point).

Here are some things that might help and everybody can do:
a) Do not cuss out players for mistakes you think they made, rather indicate the mistake and a better course of action. And if you are on the opposing team, nothing hinders you to whisper after game to point out a few mistakes your opponents made against you and what to do to succeed the next time. I do not think that things do have to be sugarcoated but “You are stupid!” “You suck!” etc. does not help at all. "You did something stupid just now, you should have done ‘this’ instead to achieve ‘this’ " is helpful and does not attack the player at the core of his character.
b) Speak up against people who have hate to spill, defend the attacked player. Defending does not mean that you cannot point out the mistakes, but there is never a reason to cuss somebody out and the ragers should feel that their contribution to the map chat is not appreciated by the majority. And without having any evidence I believe that most sPvPers are decent folk, but who unfortunately keep quiet most of the time in map chat. We should not let a minority of ragers dominate the discourse, cause in my experience that is the case (at least in soloQ) and it reflects badly on sPvP in general.
c) Take newcomers under your wings during the game, i.e. help them out wherever and whenever you can through direction, peeling etc.
d) Indicate hotjoin as a way to learn the maps (if nothing else) before coming into tPvP.
e) Discuss and talk about strategies pregame. I do not think there is anything wrong with asking a thief: “Can you take care of the condition spammers on the ledges in midfight when you are around there?”. It is much better than spilling rage during the game on the thief, because he did not have a clue what to do in midfights.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: lynnhood.8270


[NUMBERS on which above post is based: According to my estimations there are currently around 3330 ranked players in soloQ. This is a very low number compared to PvE in Guild Wars 2 and other games with PvP. How do I get to this number: in two guilds I am in which are basically a list of players doing sPvP and quite numerous (AotM and eSPT) the cut of point for the highest percentile ranked player is in the low seventies => 1000 players equal 30% of ranked players => 2330 players = 70% of the players => a total of roughly 3330 ranked players.]

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: derek zoolanderr.8021

derek zoolanderr.8021

People are more mad that the game is unbalanced than they truly are at you. I get mad that my job is to teach first time people how to play instead of the game doing thakittens hard to watch noob after noob make the same mistakes and be stuck on the losing side constantly because of it. Those who rage tend to still know what they are doing and are mad at kids who have yet to be taught the right plays to make. People who know how to play, expect their teammates too as well , and want to fight opponents who also do. Real fun competition is whakittens about. Till they can keep people grouped around their skill levels in this game, we will constantly have kids raging about how bad kids are in the simplest situations , and another side filled with QQ’s of " I didn’t do anything wrong, your being mean to me for no reason" . I feel like you have to suck really bad for them to pm you ahaha, cause their are plenty of kids I want to rage out but I wouldn’t take the time to pm them about how bad they suck lol. If only I could block people from being grouped with me ever again.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: lynnhood.8270


you kind of make my point there. If you are mad at the game, why cuss out the player? In a way that is even more rude than cussing out the player because his play/game angered you.
Secondly, I do not think that people who rage tend to know what they are doing. Some do, some don’t, some do sometimes. And I state again, raging does not help anybody. But starting a conversation will. Not that rage or anger is not a valid human emotion and understandable, but it still has no value whatsoever. And in light of the small player base matchmaking will always suck, no matchmaking system will be able to match a bunch of disparate players in any a good way. I think we need to get the player base numbers up, so that the matchmaking system actually has a good number of players at any time to pair up. The minimum you as a player can do is to help other players or at least suck it in, so that players are willing to come back and learn instead of being put off.

Plus, you make it seem that helping other players out is a huge workload. Typing in a few constructive lines in chat is not work and everybody in team chat can read it and maybe learn that way as well.

Furthermore, some will accept the tip others won’t. That is just human nature. But creating a pleasant environment will go a long way in the long run.